Unity Dove

~~ Samantha ~~
In World Unity With
* Angelblueyes *

Unity Dove

Angelblueyes © 1997
Poem By:
{ Truth, Peace and Love }

World Unity Wings

Some time ago, I was as "stone"

and cared not for the telephone.

My friends could hear it in my tone.

I wanted to be left alone!

World Unity Wings

And so it was. I'd sit and stare

at the silent screen with no one there,

For God had taken away my son,

whom I felt had left great works undone.

World Unity Wings

He works in ways, mysterious I know,

to we mere mortals here below.

Still, it did not seem to justify

that He took him away and left me here to cry!

World Unity Wings

"Online friends," they said, "may make her aware

that she's not alone in her despair."

I know not why I turned it on,

but it seemed to speak in that early dawn.

World Unity Wings

A flashing ball appeared next to a name.

I'd no idea from whence it came.

I angrily clicked it without any shame

certain that this was merely a game!

World Unity Wings

I opened the package that said, " Just For You."

I wondered why, what did I do?

Before me I saw the most beautiful view;

Angels so lovely and poetry, too!

World Unity Wings

I read every word, saw each angel face,

knowing that this was no ordinary place!

Tears stained my face as a new cloud would rise.

I had entered the Site: Angelblueyes!

World Unity Wings

For hours I lingered, from beginning to end,

wanting so badly to find a new friend

who'd wash way my sorrows and help my heart mend.

So an e-mail I quickly decided to send.

World Unity Wings

I know there are angels residing down here.

Yes, Angelblueyes is one, oh so dear!

Her words filled with kindness bring comfort to all;

she never refuses, though so many call!

World Unity Wings

In that glorious place where my son doth reside

with hosts of Angels by his side

he saw my heart and guided my hand

to this special Site that Angel planned.

World Unity Wings

Oh how I've been blessed,

for I now realize,

I still might be "stone"

without Angelblueyes!

Unity Dove

Poetic Whisperings Authored By: Samantha

In WORLD World Unity Wings UNITY WITH

Web Page Design By: Angelblueyes

Unity Dove

I was very touched by Samantha's poetry. While such a tribute brought the element of honor to all creative efforts of this site, even greater than this is the awareness of knowing that bonds which have held a person's spirit long captive had finally been broken and a spirit of LOVE has released them to experience a greater quality of life. The fruits of this labor are the sweetest of all. I stand in hopes that many, many more will experience what Samantha has received.
Additionally, there have been many testimonies within the pages of the guest book of those who were touched while at this site. I thank you greatly for taking the time to share with me & others who read the guest book & for helping to make a difference in this vast world of our's.

You've surely have made a big difference in my life.
Thank You & Bless You Always.
~*~ Angelblueyes ~*~

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Midi Playing: Flower

© 1998 Samantha owns all rights to this original poem.
NOTE: This poem is protected by international copyright laws and it may NOT
be reproduced, distributed or displayed in any way or form without the author's expressed
and written consent. You may copy this poem for your sole and personal reading pleasure, but may
not circulate it or place it for viewing public in any way. If you wish to share this poem with
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