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Liberty Star Angelblueyes Liberty Star
Sent Goodies
Only The Best
For The Best People
A-Z Links & Free Stuff
Music * Backgrounds * Graphics
Simple Web Page How To's & Tools
Virtually Anything Needed To Breathe Life
into the Web Pages with a Just Flutter of Your
Own "Som-A-magination" & A Breeze of Desire
Many Helpful Things for Beginners to Computer Gurus
Trouble Shooting Tips * Best of Free Software * Utilities
Games * Free Services * Great Places to Surf * Fun things

It's only just begun with tons more of the greatest sites on the Net coming soon!
My goal is to share with you a wealth of resources to a wide variety of things!
Do have fun spreading your wings & flying where angels dared to fly!
Do you notice pornography at any of these sites or a dead link?
It's not my intent, nor desire to promote pornography on
the internet. Many people of all ages from children to
mature adults visit my site. We all "grow up" far
too soon in life, but this choice should be an
adult's decision. It's my preference for
this site to be reasonably suitable
for all to view. If you do see it,
Please send message below!
Thank You very much

* Angelblueyes *

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Free Web Space For Home Pages!!!
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Since You Have Angels
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Best HTML Sources
Beginners to Advanced
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NCSA - A Simple Beginner's Guide

NCSA--What to look out for & NOT to do

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HTML Quick Reference

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The Table Sampler
Makes Tables seem easy!

Web Tricks

Java Goodies
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Both free & do things the other doesn't.

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Net Mechanic

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Free Graphics
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IX Mall

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Windy's Designs



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Kinky Textures



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Being Seen


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Jelane's Graphics

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Studio Graphics

Rose's Gifs

Page Works


Gif Animation

Micro Movie



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Free Web Page Services
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GuestWorld Guest Book

For your web page visitors to monitor your site for updates.

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Internet Count

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Free Midis & Other PC Music
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International Lyrics Server - Find the words!!!

Enchante's Midi Carousel of Sounds & Midi-Go-Around
A "Carousel Ride" you'll not soon forget!

The Pin Wiz
Like Classical? See "The Composer's Page!

ANNIE'S - Tons of "Golden Oldies" Music

Laura's MIDI Heaven!!!
Can't find that song? Try Here!

Juke Joint

Angela's Midi

Free midis

Mike's Midi

Bennie's Midi"

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Free FTP Software & Search Sites - Utilities
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Win95 file split program - also rejoins again

FTP Search
Search through thousands of FTP sites for a filename or word


Dr.Solomon's Anti-Virus
Evaluation - One of the Best!

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Software Center - A Must Go!

FreeWare Web - Archives

Completely Free Software
WebAuthor's freebies & freeware list

Paul's Home

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Heavenly Computering Links
Net Services & Software Programs
(most Free, some trial versions)

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When you want to monitor a certain web page for changes.

Downloads For The Mac!

Survival Guides for the MAC


Microsoft Internet Explorer

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The best Internet Telephone program Microsoft Netmeeting V2.1!
Plus Get Drivers, Patches, Web Publishing Tools
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Dave's Central - One of best!

How To Give Windows 95 a Makeover
& you thought make-up was girl thing :)

Crescendo Midi Plugin
Insure you hear music at web sites.

Beatnik - Free Browser Plug-in
for Beautiful Interactive Music
Transforms the music you hear on the net!


Nullsoft: WinAmp MP3 Player - Simply the BEST
Music like CDs or wav sounds,
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Paint Shop Pro (with Animation Shop)

ICQ Chat Program
Don't have this free program yet?
Tch Tch Tch

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New To Computing & The Net?
These will help to you ALOT!
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SURF SCHOOL - Learn how to "Surf"?!
Computing Basics & A Fantastic site!!!

SURF SCHOOL - Absolute Basics For Beginners

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Troubleshooting & Techie Stuff
Knowledge Is A Terrible Thing Not To Have!
Gaining the Controls!

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Illustrated Guide To Breaking Your Computer

The Truth Sets You Free - Viruses & Hackers

Glossary of Windows95 Terms

Getting Win95 Technical Support & Drivers

The Illithid Programming Page
A Gold Mine of Hardware & software links
to get drivers & patches & many more

32Bit.COM - Windows 95 - Discussion Forum:
Tips and Tricks! Security Bugs and Fixes
One of the best sites on the net!

Don't Stumble Into the IE 4 Death Trap!
Read This Story Now!

Netscape Technical Support
They even have Win95 Solutions

General Troubleshooting Techniques of Win95

Unsupported Devices Under Windows95

Updated Windows Dll Files

Windows95 CAB Files
Listing of Win95 Files

Troubleshooting Windows95
System Errors, GPFs, & Page Faults

Netscape Technical Support

Windows 95 hacks
7 Commandments of Registry Editing

Getting to Know the Registry in Win95

How To - More Internet speed tweaks:
14 tune-up tricks

Win95 Update Center

Windows 95 Service Packs
for Win95a going to Win95b & from Win95b to Win95c
plus lots of "toys" - not just for boys :)


WinMag Archive

Your flight with the Angels has only just begun.
Dreams find Reality In These Clouds & The Adventure Opens a New World
Return To See The Vistas As We Dance Among The Rainbows

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FreeWeb Automatic Update Notification
YOU control how often you want to be notified of the changes.
This service NEVER spamS your e-mail ever or I'd not have it.
You can monitor any of other favorite internet web page, too.
You control it, it's FREE & you'll never miss out on a thing!!!!
I do have it setup now to notify no more than once per a week.
Sign up for both pages listed below - only ones subject to change.
I do not want constant updates to annoy you. Blessed be you & your's...*Angel*
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when this web page is updated.

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