The Elazar Family

Salonika Branch - A Brief History

The Elazar family was involved in every facet of Jewish life in Zaragoza Spain from the first known records (in 1096 C.E.) until the Expulsion (1492). My branch of the family left Spain in 1492. At least one branch formally converted and became secret Jews, moving later to Portugal. In 1755 Isaac Elizar and his family moved to Newport,RI, where they returned to the open practice of Judaism and helped build the Jewish community there. During the Revolutionary War they moved to Charlston S.C. where the family passed out of existence (the children didn't marry). Meanwhile the main branch of the Elazar family moved to Italy (Naples/Otranto) briefly as in 1510 the Jews were again expelled. From there they went to Salonika and in 1534 the Elazar family was recorded as having established the Otranto Synagogue. For nearly 4 centuries the Elazars were associated with Salonika, although in fact Elazars settled throughout Macedonia. When Macedonia was divided among Bulgaria, Serbia, Turkey and Greece, Elazars were to be found in each of the new countries. In 1876 my great grandfather brought his family to Israel from Salonika. My grandfather was 3 years old. We celebrated the 100 year aniversary in 1976 with Israel's president at the time, Yitzhak Navon, as the Navon's and Elazar's were neighbors in Zaragoza and later in Jerusalem.

Salonika Branch - Elazar FamilyTree
(last updated Feb 2, 2004 by David Elazar)

Photographic page in memory of my parents, Albert & Nettie Elazar

Albert Elazar: A Personal Memoir of My Father   (First 2 chapters of a 17 chapter publication)
by Daniel J. Elazar (Jerusalem, Israel 1994)

Jewish Education and Jewish Statesmenship - Albert Elazar Memorial Book
edited by Daniel J. Elazar (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, 1996)
   1. Introduction p.1-13     2. My Father as an Educator; a summing up p.131-149

Photographic page in memory of my brother, Daniel J. Elazar 1934-1999

Dani Elazar, Executive Director, Yahad Modi'in, A Lesson in Pluralism by Robert Sklar Detroit Jewish News January 11, 2008

Franklin Archives (Temple Beth El, Bloomfield Hills, MI) Elazar Family Collection

A FORMER, NOW DISCONTINUED, DISCUSSION GROUP, assisted cousins from the Yugoslavian branch discover each other. We have also received information on other branches and historical information, such as, Elazars in Majorca during the 13th and 14th centuries.

Other ELAZAR HOMEPAGES on the web:

Yugoslavian Branch Prepared by Sandra Elazar (Catania, Italy)

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