Death of a Jaguar
Dag Ove Johansen"The Mayan Prophecies" by Adrian Gilbert and Maurice Cotterell was published in 1995. The very advanced calendar of the Maya is telling us that this socalled primitive people, in some mysterious way, had access to huge amounts of knowledge on the cycles of the sunspots. Even the astrophysicians of modern times should listen to this ancient wisdom.. The writers are also exploring the popular myth of the famous Quetzalcoatl (the feathered serpent of the Maya, also known as Kukulkan) and how this myth is founding the basis of their ideas about the
cycles of the Sun. The writers are also showing us the connection between the Pre-Columbian civilization in Central-America and The Old World, especially Egypt. They are also telling us that the Mayan Prophecies are directly concerning the fall of our own civilizations, the end of "The Age of the Jaguar". The end of the fifth sun will happen on December 21 in the year 2012 AD. This is caused by a sudden reversal of the Earth's magnetic fields, due to a similar reversal of the Sun's magnetic fields some 5000 years ago.
According to the Maya the sun did change its magnetic poles on August 12 in the year 3112 BC. As a consequence, our own planet has to change its poles, but very delayed compared to that of our Sun: about 5000 years. The Mayan Calendar is telling us that this will occur on December 21. 2012 AD. This seems to be the end of the civilization as we know it. It is not easy to foresee the real consequences of this reversal of the magnetic poles, because it all depends on in what way the reversal is going to happen. If it occurs along the old axis of the magnetic poles, the consequences is nothing to mention at all. But the most probable thing that will happen is that the magnetic poles will take a fast move beneath our planet, a socalled "wandering reversal". This reversal will have an enormous impact on our planet, as described in "The Mayan Prophecies":
"When the sun's magnetic field shifts direction, it tends to twist the Eart off its axis. The tilting Earth is subjected to earthquakes, floods, conflagrations and volcanic eruptions. The sun's magnetic field shifts five times every long cosmic cycle (the Mayan Long Count). This would seem to be the reason that the Maya and others believed that the Earth has been destroyed four times in the past, and that destruction at the beginning of the 21st century, the fifth age of the sun, will follow in the same way"..(page 271, appendix 6)
In his bestselling book Earth in Upheaval, historian Immanuel Velikovsky gave an account of what might happen when the Earth tilts on its axis:
"…At that moment an earthquake would make the globe shudder. Air and water would continue to move through inertia; hurricanes would sweep the Earth, and the seas would rush over continents; carrying gravel and sand and marine animals, and casting them onto land. Heat would be developed, rocks would melt, volcanoes would erupt, lava would flow from fissures in the ruptured ground and cover vast areas. Mountains would spring up from the plains and would climb and travel upon the shoulders of other mountains, causing faults and rifts. Lakes would be tilted and emptied, rivers would change their beds; large land areas with all their inhabitants would slip under the sea. Forests would burn, and the hurricanes and wild seas would wrest them from the ground on which they grew and pile them, branch by root, in huge heaps. Seas would turn into deserts, their waters rolling away.
And if a change in the velocity of the diurnal rotation
[slowing the planet down ] should accompany the shifting axis, the water confined to the equatorial oceans by centrifugal force would retreat to the poles, and high tides and hurricanes would rush from pole to pole, carrying reindeers and seals to the tropics and desert lions to the Arctic, moving from the equator up to the mountain ridges of the Himalayas and down the African jungles; and crumbled rocks torn from splintering mountains would be scattered over large distances; and herds of animals would be washed from the plains of Siberia. The shifting of the axis would change the climate of every place, leaving corals in Newfoundland and elephants in Alaska, fig trees in northern Greenland and luxuriant forests in Antarctica. In the event of rapid shift of the axis, many species and genera of animals on land and in the sea would be destroyed, and civilizations, if any, would be reduced to ruins."
In short, Velikovsky suggest that the Earth may be destroyed by fire, water, wind and volcanic rain, providing us with a scenario that bears a striking resemblance to the end of each of the four ages of Mayan mythology. From his studies of sunspot activity and the Mayan calendar, Maurice Cotterell has concluded that the Mayan prophecy for the end of the fifth age concerns a reversal of the Earth's magnetic field.This and its associeted cataclysm, he believes, will occur around 2012 AD.
Velikovsky's scenario also bears a striking resemblance to the end-prophecies made by a lot of tribes and peoples in the Old and in the New world. All religions have their own myths concerning the end of the world; Christianity as one of them (the Apocalypse as John the Baptist saw it).
The following list tells you all about the cataclysms that are now occuring around the world. 15 years from now, on December 21. 2012 AD, the mighty Jaguar, as described in the Mayan Prophecies, is going to die. You can feel its huge body shivering, as if the pain has already started. It's a slow death, covering every corner of the world, and nobody will ever slip away from the last breath of the Jaguar.
12.01: Mexico: earthquake(eq) 7.3 on the Richter's scale
13.01: Greece: flood
Cyprus: eq
15.01: China: eq
Northern Europe: heavy rainfall, flood, landslides
04.02: Iran: eq 5.4 and 6.1
South-Turkmenistan: eq 7.4
19.02: Peru: flood, landslides
20.02: Bolivia: the worst rainfall in 30 yeras, flood
24.02: Europe: hurricanes, destructions
27.02: Germany: flood
28.02: Pakistan: eq 7.3
Iran: eq 5.5
01.03: Bergen, Norway: worst rainfall in February since 1904
China:: eq 6.0
02.03: USA: off-seasons hurricanes
Iran: eq 5.2
Norway: Vestlandet: heavy rainfall, flood
03.03: Norway: Østfold/Vestfold: worst rainfall in February, flood
08.03: Fuji: hurricane
Northern Norway:-Norge: heavy snow-fall, later on: rainfall and flooding
10.03: Brasil: heavy rainfall, flood, landslides
17.03: Indonesia: eq
26.03: Libenon: eq 4.3
30.03: Poland: heavy rainfall and flooding
31.03: Norway, Trondheim: rainfall, flood
01.04: Norway: Møre- and Romsdal: heavy rainfall, devastating flood
03.04: Japan: eq 5.5
Northern Norway: heavy snowfall, avalanches
06.04: China: eq 6.4
08.04: Japan: tornadoes destroying parts of Yokahama
17.04: Norway:Tromsø: 2.08 m of snow in the city
19.04: USA: South-Dakota: heavy rainfall, flood
20.04: Zaire: heavy rainfall and storms destroys buildings
21.04: USA: Flooding in the Dakotas
23.04: Romania: flood
28.04: Canada: flood
Norway:Tromsø: 2.34 m of snow (record).Hammerfest: 80 cm of snow in one night
02.05: Niger: sandstorm killed 36
Egypt: worst sandstorm in 30 years
08.05: Sweden: rainfall, flood in Varmland
South-Korea: heavy rainfall, flood
Bangladesh: eq 5.5.
10.05: China: flood, 43 dead, 10 000 homeless
Iran: eq 7.3, massiv destructions, thousands of people killed
12.05: Iran: new eqs
13.05: Japan: eq 6.1
19.05: Bangladesh: hurricane, 350 killed
22.05: India: eq 6.0
Russia: Arkhangelsk: flood, many houses under water
23.05: Sweden: flood, landslides
28.05: USA: Texas, tornadoes
01.06: Spain: heavy rainfoll, storm, flood
15.06: Romania: flood, evacuation
23.06: The Andes: snowfall, avalanches
Mid-West: heavy rainfall, flood
24.06: Chile: rainfall, snowstorms, avalanches
Ukraine: storm, 12 dead
27.06: India: rainfall, flood, 100 dead
Iran: eq 6.2
South-Africa: storms, heavy rainfall, also snow
28.06: Montserrat: volcano, worst since 1995
29.06: Pakistan: landslide
Northern Italy: heavy rainfall, landslides
The Pyrenees: worst summer in several decades
30.06: Montserrat: volcano buries cities
Copenhagen: heavy rainfall, flood
01.07: Mexico: volcano
Scandinavia: heavy rainfall, flood
02.07: Scotland: flood, worst June since 1879
USA: Tornadoes kills 8
Sweden: Gavle, flood
Hong Kong: storm, flood
04.07: Norway: Engabreen (glacier) grown 66 m since 1996. Since 1991: grown
250 m
07.07: Czech-Rep.: flood
08.07: Czech-Rep.: worst flood in this century
Austria, Poland, Slovenia: heavy flooding
09.07: Japan: Tokyo, eq 5.0
Venezuela: eq 6.7
10.07: Japan: worst storm in 30 years, landslides
Poland, the Czech-Rep.: extreme rainfall, flood
13.07: China: flood, 60 dead, 130 000 fled from the flood
Poland: flood
Bangladesh: flood, 60 dead, 250 000 homeless
14.07: Czech-Rep, Poland, Germany: heavy flooding
01.08: Pasific: seastemp. rising to its highest level in this century (El Niño)
05.08: Sweden: Bohuslen: lack of Oxygen in the sea, never happened before
06.08: Norway: hotter than usual
Brittain: flood
08.08: Romania: flood
11.08: Peru: snowfall, 2m
Turkey: rainfall, flood, tornadoes, exceptional summer-weather
13.08: The Himalayas: flood
18.08: Taiwan: typhoon, a lot of people killed
N-Korea: drought after 2 years of heavy rainfall
19.08: Chile: storm, 10 dead
23.08: Montserrat: volcano
26.08: Sweden: flood
27.08: Pakistan: flood
N-Korea: tidewave and flooding
29.08: Pakistan: worst flood in 10 years
31.08: Sweden: Gøtaland/Svealand: worst rainfall in 40 years
Norway: Trysil: rainfall and flood
02.09: Norway: Sandefjord, Tønsberg: extreme rainfall
13.09: Norway: Åndalsnes, Molde, Kristiansund: heavy rainfall, flood
16.09: India: heavy rainfall, flood,
Japan: typhoon kills 3
26.09: Italy: eq 5.5, many dead, buildings destroyed
28.09: Indonesia: eq 6.0
30.09: Spania: flood
03.10: Italy: eq
07.10: Italy: eq 5.3
08.10: New Zealand: 100 whales stranded (se 13.10), may be due to
changes in the magnetic fields
09.10: Norway: large amounts of salmon fry blinded (UV-ligth from the sun)
12.10: Italy: several eqs
13.10: New Zealand: saved whales stranded again, 19 dead
Greece: eq 5.8
14.10: Italy: eq 5.4
15.10: Chile: eq 6.8, several killed, buildings destroyed
16.10: Turkey: flood, 8 dead, houses wiped out
18.10: Israel: hailstorm, flood, killing 11
24.10: Brasil: flood, heavy rainfall for weeks, 15 000 houses destroyed
Indonesia: drought
27.10: Norway: Møre-Romsdal: heavy snowfall, 2 m in Innerdalen
USA:Nebraska: heavy snowfall
28.10: Peru: eq 6.5
USA: 16 dead in snowstorm in Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming
01.11: Azores: landslide kills 35, heavy rainfall
02.11: Northeast Africa: Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia: flood
03.11: Vietnam: worst storm in this century: 200 dead
Cook island: tyhpoon kills 200
05.11: Spain: heavy rainfall, flood, 16 dead
Portugal: flood, 15 dead
07.11: Vietnam: typhoon, 200 dead, 2000 missing, 200 000 homeless
08.11: China/Tibet: eq 7.9
12.11: Somalia: flood, 500 dead
Mexico: typhoon
13.11: Croatia: heavy rainfall, flood
Italy: rainfall, flood
15.11: Somalia: 1000 dead in flood
Japan: Hokkaido: eq 6.0
17.11: Arktis: highest temp. in 400 years
18.11: USA: coldest November since the1890 in Missouri, Virginia etc
Greece: eq 6.4
21.11: The Gulf-stream is changing it's course
22.11: Bangladesh: eq 6.0, 18 dead
23.11: Italy: storm, rainfall: 15 dead
26.11: Madagascar/Malawi: locust-swarms and drought
Northd-Corea: the third crop-failure in 3 years
27.11: 1997, the hottest year in history (since 1860)
29.11: East-Africa: 1 mio people hit by flood
5.12: Denmark:Rømø: 15 whales stranded
Spain: snowfall for the first time since 1964
9.12: Turkey: heavy rainfall and flood
10.12: World: the quality of semen is falling dramatically
11.12: Caliafornia: sealions and seals dying in thousands
14.12: Northd-Corea: cold winter: -30 C (usually around zero)
Mexico: Fist snowfall since 1881, -14 C and a lot of snow
* * *
You don't need to be a prophet to understand that something weird is happening to our planet. Is this the signs that will tell us all about our destiny? Are we leaping forward to the end of the fifth sun, the end of the Age of the Jaguar, as the Maya called it? It started on August 11. 3114 BC (with the birth of Venus) and will end on December 21. 2012 AD.
If this is the truth, I really think that we all will suffer a lot when the Jaguar is closing his eyes for the last time.
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