
Friends Without Faces

We sit and we type, and we stare at our screens.

We all have to wonder what this possibly means.

With our mouse we roam through the rooms in a maze

Looking for something or someone as we sit in a daze.

We chat with each other. We type all our woes.

Small groups we do form and gang up on our foes.

We wait for somebody to type out our name.

We want recognition, but it is always the same.

We give kisses and hugs,and sometimes flirt

In PMs we chat deeply and reveal why we hurt.

We do form friendships - but - why we don't know,

But some of these friendships will flourish and grow.

Why is it on screen we can be so bold?

Telling our secrets that have never been told.

Why is it we share the thoughts in our mind

With those we can't see as though we were blind?

The answer is simple. It is as clear as a bell.

We all have our problems and need someone to tell.

We can't tell real people, but tell someone we must.

So we turn to the 'puter and to those we can trust.

Even though it is crazy, the truth still remains

They are friends without faces and odd little names.

*Author Unknown*

Happy Online Friendship Week Should Be Every Day!

Friends are the Light of the World

Remember The Song Playing?

*Wind Beneath My Wings*

Some of you shall remember

When this site made its debut

Back in late August of 1997..Oh time flies &

It's grown alot since then. But then...

So have we, haven't we .. *smile*

I dedicated it to online friends, because...

You're Most Special People To Me!

I hope that you shall think of me as

I will remember you whenever this song plays,

Even if we wind up taking separate paths

As it sometimes happens in life.

Without you I could not have done

The many things you've helped me to do.

We have laughed, played,...and ohh,

hmmm, we even argued a bit :)

Yet, we learned more about our limitations

And what forgiveness is all about at those times.

So glad we didn't give up on each other...

Because I learned more about you, me & life.

We've supported in the darkest hours

& shared of our innermost selves...

You've been my sunshine though, not my shadow,

Because you will always be to me

That breath of life next to my heart.

It's simple, you see...You've Become My Friend

I Love You.....Angel

A few Angel Whisperings about -

You're a VERY SPECIAL GUEST # Special Guests to float on this cloud over Geocities.

Best way to view this site
is to click Angelina's wings
when you are ready to drift on
to the next cloud. Her tour will
bring you back to this web page.

Whom Do You Love

Next stop:

Is the poignant story of
Whom Do You Love?


Fly Back To
& start a fresh new tour.
Please just get comfortable
& just enjoy.

Incredible Graphical Online Story By: Shadowvale
You can view this unique site right from here
Please do! I HIGHLY Recommend this beautiful site!!!

Please sign The Guest Book? Thanks!{{{HUGS}}}

Glimpse At The Wonderful Things Others Have Said

Fly Back Home To
Innocent Angel
A compelling poem that touches the heart!!!


This web page was posted Jan. 9th, 1998
& was designed for my online friends.
You know who you are also :)

Click for Follow-Around Music

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