Angels Cry ©
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Angels Cry ©

Suddenly there's a flash of light

And the heavens roar with all their might

The whip is cracked throughout the sky

And the raindrops fall as the angels cry.

The trees are heavy with the tears

That seem to be out of fears,

Or is it joy, or is it sadness,

Yet, could it be a fury of madness?

Unknown are all the fervent whys

That brought the tears from their eyes.

What is known when they have ceased

Is that the earth is again at peace.

Angels Cry © 1979

---- Written By: Angelblueyes

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Angels Cry © 1979 - Older poem found its new page :)
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~* Angel *~

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You heard raining and thundering *Smiles*
I hope it didn't startle you.
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