Related Listservers

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Epigraphy Forum is striving to provide a complete listing of other listservers related to our interests.  Send an e-mail if you would like a listing added. Be sure to give a brief description of the listserver.    


Listserver Name
& Description

To Subscribe:

This is a website with a list of
Usenet Newsgroups for Historians
Read website instructions

Nazarene Judaism Listserver -

To subscribe send email to:
with "subscribe nazarene" on the first line.

Lost Tribes Listserver - To subscribe send email to
with "subscribe losttribes" on the first line.
Book of Enoch Listserver - To subscribe send email to
with "subscribe enoch" on the first line.
Semtic Origin of NT Listserver - To subscribe send email to
with "subscribe textcrit" on the first line.

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For any questions concerning the forum please consult the listowner James Trimm:
mailto: jstrimm@swbell.net

For any matters concerning this website please contact the webmaster Ann Harrison

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