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From 1944 up to 1992 fifty thousand Hungarians fell victims to the Titoist blood feud.
After the decay of the communist Yugoslavia the post-Bolshevist Serbian leaders have been slaughtering the Hungarians and expelling them from their homeland up to now in order to establish the homogeneous people's state.
Their houses are either razed to the ground or assigned together with their lands and properties to the removing Serbians from Bosnia.
The free nations, the UNO and the countries united in it forgive the sacrifice and ruining of the Hungarians. They do not do anything so that the Hungarians suffering enormous losses in human life could stay on the land of their ancestors. The number of the Hungarian martyrs is increasing day by day. How long does the democratic public opinion of the World have patience?
This report is about the slaughtering and expelling of the Hungarian minority in Serbia.
The Hungarian Republic is situated along the middle reaches of the rivers Danube and Tisza, between 45 45'-48' N and 16’5'-22 55' E in the middle of the Carpathian Basin in Central Europe enclosed by the parts of the Alps, Carpathians and Dinaric mountains. More than the half of its whole surface is a plain not higher than 200 m above sea level, resp. it is a Lowland. Its most lofty point is Kékestetõ with 1015 m.
The exact determination of the original home of the Hungarians is the subject of debates even today. Some people think that the Finno-Ugrian origin is the real one and they determinate the country of origin at the Eastern tributaries of the river Volga. While other researchers vote for the
Sumeric origin of the Hungarians and put the birth of the Hungarian people to Mesopotamia.
In the beginning centuries of our era the Hungarians dealing with nomad animal husbandry were living in confederation of tribes North of the Black Sea on the steppe territory along the rives Don. ln the 8-9th century they go into the province of the Khazarian Empire. They were forced by the Pecheneg tribes, threatening the country of the Khazarians into the territory between the river Dnyeper and Lower Danube West of ~ the river Don. Because of the pressure of further attack, under the Ieadership of their prince Arpad they overran the country through the Charpathian passes in 895-896 and occupied the whole Carpathian basin.
The establishment of the kingdom on the Western model is connected with the name of István (Saint) I (997-1038) who embraced the Roman Christianity and who was crowned king with the crown received from the Pope.
During the one thousand ears spent in the Carpathian basin the offensive armies, overrunning from East to West, attacking Europe broke under the resistance of the Hungarians. The fundamental laws of the feudal rights the Hungarian Golden Bull is of the same age as the English Magna Charta. The attack of the Comanians threatening the West was driven back by King LászIó (Saint) I in 1085. In 2240-41 King Béla IV protected. Western Europe against the Mongolian hordes. From 1440 the Hungarian army commanded by János Hunyadi drove back the Turkish attacks. In 1456 Hunyadi won such a great victory over the Turks at Nándorfehérvár that one century was necessary for that they could launch their armies towards the West The Apostolic See in Rome ordered the noonday bells in memory of this victory. In the reign of King Mathias Corvinus (I458-I490) the number of the inhabitants of Hungary was equal to the population of the Kingdom of England.
In 1526 at Mohács, town in South Hungary, Sultan Suleiman II destroyed the armies of the Hungarian king. The ruler, Louis II lost his life on the battlefield. In 1541 the Turks occupied Buda and by this the Turkish subjection of the country begun which took about 150 yeas then. In the permanent defensive fights of the occupation of 150 years, most of the Hungarian inhabitants died out. In 1686 with the help of the Hapsburgs they succeeded to drive out the conquerors from Hungary.
That is why it could not retrieve its independence but it got under the oppression of the alien Habsburg House. Though the Turks would not intrude Western Europe, significant part of the Hungarian population was extirpated in Hungary. Instead of the extirpated population Slovakians in the North, Romanians in the East, Serbians in the South were settled by the noblemen of foreign nationality and the Hapsburg rulers. Hungary was no more to be homogenous national state because of this.
The Hapsburg despotism took 180 years. This time was the period of continuously repeating Hungarian national fights for freedom. The largest two were the war, conducted by Ferenc Rákóczi, which took 8 years (1703-1711) then the bourgeois revolution and war of independence between 1848-1849. The Habsburg House of Austria could not defeat the Hungarian armies by itself, therefore asked for help from the "Gendarme of Europe", the Russian czar, Nicholas I. The enormous Russian superior force compelled the Hungarian army to capitulate on lath August 1849. The Habsburg emperor, Francz Joseph I and the chancery took bloody vengeance on the Hungarians. They had 13 commanding generals of the Hungarian army executed on gallows. They had the Hungarian patriots participating in the war of independence shot hung and sent to dungeon. This period of vengeance is called the first Hungarian epoch of rope. The compromise with the alien dynasty took place only in 1867 when Franccz Joseph I, emperor of Austria was crowned Hungarian king, too. By this the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was established.
Hungary got into the first World War (1914-1918) just through this disastrous confederation. On the different battlefields 661 000 Hungarian soldiers died the death of heroes. The armistice, concluded on 3rd November 1918 in Padova left the thousand year old frontiers of Hungary still untouched. But the so-called "National Council" which was created as the result of the war-defeat, demobilized and disbanded the army returning from the Front lines. Thus it had no military forces for repulsing of the Slovakian, Romanian and Serbian troops attacking the country. The anarchy spreading all over the country made possible the proclamation of the Hungarian(Soviet) Republic on 2lst March 1919 following the example of the Russian Bolshevism The communist regime which took 133 days absolutely ruined Hungary. During this period red terror had around 5917 persons executed. This was the second epoch of rope. After the subversion of the communist dictatorship Miklós Horthy admiral assumed the power on first of August of 1919. He was elected governor of the country.
On 4th June 1920 the Trianon dictated peace treaty was signed in Versailles according to which Hungary was punished by the most unjust conditions of peace among the former war losing parties. The territory of the country was reduced from 283 000 sq. km to 93 000 sq. km , the numbers of the inhabitants from 18,2 million to 7,6 million. Taking into consideration only the inhabitants whose mother tongue was Hungarian 26 000 people to Austria 1 072 000 people Czechoslovakia, 465 000 people to Yugoslavia, 1 664 000 people to Romania were annexed. This cruel curtailment of the country was one of the reasons that in the second World War Hungary joined Germany which supported its revisionist efforts while the Allies continuously refused the Hungarian requests. The other reason of the accession was that Hungary knew on the basis of empirical facts what the Bolshevist social order did mean. From 1938 the country got back continuously Upper Northern Hungary, Transylvania (East Hungary) and the Hungarian populated parts of Vajdaság (South Hungary). In 1942 the communist partisans of Títo made a raid into the Vajdaság returned to Hungary i.e. to the territory of Bácska. Hungarian soldiers even whole battalions were often victims of attacks. On 4th January a whole battalion was attacked on Zsablya and Csurog. 6 Hungarian soldiers were killed. A military razzia was commanded in order to find the partisans in the town of Novisad and its surroundings. Because of the individual encroachments of the Hungarian commanders 4000 people fell victims. The Hungarian government - first on the World - established the war criminality of the commanders. On l4th December 1943 the responsible persons were tried by the court-martial. Among them were 2 generals. Before the verdict the Habsburg Albrecht archduke helped the defendants to escape to Germany. They were taken to Hungarian Court only after finishing the war where they were punished by the most heavy penalties.
In autumn of 1944 the communist partisans of Tito and the units of the Soviet army marched in to the Hungarian lived Bácska and Novisad behind the retreating Hungarian troops. On 20th October the Serbian revenge has begun which goes on even up to now and to which 5O 000 Hungarians have been fallen victims so far.
Márton Szûcs, retired rural dean and József Kovács, retired parson both of them were born in Bácska, examined the history of the Roman Catholic parishes. They asked the priests of the villages. After this they wrote secretly because of the threat of the communist regime their memento with the title "Silence of the Dead" about 40 000 Hungarians innocently executed in Bácska, Vajdaság. To record the numbers of the murders and their authentic history was recklessness but as they were living in the Yugoslavian communist state they had no courage to publish the records. Only after their death the documents got into the possession of Tibor Cseres, Hungarian writer who wrote his book "Blood feud in 8ácska" which was published in 199I on the basis of the documents.
In October November of 1944 - the pious fathers write - storm of blood swept over the gentle fields of Bácska. When the Hungarian army retreated from Bácska in October of 1944 the Soviet army crossed the river Tisza. Under the shadow of the Soviet troops, quasi under their protection communist partisans of Tito marched to the territories left unprotected. They were called Army liberating the People" which was allied with England, France and the United States. Ivan Rukovina brigadier general was appointed commander of the military government in Bácska and Vajdaság (Vojvodina). He was in continuous and direct connection with Tito marshal, with the generalissimo. Already in his first imperative warning, on 22nd of October Rukovina asked his troops to "maintain the Southern Slavian character of the national future and territory." This gave a hidden command for the modification of the existing ethnical situation i.e. for the extermination of the Hungarians and Germans. The communist partisans allied with the Atlantic powers fulfilled this warning thoroughly. They killed 40 000 persons only from the Hungarians. In the "Slobodna Vojvodina of Novisad", the newspaper of the Communist United Front in Vajdaság there was published an artide with the title of "Historical decision" dated 28 October 1944. Among others it says: "though we have destroyed the German and Hungarian conquering hordes (how the Hungarians could have been conquerors when they marched into their one thousand year old territories occupied by the Serbians in 1941...) resp. we have driven them towards West but we have not uprooted radically the poisonous weeds spreaded by them... People feel that this definitive step is necessary which insures the Yngoslavian character of Bácska."
The blood feud against the Hungarians, the revenge was orígínallv indulged in the commanders of the partisans and their political officers who were in continuous connection with their leader, general Rukovina.
On ihe other hand the general advised Tito marshal on his all decisions and on all "military" acts of his subordinates. From the middle of October 1944 the death stormed for 2 months in Bácska. The illegal murders were well organízed genocíde (Holocaust) carríed out in cold blood índeed. It was no else than beheading of the native Hungarians. On the death-lists in existence the nationality of the assassinated was aLso indicated. Hungarian inhabitants of whole villages colonies were taken to the place of execution. Innocent people got on these lists. Nothing else could be brought up against them that they were Hnngarians. The clerks of death kept surprisingly exact record horrible statement. They mentioned not only the name of the victims, but their nationality, place of birth, family status, religion and financial situation were also indicated.
Though the official lists have been hidden in well guarded safes up to this date the two catholic fathers succeeded in identifying 40 000 Hungarian martirs as the registers of the Hungarian villages testify accusingly.
The generalissímo of the communist partisan army, Tito marshal did not give written command for extirpation of the Hungarians in 8ácska, but he tolerated and no doubt he commanded by verbal order that in the whole territory of the retaken Yugoslavia, so also in Bácska, his partisans should take vengeance for all injuries which fell his partisans during the four years of the war. Somehow like this: "Where brook of blood was running, there river of blood should surge!"
While the Germans and the Hungarians executed the pattisans one by one in accordance with the intenational articles of war who ambushed and attacked the Hungarian and German soldiers from lofts, the Serbian partisans broke with the long procedures the people to be executed were 10 times more.
Their victitns were bound with wire by tens or by twenties. The Hungarians were lined up in front of a common grave dug in advance. Then they were shot down by machine pistole or by machine gun from the back. This was easier solution that the Hungarians - with death wound on their napes - should fall in their final tomb at once. Then it was necessary only to cover them with soil.
It seems that the Serbians had plenty of wires. They spared their munitions. 15-2O Hungarian men were bound. They were lined up around a straw-stack Last two men in the right and left sides of the line were strongly bound with wire. When the ring was fixed the straw-Stack was lit. The bound men impeded each other in escape. All of them were burnt away. Where they had enough time, the Serbian communist partisans deprived the selected Hungarian victims from all their twenty finger nails with pinchers- Their thirst of revenge was better filled if they heated previously the pinchers in a near smithery. It also happened that in the smithies the Serbian farriers drove horseshoes into the naked sole of the Hungarians. Not every Serbian could endure the horrible sights. Some of them vomited themselves during forced fulfillment of the command.
Partisan women took part in these atrocities in large numbers.
Hungarian Roman catholic priests and friars who got into their handsreceived
particular attention! In most cases they were undressed. First a cross-shaped strap was cut out from the-skin of their back. For the sake of more hardened partisan women the sexual organs of the priests were taken care. Mostly their testicles were torn by pinchers. There was such a woman in these partisan units who stamped on these naked catholic reverends, mashed their loins.
In one of the villages, in Bezdan, Hungarian men, driven to a sport ground were searched in order to find guns. In the pocket of a boy who was 11 years old an empty cartridge was found. The ,,guilty" boy was placed to the middle of the empty ground. A touching mine was fixed to his leg. The explosive cartridge bound to the leg of the child was shot until it exploded and tore the owner of the legs and the cartridge.
The sawmills also gave possibility to use new methods of killing the Hungarians. Hands and legs were cut by sawing - machine and the tortured Hungarians died as martyrs with violent and long pain! It also happened that chopping trunks into firewood gave the sample for the execution. It happened that whole family of the Hungarian owner of the sawmill was bound in front of the saw-blade and the members of the family were torn in two by the sawing-machine started.
Impalement (palo inponere) was used not only in the Roman Empire but also appeared in penal practice of the 17th century. It was introduced again in the extirpation of the Hungarians by the Serbian partisans to Vajdasag and Bacska under the protection of the Soviet Army. In order to see clearly the inhuman and bestial revenge, let's study the method of impalement used by the Serbian partisans: The bark of the 3 meter long oak a pale was removed. If there was enough time a sharp iron was fixed by smithies to its pointed tip. The naked pale was made greasy by oil. Well in advance a narrow hole was dug into which the ,Fitted" pale would be placed. A stick with short halve was the part of the preparations1 too.
The Hungarian to be executed was got down into prone position. A loop of rope was cast on both of his ankles and two partisans were pulling his feet in two directions. The executioner fitted the tip of the iron-bound stake into the anus of the unlucky fellow, then he gripped the stake and started to hammer the end of the stake to the aimed direction first with gentle hits then more and more strongly. Initial screaming of the Hungarian turned into creaking when the stake reached the level of shoulderblades. At that time the executioner directed the stake a little bit to the right so that the tip should come out from the body of the unlucky man bursting the skin of the collar-bone. At this moment the thick bottom of the pale was placed into the hole. It was the triumph of the Serbian crowd of spectators enjoying the execution if the miserable impaled person was sighing for hours and the desperate beatings of his heart would be seen on his chest while the dug earth absorbed the blood running from his body.
According to the memory vitéz Ferenc Szombathelyi, the chief of staff of the Hungarian royal army was executed in this manner who was delivered to the Yugoslavian communist government under communist pressure by Zoltán Tildy, reformed priest who was the Prime minister collaborating with the communists from the Small-holders' party and who was called "murderer in cloak" by the Hungarian people.
Places and times of some massacres in Vajdaság together with the number of the Hungarian victims:
BEZDÁN 3 November 1944. The Hungarian male inhabitants of the village in the age of between l6 and 5O years were driven to a sports ground. 118 men were shot down by machine pistol to the Danube. 2830 Serbian communist partisans who made the murder belonged to the udarna brigade No. 12 in the division No. 51. It is strange but the Soviet officers were also horrified at the massacre because they were who stopped swearing further executions.
ZOMBOR (Sombor) 6 December 1944. The Serbian partisans first had one part of their captives dug up to the neck into the earth by other captives then they had them trampled to death by tank. The first impalement happened here, too. The executions in the villages of Bácska Vajdaság were directed by a Serbian communist partisan woman called Julka who was wounded mortally in the fights later. At the moment there is a thirty meter high granite monument on the mount of Batina and on the top of this monument there is the statue of this woman executioner.
UJVIDÉK (Novisad) 23 October 1944. In the early morning hours the Serbian partisans under the leadership of Todor Gavrilovics Rilc, political commissioner marched in the ancient Hungarian town, in Novisad (Újvidék). From the first day they already carried off the Hungarian inhabitants to the former winterport of the Danube. This was the center of the massacre. Until the execution men were held in prison for weeks. Among the captured and executed people there were a lot of 14-15 year old boys
as "dangerous fascists". Executions started on 25th October. A drunken partisan officer read off 300 names. In a short time only the rattle of the machine pistols sounded. Farewell cries of the executed Hungarians were suppressed by the racing of the lorries' engine. The Hungarian captives got some water and bread only on the fifth day. During the first week about 1500 Hungarians were shot down into the Danube: One part of the corpses was either burnt or put into common graves in several rows. Around 1970 a new highway was built but because of the common graves in the Feketics forest the track of the highway was led in other way. All the Hungarian students captured in Novisad and its surroundings were shot down.
SZENTTAMÁS (Srbobran Turja) In October of 1944 3,000 inhabitants of Hungarian nationality were executed by the Serbian communist partisans from the village of 18,000 inhabitants. In the old Serbian cemetery the tomb was dug by the persons to be executed and the Hungarians were executed in groups of 150-200. An 8-year-old girl was the witness of the massacres by chance and unnoticed. The Serbian people next door overheard her story and denounced the little girl. Next day the Serbian partisans took away the innocent girl and executed her.
SZIVÁC (Sívac) 1st November I944. Seventy-five Hungarian men completely undressed were accompanied to the cemetery where they were executed by command of Brano Bikicskics Serbian main communist from Szivác.
ADORJÁN (Nadrljan) On 3d December 1944. 56 Hungarian citizens were executed on the bank of Tisza.
KANIZSA (St. Kanjiza) On 7th October 1944 Serbian partisan executioners arrived following the Soviet troops. In this village the names of the offenders entirely remained. First of all every Hungarian women were ravished. 300 Hungarians were collected in the village and they were closed in the cellar of the town hall, majority of them was beaten to death there. The corpses were carried on cart by nights to the island of Tisza where they were lying covered by lime for days. Let the names of the Serbian communist partisan killers be listed here: Niklo Radovics, Szvetozár Knezevics, Alexander Oluski, Dusan Ugranov.
OBECSE (Stari Becej) Killing of the Hungarians began on 9th October I944. First Ferenc Petrányi 65 year old catholic abbot was arrested by some young communist Serbian partisan girls. A11 parts of his face and body were mashed. A partisan woman from Zombor, called Zorka was the most brutal. He was bound on a plank by her and then they jumped to his belly chest and sexual organ from the table. Zorka and her partisan comrades in laced boots practically disemboweled his internal organs. When he died on l4th October they threw him out of the window to the stone block yard so that his death should seem to be a suicide.
SZENTFÜLOP (B.Gracac) was a pure Hungarian village from the age of the Arpads. On 25th November 1944 its whole male population between the age of I8-60 years was exterminated. In total 212 men were killed.
TEMERIN (Temerin) October of 1944. Several hundreds people fell victims of the Serbian carnage. A Soviet officer prevented the extirpation of the whole Hungarian population of the village. Hungarian human loss of the village was 480 people.
In MOHOL from October of 1944 the extirpation of the Hungarians went on systematically. More than 800 Hungarians were collected and from this number 760 were executed. Not only men were killed but also 16-20 year old girls were executed. It is strange that in this village the communist Serbian partisans close cropped the people going to death. Then they were taken to the side of Tisza and they were shot by machine gun to the river there.
In CSUROG (Curog) from 23 October the Hungarian inhabitants had been exterminated continuously. In 1941 the Serbian partisans in Csurog killed a whole gendarme patrol some of them were impaled. Because of this as revenge 765 5erbian inhabitants were executed in 1944. 2,000 people the whole Hungarian population of the village was exterminated.
ZABLYA (Zabalj) in 1942 the Serbian killed 11 Hungarian soldiers in the village. Because of this 581 Serbians were executed. Because of the extreme revenge, just as it happened in Csurog the competent Hungarian commanders were tried by court-marital. The Serbian partisans of Tito started to revenge at once after their marching in, in October of 1944. The wealthier Hungarians were drowned into the manure of the back house. Even 13 year old Hungarian boys were killed, too. In total 2,000 Hungarian citizens were killed.
In the city of ZOMBOR in October of 1944 the murdering of the Hungarians started at once on the basis of the death-list previously made. First two Hungarian Carmelite fraters were captured and executed. They were frater Gellér Sztancsics and Illés Hollós. The Hungarians were taken to the Palace of Kronich. Next to the race-course the common graves were dug in which 2,500 Hungarisns were buried. Several other common graves can be found in the outside districts of the city. The inhabitants of the Hungarian city were fully exterminated. In total 5,650 Hungarians were executed.
According to data collected by the Roman catholic pastors, Márton Szûcs and József Kovács in. the strictest confidence; during the months of October, November and December of 1944. 34 491 Hungarians were killed in South Hungary in the territory of Bácska and Vajdasag. As the statistics were made several years ago according to the data which have been discovered since that time the number of the victims exceeds 40,000 per- sons. Because of the continuity of the discovering works this number is increasing day by day. It is also completed by the number of the Hungarian martyrs who lost their life because of the atrocity of Serbians after the decay of the Yugoslav communist regime.
IN 1990-I992
Atrocities a against the Hungarian minority in Jugoslava began when the nationalist fation lead by Slobodan Milosevic triumphed on the meeting of the Central committee of the Association of the Serbian Communists on 30th September, 1987. This man was elected President of the Serbian Socialist Republic on 28th March 1989.
On 27th June, 1991 Serbian chetniks and the Jugoslavian army attacked the Slovenian Republic which proclaimed its independence.
In July of 1991 Serbian chetniks and the jugoslavian army attacked the independent Croatia.
In 1992-Serbians are attacking continuously Bosnia which also proclaimed its independence.
The following conversation took place in August of 1992 in a smoky pub in Budapest which is visited especially by Serbian war-refugees. Hungarian refugees from Bácska and Vajdaság have chosen another place for haunt --
-I am the officer of the Serbian army of liberation: My name and rank are not important
- I don’t doubt it. What did happen in Zvornik? Were you there, too?
-I was there only at the occupation of the village. A lot of people lost their life there. The boys were very angry, so it was impossible to give them any command. The prisoners were bound by long wire. Only men were these. There were 25-30 men. The superior command was to take them to the wood-yard and to lock them into a store. But this store didn't exist. Then one of the boys caught sight of the circular saw and he came the idea to make "firewood" from the prisoness. And it began that time. They didn't take orders any more.
- Were the unlucky men really sawed up? .
-Some of them were. There was too much blood and within a short time everybody lost his interest in it. I didn't wait for its end. I left them. .
- Did you decide to leave the war that time? -There are things into which you never let someone else. But I can tell you one thing: it is really infernal sight when the saw cuts into human flesh. And when it files the bone...
- Did these people shout?
-Some of them did. As they were skinned. There was who screamed that his father was Serbian. They were crying scamming and they threw down to their knees. Some of them fainted away: But there was who only set his teeth and didn't say anything. At such a man the boys lost their pleasure. So they had mercy on the others.
-Were they released? . .
-Certainly not, they were shot down. But this was at least quick: Now I am going to escape to West . . .
-Will it succeed?
-My friend- the Serbian contacts are viable. Nobody can let us 5erbians down until time immemorial.
Josip Kompanovic Croatian government commissioner: The invented authority which came into power is unwaveringly pursuing the Croatians and the Hungarians. Its aim is to change the character of the population in the territory of Baranya. Serbians are settled in it and as soon as they arrive; the Hungarian and Groatian families are simply driven out from their own houses. Serbian armed men go in front of their houses and command the unlucky inhabitants: within half an hour they should move off or otherwise they will be killed. We are aware that a lot of houses were undermined forcing their inhabitants to go away with nothing but a dress on them in this way. Then the Serbian armed men transfer them to the Hungarian frontier and drive them across to Hungary. Here is the text of a deporting order: "Hereby we command you to move off from Kiskószeg within 24 hours. Otherwise we shall force you to leave by gun because you are ustashi (Ustashi was the name of Croatians fighting on the side of Hitler in the Second World War.)
The people cannot do anything else but to escape from the territory of Saran a 20,000 people were already driven away. Only one quarter of the inhabitants living on the territory between Danube and Drava is Serbian. Its majority is Hungarian and Croatian: After the occupation of this district exclusive Serbian authority was introduced. Inhabitants of the ancient Hungarian villages are driven away. 5erbian families escaped from Bosnia were moved in their houses in order to make possible to say on the future peace conference that here the Sesbians are in majority. Then who will care about whether the original inhabitants were killed or driven across the frontier."
David Kelemen deputy of the UNO and the European Community tells about Szent Laszlo (SaintLadislas) the pure Hungarian small town: "Who is not Serbian cannot live there." They received a document. Hungarians were forced to sign this paper. If they didn’t sign it, they were shot down at once or taken to forced labor. It was written on the paper that he waives his house property animals and he is not allowed to come back to the town anymore. The document also contains a confession that the Hungarian signer confesses that he was shooting at the Serbian Yugoslavian army. These soldiers are treating their victims with the already known Serbian bestial cruelty. I was there and saw it. It is not enough that the unlucky men are shot down but they are outraged in their death, too. Their heads are cut down, their eyes are taken out and their stomachs are ripped open by knife. Just like in l944."
Miklós Hornyik, Hungarian writer from Vajdaság Vojvodina) "I met observers of the UNO two times. I saw the documents, photos and videos whích they had. I read their written testimonies. Extirpation and expelling of the native Hungarian inhabitants are of so enormous size that another example in the history of 20th century cannot be found. Even Hitler didn't do such things! On the territories occupied by the Serbians massacre, holocaust are going on. A lot of people are tortured, driven away and made homeless. The Geneva conventions of human rights are several times broken by the Serbian supreme command; Serbian terrorist organizations. They are committing war crimes for which Belgrade and the Serbians should undertake responsibility once in the future.
Milan Paroski· Serbian nationalist leader gave an interview to the Panoráma, program of the Hungarian Television. The reporter was Ferenc Szaniszló.
Szaniszló: Do you know certainly about that the Hungarian inhabitants are driven away from their villages?
Paroskí: Yes as they are Serbian territories!
-Do you think that such ancient Hungarian villages as Kórogy and Szent Laszlo can be considered Serbian territories? From there thousands of Hungarians were driven away? They were tortured! You have to know it well that these things were done by the new Serbian power.
The Hungarians served the Croatian power which also extirpated the people. We didn't occupy Kórogy, we liberated it! lt was liberated by the Serbians living there! .
- Do you think that it is a liberation if whole villages are destroyed and their population is forced to escape?
-But why did they escape? Do you know about only one execution which was made by Serbians?
-Yes, I do!
-You cannot know about it but there are contrary examples it happened that the Hungarians ranged themselves on the side of the Croatians and were shooting Serbian troops. Then having guilty conscience they fled from there. They shouldn’t have to fire at the Serbians.
-Maybe they didn't want to be liberated by the Serbians. So you acknowledge that the new Serbian power killed Hungarians?
-Baranya is historic territory of the Serbians!
-Körogy is a thousand year old Hungarian village like Szent Laszló. The vi1Iages have been blockaded by Serbian soldiers for weeks, shot by artillery. When Kórogy was occupied, some of its defenders mere killed. Hungarian inhabitants of the village were driven away. The name of the village was changed and Serbians were settled to it.
Serbian army and chetniks frightened the Hungarian villages also with destroying their churches, too. The church of the village Darazs was burnt down in the summer of 1991 Inhabitants of Szent Laszló couldn't place their corpses in the cemetery of the village even in 199I.Funeral processions were shot at by 5erbian sharpshooters. After Croatia was attacked by Serbia every catholic and Reformed church was shot at by cannon. These were villages where the vicarage and church were destroyed deliberately. Hungarian priests were driven away. In Kórogy Reformed church was hit The ringer was also wounded by the cannonshots. The Reformed clergyman was driven away. Szent László was already mentioned in a document in 1404. It was pure Hungarian village. Now nobody is living in the village which had 458 houses and 1,600 inhabitants. The church is in ruins the priest has escaped. Haraszti is a village belonging to the period of conquest. The houses of the village are destroyed by the bombardments. The Reformed church was hit by several cannon-shots. The clergymen of Kopács and Csuza were forced to escape. Nobody from the catholic priests living between Drava and Danube was left in their villages. The last was the priest in Batina who was forced to escape after he was humiliated and tortured.
Serbian government lead by Radoman Bozovic has issued a decree. This determines how many Serbian refugees from Bosnia should be accepted
in the pure Hungarian villages in Bacska: 3,400 in Bácska-Topolya, 2,900 in Ada, 2,800 in Zenta, 2,500 in Csoka. Its hidden aim is: to change the contiguous block of the Hungarian population in Vajdaság
(Vojvodina). Vacant houses of the Hungarians escaped from the fights and persecutions, houses which are the property of old couples are drawn up by the Serbian government. The recipe is old: fully extirpation of the Hungarian ethnic group. Serbians do not allow the resettlement of the Hungarians. The proposal of amnesty was voted down by the parliament. According to this proposal liable to military service from Vajdaság who escaped to Hungary could have returned with impunity. In that case there would not be, so many empty houses in the towns of Bácska.
The name of the towns from which the inhabitants were driven away is changed. Herkoca populated by the Croatians was changed to Srboslavici, Hungarian Kórogy is called now Sprska Palaca.
Delegation of the Hungarians from Vajdaság was not let in the conference in London! However András Ágoston, president of the Community of Hungarians in Vajdaság succeeded in talking with Mr. Arrens, president of the committee which was dealing with nationality questions in the conference. Ágoston said the following: It is evident that the Serbian government wants to change the national composition of the territories populated by the Hungarians."
Hungarian population of Kórogy and Szent László was driven over to Hungary by force already in 1991. Their hope of returning to their native land by September of 1992 has not come true. Their priests being with them afraid of giving them new terms as they do not want that the people will be disappointed. People from Kórogy don’t get married during their long banishment. In the meantime five old men died. Their last request was that they should be taken home. Since then the corpses have been cremated. The sepulchral urns lines up at the undertakers. The living and the dead are also waiting for returning home.
Last year the name of the village in - Bácska, Kishegyes became well known. A sad event happened there. Corpses of Hungarian soldiers, who were called up to the Yugoslavian army and killed in the unreasonable war, were taken home to their native land. In August of 1992 corpse of Tibor Sipos· young soldier was taken home. It is very characteristic of the Serbian methods that the ordered recruiting in the village just on the same day with the funeral of the young man. The Serbian authority provoked the Hungarian inhabitants: They expected that the Hungarian youth would not appear before the committee as result of the funeral. On 9th August about 30 young man came together to enjoy themselves in one of the houses. Among them there were also some Hungarian soldiers serving in the Serbian army.
Some of them should have already gone back to the battlefield but they were fed up with the war which was made by the Serbian communists. But they didn't have enough courage to protest in public against the Serbian military service. At midnight policemen with truncheons appeared on the party and carried off the soldiers. As their mates accompanied the young soldiers to the police station and they demanded their release, the were also accused of rebellion. Policemen asked for help from other village. Young men were beaten by truncheons. Just on the same day when the soldiers and their mates were thrashed within an inch of their life in Kishegyes, Helsinki Watch published the list of the persons who were accused of committing war crimes. On the first place of the list there is Blagoje Anzsics general who has been Yugoslavian Minister of War recently. The question is: whether is anybody obliged to go to the war on the call of such a Minister of War who is burdened by war crimes. Fifth member of the list of the criminals is Szlobodan Milosevics former communist secretary general, President of the Serbian State.
The Security Council of the UNO ordered the disbanding of the Serbian volunteer units so called chetniks troops. The Serbians disclaim that such troops would exist on the territory of Little Yugoslavia which consists of Serbia and Crna Gora. They are supposed to be under the command of the regular army and they are considered as real soldiers.
They are going over the Hungarian villages in Vajdaság several times and they are who take parts in expelling of the Hungarians and mortal revenge too. This activity of them (establishment of the nationally pure state) is shown definitely according to fascist receipt. They attack the churches and the saint places of the Musulmans in Crna Gora.
Serious war-mongering is going on against the Hungarians in Vajdaság. Voivod Seselj, leader of the Serbian Radical Party and the volunteer Serbian armed men, the chetniks declares that there is no place for the Hungarians, neither for the Croatians in Serbia. Seselj thinks it so seriously that he wants to extirpate the Hungarians and he makes the Hungarians extirpated. In Oromheges, in the village populated by the Hungarians and Croatians Seselj stood in front of the church and declared that everybody should get out from the village except the Serbians. Then his armed men came and shot into the houses and the people. Men of the village where 2,000 Hungarians were living refused to join the army and they came together on the court of the inn so that they shouldn’t be carried off one by one. They held on for weeks. They were approximately 120. Then the last thread had broken and the village said that the men would not go to the army. On the inn's court they were beaten by gun-stock when they brought food to their husbands and sons. But finally the men were obliged to go. One of them got frightened, started off and took the others with himself. The Serbian armed men beat them. They should have to go...
A Hungarian farmer tells: "There was no more such a rich village in Yugoslavia. There were 2,000 pigs, 120 cattle, 500 steers for fattening, hens, ducks, gooses by thousands here. Here in the village and its surroundings 300 tractors with trailers and all equipment were working. Today there is nothing and nothing... Serbians who were brought here didn't look for the old houses, they moved into only the new ones. Serbians were removed into the Hungarian villages not from Bosnia but from the neighboring Serbian territories. Who arrived to the village from July of the last year, those could choose only among the empty houses. I am not afraid of to speak out, these people stole everything from us. Even one nail was not left. The harvest took place by such a way that the fields remained here, but the people were driven away. Our fields were reaped by the neighboring Serbian village, Palacsa. Only God knows what the future has in store for us. Serbians got the lands of the Hungarians driven away. They have already planted the maize. They will remain here for ever...
Ten thousands of the Hungarians have already received summons in Vajdaság. They can escape from the war only if they flee across the Hungarian frontier. Then their lands and houses are taken away. Up to now about 20,000 Hungarians have escaped from Vajdaság. Inhabitants of Oromhegyes did not want to leave their village. Tanks were ordered against them, they were driven away by this way.
A man from Oromhegyes: "If we are not at the service of the Serbians, then we can go away, they do not need us.
The Hungarians were elected in order to make them responsible for everything. Who is not with the Serbians, those are pushed to Hungary. Hungarian men are forced to enter into the army. They even don't know to which front-line they will go. We already know that Yugoslavia doesn't exist any more, because of this we don't understand for whom we would fight? If somebody had attacked the country, but nobody did it. The Serbians attacked minorities in Yugoslavia, the Slovenians, Croatians, Bosnians and Hungarians. Even the seal of the former Yugoslavia is no more. Nothing else has remained from this country, only the "J" letter.
András Ágoston, President of the Democratic Community of the Hungarians in Vajdaság: "If the international pressure induced
Belgrade to change its aggressive policy then would be avoidable that 150,000 Hungarians should escape from Vajdaság. On the conference about Yugoslavia which took place in London, we met high commissioner for Refugees of the UNO and we introduced the danger in details to him which would endanger Vajdaság if the plan of the Serbian government was realized and 30,000 Serbian refugees would be settled to the territories populated by the Hungarians. We told him we knew how hard was the life of the refugees, ourselves helped them with money, clothes. But the sad situation of the refugees cannot be used for the change of the ethnic composition as this is prohibited by international regulations. In my opinion it will turn out very soon how much worth the conference in London was. If the heavy guns which caused the tragedy in Bosnia were got under control of the UNO within the agreed term, then the whole conference was defeated. If this happens, then tragedy of Vajdaság could follow...
While there are discussions on the conference day by day Hungarians of Serbia, Vajdaság are enlisted by thousands, they are threatened by removal and deportation. About half million Hungarians, already decimated and bleeding from thousand wounds have got into final danger. Democratic Community of the Hungarians in Vajdaság with its politics protecting Hungarians and other minorities has got into opposition even among the Serbian parties of the opposition.
Márton Matuska: Days of the revenge. Forum Publisher Novisad, 1991.
Tibor Cseres: Blood feud in Bácska. Magvetö Publisher Budapest, 1991 Selections from articles:Weekly Hungary: Mihály András Beke Weekly Hungary: György B. Walkó
Hungarian Word: Article of the editor, 4 August 1992 Hungarian Forum: Márton Matuska
Gate: Ajtony Bese
Sunday of the Hungarian Catholics: Attila Balázs
Selections from the reports of Ferenc Szaniszló, made for the program of Hungarian Television, Panorama. ,
Documents of the National Library "Széchenyi' were selected by István Bálint, librarian
The Report was edited by Ferenc Kubinyi, historiographer