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Archived "Clark's Corner" Articles

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Date:Name of Article:Description:
1-7-99"Our Decline"Paul said there would be "perilous" times in the last days. The perils exist because of the "decline" in the quality of life, and in the Church. As Daniel prophesied, there is an image that started at the head with gold, and declined at the feet into clay... this is a description of the moral conditions as time marches on. Get your "cure" here!
12-31-98"The Christian Influence"There is a "spirit" that is in control of most who say they love Jesus. It is a "Christian" spirit, and it is not of God. You can have your eyes opened, and be set free with the good material on this article. Get free of this "spirit" today!
12-24-98"More on God's Name"What is God's REAL name? Is it Jehovah, JHVW, Yahweh, or some other? And does it matter? Some sobering thoughts on the battle of words that carnal men cling to, to win you to a point of view that is not even of God.
12-17-98"God Wants us to Win!"God wants us to win! But it will take the power of God to break the confusion that is all around us. We need the holy Ghost to make it happen! Find out here what is necessary to make it all the way with God, and be saved in the end.
12-10-98"The Truth is Simple"The truth has always been much "simpler" than men have made it. Knowing when a person is born again is simple. Knowing how to live this life is simple. But religious men have confused the precious children of God. Get your mind cleared up and read this!
12-03-98"Bishops and Deacons"When the Bible speaks of bishops and deacons, it is an altogether different "office" than the Christian version men speak of today. Find out what a REAL bishop and deacon are in this very good teaching.
11-26-98"Jesus and his God"Jesus told his followers that he was ascending to HIS God. If Jesus is God, why did he say he had a God? And if Jesus is God, why did he say the Father was greater? There is a true doctrine about the identity of Jesus, and God. Read about it here.... a great teaching article.
11-19-98"Who's Really on that Throne?"Many teach that there are "three" persons... The Bible teaches that there are TWO thrones. One for Jesus, and one for his Father. Who is REALLY on that third one which unordained men teach belongs to the holy spirit?
11-12-98"The Mercy of God"God is a merciful God. But what IS mercy, and who is it for? How must the Spirit-baptized child of God both receive and mete out mercy God's way? Find out in this well written article.
11-05-98"The End of the Road"This article examines one believers struggle to come out from under the pressure of her Christian pastor's false teachings, into the freedom that is the right of every holy Ghost filled believer. If you are feeling that you "don't belong" in the denomination or Christian group you are in now, this one's for you!
10-29-98"Humility and Pride"The book of Proverbs has many gems in it. This article shows how God requires humility, and resists pride, yet men today still fall into the same pitfalls concerning the faith.
10-22-98"Ye Have Heard it Said"Jesus coined this phrase, commenting how the religious leaders of his day had twisted the meaning of the law, and then corrected them with, "but I say unto you....". This article reveals the same spirits at work in the church today, and what the truth is!
10-15-98"Church Joining?!"If the church cannot be "joined", why are men teaching us that it is alright to do so? Find out why every church men join merely proves that it is a false one, and why we must flee such places.
10-8-98"The Attraction to Tongues"The righteous are attracted to speaking in tongues. And in fact, they will not be left without it! Find out why tongues is something that people who love Jesus will move into in every case!
10-1-98"God Has a Son"Jesus has a father. The Father has a son. And the Son has a God. If these statements are biblically true, then why are men teaching "Jesus only" or "three in one"? The truth lies somewhere in the middle! Find out why in this very good compilation of scriptures and reason.
9-24-98"Victory Over Sin"How does the Spirit of God give us victory over sin? There is a way to live in complete obedience to Jesus - and what is more, Jesus expects it! Good information in this informative article.
9-17-98"The Way of Grace"Most people who claim to be "saved by grace" do not know the grace they are claiming. What is grace? When God sends it, what response does he expect to see? Finally, an article to properly explain grace to the church!
9-10-98"Unknown Tongues"Why does EVERYONE in the church speak in tongues? What is the purpose of tongues? What do the scriptures and the Spirit teach about speaking in tongues? These questions and more are answered here.
9-3-98"Entanglements Kill the Church"What "affairs of this life" did Paul warn Timothy NOT to be entangled in, which most of the church now IS entangled in!? This article exposes ministers whom Jesus has not sent, and what they are wrongly teaching God's children to become "entangled" in.
8-27-98"Who Is Lost?"When we say someone is lost, are we talking about the sinner, or one of God's people? The Bible never talks about "saving the lost" as we have been taught... find out here who the "lost" REALLY are!
8-20-98"Purity and the Church"Must the Church be sinless? Why does Jesus demand perfection of his followers, and why is Jesus asking his people to separate from those who have not heard that call?
8-13-98"Men Without the Word of God"Has your minister need "sent" by Jesus to teach what he is teaching? Find out what the word of God does in a man, and how he is commissioned by God to bring it to the Church.
8-6-98"Don't Get Involved"If you love Jesus, don't follow the foolish Christian ministers who persuade you to become politically involved. Righteousness cannot be legislated, and this article will explain to you why NO holy Ghost baptized person should get involved in this world's politics.
7-30-98"Time Doesn't Change Righteousness"The holiness God demands of his people has not changed despite what you have been told! Find out what God requires morally of every person who names the name of Christ Jesus. Compare it to the Law in the Old Testament and you will see that "nothing has changed!"
7-23-98"You Need It!"Every person who is a follower of Jesus Christ NEEDS to be baptized! Now the issue is, which baptism do they need!! Answers your confusion on this issue! The Serpent did NOT tell Eve to eat of the fruit of the garden... instead, he slandered God. Find out how this "slander" runs rampant in the world today - and how men slander the Lord they claim to love!
7-16-98"Meet the Slanderer!"The Serpent did NOT tell Eve to eat of the fruit of the garden... instead, he slandered God. Find out how this "slander" runs rampant in the world today - and how men slander the Lord they claim to love!
7-9-98"What We Reap, We Will Sow"Every deed men have wrought in this life, will have an effect on their eternal destiny. If we "sew" the carnal, we will reap the same. But if we sow righteousness, so that God alone receives the glory, we will be blessed.
7-2-98"For the Sake of the Gospel"God has brought up nations and people to get his "gospel" to those which are his "from the foundation of the world". This tracts cleverly lays out a panorama of world history and how God used it to accomplish his purposes.
6-25-98"The Way of the Righteous"The "way of the righteous" is a solitary place. Do you have the courage to obey the Spirit even in you will be left completely "alone"? Very few can live this way, and because of it, God sends "leanness to our souls".
6-18-98"Hebrews 10:25"When God said not to "forsake the assembling of ourselves together", who was he telling us to get together WITH?! Many of God's children are taught to disobey God just to be able to say they "go somewhere" to services. This is NOT obeying the commandment to "not forsake the assembly"... and God wants to liberate his children from thinking it is!
6-11-98"The Promise and the New Earth"There will be a NEW earth someday. Who will live there and how is this event described in Biblical history? Read this exhaustive tract on the "new earth" - it is sure to help you have a better understanding on this issue.
6-4-98"Conversion Confusion"What kind of confusion develops when people are told they are born again PRIOR to the baptism of the holy Ghost (with the evidence of speaking in tongues)? When we do not know when a person is born again, we also do not know who our family is... and that can be the most confusing issue of all!
5-28-98"Lessons From Assyria"What can we learn from this Bible nation which God used to judge Israel? Outstanding research on the scriptures dealing with this nation and their import to us today.
5-21-98"The Church Will Die Without the Law"God's people are being persuaded that the Law delivered to us by Moses is not for today. Nothing could be farther from the truth... the law has been written in our hearts by the Spirit, and now we can obey it from the "inside"!
5-7-98"It's Not Black or White - It's Jesus"Many of God's children being encouraged to become embroiled in racial issues, politics, and the like. Don't be deceived - God is not a Republican or a Democrat! He is Lord, and He is looking for those who have received the Spirit to put aside all "racial" differences and be one in Christ Jesus.
4-30-98"The Washing Away of Sins"When are sins REALLY washed away? Many false teachers will try to persuade sincere seekers that their sins can be forgiven WITHOUT receiving the baptism of the Spirit - but those who want and love this truth know better. God gives the holy Ghost to ALL who obey Him! (Acts 5:32)
4-23-98"The Flood and the Church"Is God a God of love ONLY as is being taught today? Will God judge sin? Will he destroy people? Will he tolerate disobedience? Lessons from the Flood teach us a perspective about God that very few want to admit, yet which few can ignore after closely studying the Flood during Noah's time.
4-16-98"The Oppression of TV Ministries"Many criticize TV ministers such as Jim and Tammy Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, etc. but few understand that the church is as much responsible for their failures as they were. Nothing has changed... the church is still supporting and endorsing men who have not been led by the Spirit of God - and it "oppresses God's people"!
4-9-98"Solomon's Wisdom"Solomon learned from everything in nature, and from every one of life's experiences. Why is today's child of God too proud to learn, and too busy to gain insight? This article will instruct you to understand how the Spirit of God can make you "wise"!
4-2-98"The Power of Fellowship"Why is fellowship so important, and why is the real thing never found in Christianity today? How can the Spirit-baptized child of God find TRUE fellowship? These questions and more answered here!
3-26-98"Church DIS- Membership"Have you been asked to "join" your local church? Put your name on their denominational membership roster? Find out why THESE kinds of churches are the ones God is asking the Spirit-filled believer to DIS-membership themselves from!
3-19-98"My People Love to Have it So!"Yes, we complain about the spiritual condition of the place we attend, but could it be possible we "love to have it that way"? Read this article to find out if you really love the ways of "death", or if you really want to obey the Spirit of God.
3-12-98"The Tyranny of Christianity"Why does "Christianity" put to death every revival God ever sends? Why is Jesus calling EVERY child of his out of "Christianity" now? Find out in this riveting and challenging message!
3-5-98"Ceremonial Ignorance"God's people still practice "ceremonial rituals" which were done away in Christ Jesus! Why are "water baptism", "communions" and such other carnal rituals so popular among the Spirit baptized children of God, when our worship is to be in Spirit and in truth?
2-26-98"The Suffering of the Saints"Suffering is still how God teaches his children. Find out in this article, how God's people are taught to avoid suffering, and thus avoid growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ.
2-19-98"The Death of a True Pastor"Very few people have ever had a "real" pastor such as this man was to John Clark. Read about the heart of a "true" pastor, and why you cannot find one today.
2-12-98"Are You Born Again?"Things are so bad in the church, most do not even know when a person is born again! When were the disciples "born again"? When were you "born again"? Read how to know when a person is born again - God's method has not changed!
1-29-98"The Call"God calls many, and many hear the call. But very few ministers have been "sent" by God, and that is why the church is dying. Find out how to know who has or has not been sent by Jesus in this article.
1-22-98"Being Taken"Why do God's people support Christian ministers who are liars, immoral, or worse? Find out why when you give your money to any Christian minister, you are supporting the enemies of your souls.
1-15-98"On The Blood"Most claim to have "the blood of Jesus", but most don't even know how that blood is applied to believers today! Find out why in this article.
1-8-98What is "Non- Christian"A prayerful, rational, and reasonable explanation as to why those who love Jesus and the power of the holy Ghost must be called "Non- Christian".
1-1-98No RestGod's people are being "worn out" by Satan's ministers. If you find yourself having "no rest" because of all the religious activity heaped upon you by ministers . . . find relief for your soul right here!
12-18-97The Fourth Kingdom, Part OneThe book of Daniel describes the four kingdoms on this earth for all time. Did you know that the fourth kingdom still exists? But it has transformed itself, and has a new "Christian" name. Find out about it here!
12-11-97Conversion and God's KingdomEntrance into God's kingdom requires conversion. What is REAL conversion, and what is the KINGDOM OF GOD today?
12-04-97Satan's Most Clever DeceptionSatan's most clever deception is the thing that God's people would least expect to hurt them! Find out what it is that is deceiving most in the church today.
11-20-97Joined To DarknessGod's people have joined themselves to "darkness"... a spiritual entity that the Lord will one day pronounce judgment on. What is this "dark thing" that God is calling His people out of?
11-13-97What Happened to Cornelius?Few people realize the spiritual significance of what happened to Cornelius: the first Gentile to ever receive the Spirit of God. Find out why this experience was so unique, and so important for the church today.
11-6-97Being One With The FatherDoes being one with the Father mean we are one person with him? Of course not. Then why does Jesus statement that he is one with the Father cause some to think that Jesus and the Father are one and the same, or two persons with one identity? Good teaching in this excellent doctrinal study.
10-30-97Envy! The spiritual doctrines being taught in Christianity actually foster "envy" among God's people. Find out in this article the difference between envy and jealousy, and when jealousy, unlike envy, is needed to walk in true faith.
10-23-97The Only Liberty On EarthMany people talk about being "free", and about "liberty", while being trapped in bondage to religious doctrines and traditions. Find out how the holy Ghost can truly set you FREE!
10-16-97Are You Rejecting God's Law?The Law of Moses must be understood before any of the teachings of Jesus can be rightly understood! God's people are being taught that the Law is unimportant, contrary to the will of God.
10-9-97Romans 10:9- 10Why do false ministers use Romans 10:9-10 as a method for salvation, when Paul was speaking to "believers"? Find out what is so wrong with teaching unbelievers to "confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in their hearts" as a method for conversion here.
10-2-97God Has Not Sent Christian MinistersIf you go to a Christian church on Sundays you are not hearing the truth. Find out the difference between being "called" and being "sent" and find out why God has not sent any Christian minister to do what they are doing.
9-25-97Not All in the Church Will Be Saved!"Getting saved" is an unrighteous thing. Jesus and the apostles all taught that judgment is a future thing, and that salvation is something that Jesus will bring with him. The truth is, that not all church members will be saved!
9-18-97Tongues & the New CovenantMany teach that tongues is an "extra" gift and not part of the New Birth experience. Find out why tongues is the initial evidence of receiving the Spirit, and why nobody can claim to be born again without it.
9-11-97If Paul Were Here Today...If Paul were here today he would expose Christianity as a powerless fraud, containing the same spiritual error as those who had gone astray in his day.
9-4-97Confessing Our Religious SinsWhen God's own people are able to confess their "religious sins", then God will heal. This article explains the transgressions of the church, and how we can get healed by confessing them.
8-28-97Being Sealed by GodThe Bible says that "after we believe, we are SEALED with the holy Spirit of promise". Find out what is wrong with believing the one receives the Spirit the moment they START believing! The SEAL is an experience which comes AFTER one believes!
8-21-97Our Home Will Not Be HeavenWhy have believers been convinced that they will spend eternity in "heaven", when Jesus and the apostles taught something completely contrary? Find out here!
8-14-97Hearers, or DoersJames talks about two kinds of people in the Church: Hearers and doers. What kind of spirit do the "doers" have? Find out in the challenging message
8-7-97Once Saved, Maybe SavedWhy did Jesus say "those that endure to the end shall be saved" if we are saved already? Get rid of the filthy "getting saved" spirit that has a hold on most of God's people.
7-31-97Man's Futile SabbathsGod's people needlessly argue about which day is really the Sabbath. Find out what the REAL meaning of the Sabbath is, and how to keep it!
7-24-97The Kingdom of GodWhat is the "Kingdom of God"? If you cannot clearly answer this, you need to read this vital message.
7-17-97The Seed of GodGod's people are the "planting of the Lord" - and every one of them starts with a "seed". What is the "seed" of God? Find out in this excellent article.
7-10-97Receiving God's MessengerHow one receives the holy Ghost is indicative of how one really feels about Jesus. Don't be deceived by appearances - the holy Ghost reveals the heart!
7-3-97Minding Earthly ThingsGod's people are persuaded to contend for things which the Spirit is not leading them into. Get free of an "earthly minded" spirit through this good teaching article.
6-26-97Stop Lying to My People!What doctrines do Christianity's ministers teach which deceive and confuse the Church? This article demands that the truth be preached - a real challenge!
6-19-97Being ReasonableThe holy Ghost makes God's children reasonable. Men's doctrines make us "unreasonable". Which spirit are you influenced by? The answers are here!
6-12-97The Oppression of God's PeopleGod's people are being oppressed by those who financially use and abuse them. Find out how to get free of this filthy spirit.
6-5-97When Did Brother Earl Receive the Spirit?Brother Earl had been told he had the Spirit of God before receiving the baptism of the holy Ghost. Why is he (and so many others)so confused?
5-29-97The Lusts of the DevilThe lusts of the devil are NOT the lusts of the flesh. The lusts of the devil are only performed by the "religious" among us.
5-21-97"Confessing" FaithThe Scriptures teach that the Spirit "confesses" Christ when it comes into our body. This "confessing" faith is evident in all who believe.
5-15-97Judge Not!It is just as wrong to "judge" someone right with God before the Spirit has declared them to be so. Find out about real judgment from God.
5-8-97The Gates of HellSober warning to the Church regarding "false religion" and it's consequences. We must all forsake our "religious sins" - find out what they are!
4-30-97The Law!Why do so many believers ignore the Law of Moses which Jesus loved and obeyed completely? Find out what the Law was for, and will do for those who obey it.
4-23-97You Will Not Find Truth AnywhereIt takes faith to believe the spiritual condition of the church - as in Jeremiah's day you will not find the "gospel truth" preached anywhere!
4-17-97That Certain 'Something'Most believers are giving their lives to a "something" in vain - but Jesus has "something", that will truly satisfy your soul - Here it is!
4-10-97Jesus's Ways vs. Christianity's WaysThe carnal ways of Christianity are diametrically opposed to the true gospel of Jesus Christ (worship in spirit and truth). Find out why.
4-3-97Who is Truly Converted?Men falsely proclaim a "conversion" that has never occurred in the hearts of most. What is conversion, and how can we know we have been "converted"?
3-27-97Why Jesus Will Not Return...YET!Contrary to the false teaching of most Christian ministers, Jesus' return is years away...find out why it is important to know that!
3-20-97Jesus Was Not Sacrificed on the Cross!This article shows how not knowing where the "sacrifice of Jesus" occurred, results in wrong ideas about God!
3-13-97Yahweh...false god of ChristiansWhere did the word "Yahweh" really come from, and who persuaded God's people to use it? A real surprise!!
3-6-97Our Vain Religious CeremoniesArticle shows that ANY religious ceremony that is "in the flesh" is considered idolatry by God, who now only receives worship "in Spirit and in truth"
2-28-97Pentecostal ConfusionThis article reveals the confusion that results when God's people do not know that the Baptism of the holy Ghost (evidenced by speaking in tongues) is the New Birth.
2-22-97Church Membership?Article discusses the false notion that a person can "join" a church, rather than knowing, and living by the truth that one must be baptized into the church by the holy Ghost!
2-15-97The Church's Sin of PrideArticle discusses the Church's failure to judge itself and cleanse the body of the false doctrines found in Christianity.

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