Latest Updates

This page has been initially created to fill up the last spot on the table on my index...I know, that's a pretty funky reason to create a page, but hey, it's my page! Besides, I figure it might be kind of nice to tell when I've updated things(at least for my own records). So anyway...

WARNING: This page is not in chronological order. I could say that I did that intentionally just to make it interesting...but that would be a lie since its just because i screwed up one entry and i'm too lazy to fix happy hunting.

This page was last updated on September 4,1999. I re-formated the index and created a special page for my interests. I also finally updated the Sailor Moon page to show that the show is no longer cancelled(thanks to a reminder email from a guest...thanks!). My adopted dragon(who is so cute) was also made more accessible. Hopefully I'll get around to updating at least once more before I head off to UCSD...we'll see ;)

This page was last updated on June 30,1999. And I thought I'd been bad about updates before. Well I didn't do anything too dramatic. Updated my links, books, and about me. Also put a warning on the barbie page. And finally got around to fixing the Sailor Moon page so all the midis don't play at the same time. I'd say I hope to be more timely in my updates...but that would be another, until next time. ;)

This page was last updated on August 5, 1998. After virtually ignoring my page for way too long I've changed the graphics on the index page and added 66 new quotes to the words of wisdom page.

This page was last updated on April 12, 1998. I added the geoguide to ALL the pages(except the chicken soup ones) in the hopes that I can Finally get rid of that stupid pop-up window once and for all. I also re-made all of my links as most of them were hopelessly out of date and re-wrote some of my bio.

This page was updated on Thursday, January 29, 1998.
I updated and added to the list of books in my fantasy section.

This page was updated on Saturday, December 28, 1997.
I deleted my hopelessly out of date and unusable backdoors to the OLD geocities chat rooms and updated the links at the bottom of all the htmls. I also added the new geoguide to my page to keep that evil new form of torture geocities is calling advertisement from attacking all my visitors(btw, I strongly advise that everyone get this as it isn't java, doesn't take long to load, and makes traveling from page to page unbelievabley easier).