When the eagle flies with the dove and angel speaks of love © 1998
Love Dove

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StarWhen The Eagle Flies With The Dove and Angel Speaks of Love © 1998Star

Upon the gentle crest of waves
While the eagle flies with the dove
An angel shall appear to you
Whispering of the Power of Love

Love can move the majestic mountains
And part the waters of the deep blue sea
It fires the coals for each sacrifice
As the heart and soul bleed free.

"I shall write My Law
Upon the heart of every woman and man,"
'Tis what He said to an errant child
While gazing upon the Promised Land.

Hither and yon with furtive glances,
Some seek justice for other worldly reasons.
Yet, deep within the echoing heart
You'll hear the just cause of seasons.

Many search for purpose without discovery
To fill the void of their empty shell.
While life's soulful tear trails the cheek,
Look to the Law of Love ... He did tell.

God is Love as most will agree.
So, where is the reality in the enigma of Love?
It will not be found over here and there,
For the Law is deep within ... not even above.

Oft times a Higher purpose is found to be
And in the throws of loss we can tend to blame.
Silently, the greater wisdom of Love does prevail
As it dismisses the remnants of the guilt & shame.

Look where Love reigns within the heart
Quietly awaiting to break free.
When I openly & freely give Love to others
I am loving You & Me ... Those with eyes can see.

Were I to place a little silent condition
To imply "I'll continue loving you, but only if..."
Then, Love becomes what it cannot be...
Only a trade & not the truest gift.

If I keep Love ever close to my chest
I will never have enough for me
And no other would ever know the joy & beauty
Of my Love flying pure & free.

Written By:


© 1998 Please do not copy this poem
or place it on any web page on the internet
without my expressed & written permission
All Copyrights Reserved
Love Dove

It's sad to realize that some will enter our lives and then go their way. Yet, it is a natural occurrence in life. Everything has its own time & season ... along with the reason it is to be, of which is often different than our own human reasonings & imaginations. Maybe we were meant to just touch each other's lives briefly for some Higher purpose that comes to light at another point in time, perhaps later on when we sit & "remember when."

Life can be a bit of a roller coaster ride
Yet, in its living, there is dark void
when there is not Love in it &
a solace to be had in
knowing one is
not alone.

There are a couple of pages at this site I pray, without never being ashamed to actually beg everyone to share with others, because it means the saving of lives ... maybe your's, your child's, maybe mine or someone else we know & love. If you listen to the wind whenever you share Innocent Angel you will hear soft little angel whisperings within your heart saying a very special

"Thank you"

Flying from my heart to your's.

There are many special pages at this site & some will whisper to your heart & bless your soul as you float through the clouds with the angels. Please do enjoy the journey & feel free to share them with anyone you care about.

They are all for you.
May They Bless You & Others
& Keep You In Love!

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Glimpse at what others angels say

Many thanks
to you SireJ for letting
my little angel buddy join the
ranks of the Little Angels Tour Guides
Now I need a Cyber Fridge to store his carrots!

Please meet Angel Wally, this site's Honorary Angel!!
Angel Wally arrived 9/14/98 to be your guide
No, No, No - can't have this special Angel
He wants to float the clouds with you
He really doesn't like the stuffy
'puter disks & must fly free!
All Rights Reserved
Thank You!

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A carrot keeps him from
getting a bit too wayward :)
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One would be surprised
what can be received by asking.
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The Eagle Flies With The Dove & Angel Speaks Of Love

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