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Your Holiday Tour of Love, Hugs & Gifts
Simply click near bottom of each page
to take the tour to next page of fun

Xmas Hugs
Xmas List

Ready for the little holiday tour here? Sorry I am late ... But, he made this list & was checking it twice for me. "Yeah...excuses, excuses!" That is what I said, but then he told me and guess what? Well.....He said...

You were on the list!!!

Yessssssss!! Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are on our way to my house & along the way you will see Santa's little Elf. She has a few little gifts for you along the way, too. So, just click on your present to receive it or otherwise follow the directions she has.

Happy Holidays, my friend

Now that the beat has picked up a little bit & it's my most favorite time of year.....

Let's Gooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

P.S. Be sure to share this tour with your dearest family & friends!

Now, hop in & stay in that sock &
Click to go to the next stop!!!
Socked Bunny

Since Dec. 25th, 1998

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Innocent Angel

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