The Devil Beats,
the foundation of Rock and Roll in Bangalore.
Chapter 3
Growing up with one of Bangalore's most versatile musician, through the memories of the one and only Gussy Rikh!
Prelude: The Devil Beats started out as a small Rock and Roll group as all groups started off with the turn of the Beatles, Rolling Stones, dave Clarke 5, and one can go on and on. The original group was a foursome, Ronnie Rikh, Chippy Briggs, Alan Finzel and Romaine Hayes. Their first show at Baldwin Boys School (as most of them were from that school) was in the school's Boxing Ring!! Yes, they did have boxing in the good old days before Bruce Lee! I think Alan it was who tried his hand on the school drums, but was not successful. Ginger, a schoolmate and son of an illustrious master of the school, ventured to give it a try, and by jolly, he got the beat! And so Ginger was added to the group. I shall update the story after I put together the mails that I received so that there is some continuation. What we are doing is bring out the memories of memories, as Ronnie Rikh, Chippy Brigs and Ginger Peck are no more and Gussy was not there from the begining, and Romaine left too early to Paris and hitch-hiking! Romaine gives us a pointer that Peter King who stayed on Convent Road was the source of many an album that the Devil Beats borrowed to learn songs, he too was part of their success.
Ronnie and all you guys!!!Yes!! It's me!! And - you're right!!! I ' stumbled on this site the same one you mailed me!!! Isn't this great!! One hell of a coincidence!! Well, Aunjali and I are fine here in this horribly polluted city of Delhi!! We're settled here now. I do not foresee us in Bangalore for some time - unless- ofcourse, we do come down for a short'holiday'. My life has been strangely interesting for me in the sense that- musically, I've been trying to learn so much more and - have fortunately been able to - in some ways - cope with the current trends by playing with really young musicians over here and staying with the rock band Euphoria (what an experience!!!) from 1995- 1998!!. You guys may know - I've finally stopped playing in hotels!! That went on from 1975 to 1993!! Bloody long!! Before '75, I was in the rock band Skye (with Xerxes- bass, Steven Sequeira- drums and Joe Alvares - vocals- playing in various 'digs'!!!) Later, I joined Braz Gonsalvez. He's still an incredible sax player. Thereafter, Ebony was formed with almost the same lineup as Skye (I could give you more details - if you all really want it!!) but with a lady singer called Kitu. Here, we went into jazz, funk and our own material. This went on till 1984 after which Lyra was formed - with Loy Mendonsa and Carl Peters - and this too was great fun!! Anyway, by 1992-93 I got very interested in MIDI music and currently have a small setup at home where I do my work. I work with Jawahar Wattal and also do independent work. I've been using a Mac computer running Performer software but unfortunately have to shift to a PC (IBM) platform. Earlier, I worked with another person KJ Singh and we recorded a lot of our 'jingles and other stuff in Mumbai. However, KJ re-located to Mumbai and I joined Jawahar (whilst still in Euphoria). I also played in a jazz band called The Capital Swingers- doing standards and very few originals. I left the band a few months ago. I'm also attached to The Delhi Music Theater. This organisation puts up musicals once/twice a year. I still teach the guitar- music and theory. Hell this sounds like a resume!!! SORRY for the way I've ambled along. Just felt like telling you guys--- I'M AROUND!!! Please do mail me - ask anything you'd like. There is an error in the site-- where it says I was/am in the music Dept. of JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University). I never was!! However, I forgot to mention that I taught classical guitar at the Delhi School Of Music from 1984-89. WOW!! I think you've had enough of me!!
Our plans of coming to Bangalore for the millennium may not happen as I will get an assignment then. Ronnie- thanks--- for teasing me about my Manuel Industries guitar!! You know-- that really was some gtr!! Since then-- I've had -- yes-- two Fender Strats and a lovely Les Paul. Currently - I'm using a MIDI guitar. Did you guys know Chetan Divgi (Chaitan - as he now spells it)? Well- if so -- here's his e-mail address -- Chaitanya Chetan is in the US- is a doctor. Was in St. Johns during the Void days. He did mention getting Fiaz' e-mail but hasn't. Do you all have it?? Fiaz was here in Delhi in 1996. It was lovely seeing him. Ronnie - I confess I was in Bangalore last year in June. I really did want to meet you but..... some how that didn't happen. Did meet Konarak though!! Ronnie, unfortunately we have absolutely no pictures of the past -- except my wedding ones!!! Somehow - I never got any or... well I don't know. However, I do have pix with Euphoria etc !! If you want those I can have them scanned and sent as an attachment. Let me know. Well, I really think I've overdone it!! Sorry for this long, boring mail!! Will try my best to keep it more interesting. Miss you guys! Gussy Well, as I wrote in my last mail, a lot has been going on in our lives. I say 'our' lives because, Aunjali shares all my experiences - comes to all the concerts I play at or attend and is with me all the time to take care of things I forget!! Ronnie, a few details of the '60s: Remember there was also a band called The HydroCarbons?? Also-- please don't forget my little group-- The Hideaways --- Fiaz, Henry Moses and Bala (Nair)!! There was also other interesting instrumental/vocal groups - one being The Mojos. Also one more-- I think they were called The Shades and did Shadows material. Later- towards the late '60s there was an amusing band called The Vultures!!! I say amusing because - the 'lead guitar player was a 6 foot something and the rhythm player was a 4 foot something and - they shared a mike!!! (No-- the latter wasn't me!!). Later, Konarak had his band, It had quite a following. This was actually the early '70s. Ronnie, if I think harder I may remember more!! Anyway - regarding the Devil Beats - my Ma will help. Do go over any time and ask her. I don't know if you are aware that years ago- when she was coming here to visit us- her suitcase was stolen ---- with all or almost all the precious photographs of Ronnie and me and the Devil Beats. She was heartbroken as these would never come back. Anyway, we gave her whatever old pictures we had - some were Devil Beats (I think). I may have some with me. I'll have to check. My experience of the Devil Beats was this:- I think it was 1964 when Allen,Chippy, Ronnie, Romaine and Ginger started the band. I do remember Ronnie asking our parents if he could borrow the radio!!! This was his amplifier!!!! All guitars were acoustic - 6 string including Allen's 'bass guitar which was slung low ala Bill Wyman!!! So, each brought a radio- and the venue was The B.U.S. Club (Bangalore Club). I never went to these dances/shows and certainly felt left out!!!! (So, I started The Hideaways!!). Later, Ginger (and perhaps Chippy) started making electric guitars!!! And--- winding their own pick-ups!!! The results - for that time, were quite amazing. Ofcourse, by then, Ronnie had taught me a few chords on the guitar (before that, I was playing the mandolin!!) and we had imported pick-ups! Anyway, as time went on I joined the band along with Gilbert (Briggs). I do remember playing at the Town Hall!!! This was for some 'Variety Entertainment' show! Also the New Years dance at The Secunderabad Club. Subsequently, Gilbert left the band we continued through 1966 playing mainly The Bangalore Club. I think the end came in 1970. I'm not too sure of this. Other than this- I remember telling Ronnie that he wasn't playing the correct chord changes for ' She Loves You' - the Beatles classic. I guess my ear was developing and I could hear chord changes better than him! But - there were times when he'd get parts for me to play that I would never have got myself. I remember all the shows we played quite clearly but-- unfortunately -- early Devil Beats memories elude me. That's about it. Ronnie, as far as I know, Sudhir Rao ( Void) is in in Dubai. Ravi-- I think is there too - but this I'm not sure. Fiaz was down in 1996 and we met and had a good time and he told me that Sudhir is in the UAE. I have the address : Sudhir Rao, Al Ghandi Block 5, P.O. Box 9098, Dubai UAE Phone 009714220158.
Ronnie, keep up the good work. Please do keep in touch. Pranks?? Well..... I still get into some of them - play the fool quite often!! Gussy I had a little group of my own hardly worth mentioning called The Hideaways and we played at The Catholic Club 'round about 1965. After the Devil Beats, I formed a band called Void - basically doing current rock music. After that, I went on to 'seek my fortune' in this 'cruel corporate world' - trying my hand at copywriting in the advertising world. Nothing worked - inspite of a B.Com and Marketing degree!! I then fell into the world of music and decided to take it up as a career in Bombay (as the city was then known). This decision was about 1973. Since then, I've stayed in this profession, trying desperately to work my way up. In Bombay, I played in various bands finally landing a good contract here in Delhi in 1980. The band I was in was extremely good playing virtually everything - from folk to jazz to pop to rock. This band called Ebony, lasted 4 years. I continued playing in hotels here till 1993 when I decided to call it quits as I had now discovered the world of MIDI- sequencing music on a computer using a MIDI guitar/ kbds. And - that's what I still do. I was also in a band called Euphoria which released an Indi-pop album (rather Ind-rock or Hind-rock as the other members wanted to put it) from 1995 to 1998 and a - jazz band from'96 to a few months ago. I'm currently thinking of starting my own band as I continue to work - making music for ads and corporate AVs as well as working in a studio here.
Hey Guys, Siddarth reminded us about a special classroom band called 'RRB', and I had to pry Gus for an answer: "RRB was the very very first 'band' that Ronnie (Rikh) formed. The 'band' comprised of me banging a table and him on harmonica!!!! There was a particular table I banged to create percussion - the one in the study room (Ulsoor Road)."
My musical career has been a strange one in a way. I finally decided to take the plunge and -- I left playing the regular hotel circuit- which I began doing in 1975! This was in 1993. Before that it was the Maurya Sheraton (Band - Ebony) from 1980 - 84, Taj hotel Band - Lyra) from 1985 to 1993. Taught classical guitar from 1984-89 at The Delhi School Of Music. Teaching privately has continued steadily from 1981 to the present. Got involved with musicals- playing in Delhi Music Theaters productions from 1989 to the present- putting up musicals like - 'West Side Story', 'Evita', 'Fiddler On The Roof', 'Tommy' and 'Grease'. Also was 'music director in another childrens theatre group called Kids World from 1990 to 92 - doing musicals like 'The Jungle Book', 'Peter Pan', 'Oliver' and 'The Little Mermaid'. Played sporadically in a jazz band that finally became a regular thing and called itself 'The Capital Swingers'. This- from 1994 or so to a few months ago when I wanted a change!! One of the more interesting things I did was accept being part of a young rock band called Euphoria. They're a band that started out in 1990 and, in '95, needed a guitarist. I joined them temporarily and ended up being permanent - from 1995 to 1998 November. The band started doing it's own material and finally- last year , we recorded an album- the material being Hindi-Rock!! The first- title track- ''Dhoom'' did well on the channels here which dish out Indi-pop. The video was actually shot on 35mm in Varanasi and was shot in a week - a lot of hard work. I'm in this video but not in subsequent ones as I left the band. There are 3 compositions of mine one being an instrumental. The band carries on- I'm in touch with them. Left them because of the pressures of studio work (joined studio here as composer, arranger- a more placid way to carry on!!!) as well as differences regarding music , management etc etc. Got into the world of MIDI by 1993-94 and got a cheap old IBM machine!! Got Cakewalk music software put into it. Then- got a cheap Roland D-5 kbd and-- later a Casio MIDI guitar (PG-380). The guitar is still with me and I use it as a normal gtr- it has 3 normal pick-ups and a Floyd Rose whammy bar. It's great!! Found out however, that- it's still cleaner to sequence using a kbd- so--- blew a lot of money and got a Kurzweil K-2000 VP sample reading synth. Earlier, bought a Proteus module (Ultra-Proteus) and - switched over to a Mac platform (this was a grave mistake) using- initially Mastertracks software and later -- Performer software - the latter being the most incredible software I've ever used- and I've seen quite a few. Now,- I'm going back to the IBM as the Mac here in India isn't supported too well; isn't doing very well and --especially here in Delhi-- is a bad scene. Well- that was one hell of a long boring part of the mail. Do forgive me. I did, however, want to fill you up with my weird musical life!!! Do ask me for any info you may want- of the past or present. I'm planning on making MP3s with a friend to put it up on a web-site for musicians. Need to make. WAV files first and then convert. Will give you the URL. Your mail was most interesting. I still presumed you folks were in Rotorua. Anyway, now, we must stay in touch. Yes, I do have the cassette of Ians. He certainly is very talented and at that age. Are his exams the Royal Schools or Trinity? It's good he's doing the exams as her will get a solid grounding in music, theory and harmony. Now, he should get into the world of sampling too. The price of samplers are coming down and one can choose between Akai, Roland, Yamaha, Ensoniq etc. There is a vast library of sounds and - gradually all samplers will read various formats. I would definitely love to hear Ian's music- especially his own compositions. I hope I can soon. Yes, I do remember the gang-- Sam, Alfie and you!! Do give Alfie my address - the other one being I too have no idea where Sam is. I do hope you do find him.
Photographs found below on this page are the property of and used with kind permission of Rose Peck, wife of the late Ginger Peck, ex-drummer of the Devil Beats, and Sound Engineer of the Silencers.
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