I am working on a series of novels about the Saami/Laplander emigration to Alaska in 1894 and 1898. This summer I took a one month trip North to Alaska and Yukon in order to do some research on the subject.

The Last Frontier is still out there! I had a wonderful time during my stay in Alaska and The Yukon!

Interview in "Yukon News", Whitehorse, 7.juli 2000, by Erling Friis-Baastad


You can find lots of facts about this emigration in the documentary written by the Norwegian professor Ørnulf Vorren, title"Saami, Gold and Reindeers in Alaska" (Davvi Girji, 1989).

June 23. On board the M/V Matanuska on our way from Bellingham, Washington, through The Inside Passage to Petersburg, Alaska. Tents on deck using Ducktape in order to hold on to the boat.

Sunrise at 4 am, coast of British Columbia, Canada.

Petersburg, Alaska, is also called Little Norway. Teh city is named after the Norwegian Peter Buschmann, who established a cannery in Petersburg. The coastal line is much like the Norwegian coastal line during summer.

Sitka, a nice town on The Baranof Island. Here you can find The Sheldon Jackson Museum, college and library. Mt. Edgecumbe in the background.


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