Hindu women and Punishment

The wife could suffer corporal punishement for very minor offences.


1 Amputation of Ears and Noses


Hindu husbands cut off the ears and nose of their wives if they left the house

without their prior permission. The Pancatantra mentions one such story [

Pancatantra p.54, I.7th story `The Weaver's Wife']. The weaver cut off his

wife's nose because she did not respond and he considered her infaithful.

(actually he cut off the barber's wife's nose who was there instead. ) The

Ramayana and Hindu God Rama and his brother laxman practiced the cutting off of

womens' noses for minor offences, thereby providing divine sanction for the

custom. Shurpanakha was a Dravidian lady ( referred to as `Rakshis' or

demonesses by the Hindus ) who fell in love with Rama. She proposed to him, but

he directed her to his brother Laxman. He cut off her ears and nose for this

crime[ Alld Chmbrs 1036 ]


2 Death Penalty


The death penalty was prescribed for Hindu women guilty of infidelity. The Manu

Smrti, the most authoritative Hindu law-book, states


` When a woman, proud of her relations [or abilities] deceives her husband (

with another man ), then the king should [ensure that] she be torn apart by

dogs in place much frequented by people ' [Manu Smrti 8:371] ` And the evil man

should be burnt in a bed of red-hot iron '


[Manu Smrti 8:371-2]


` VIII.371. If a wife, proud of the greatness of her relatives or (her own)

excellence, violates the duty which she owes to her lord, the king shall cause

her to be devoured by dogs in a place frequented by many. VIII.372. Let him

cause the male offender to be burnt on a red-hot iron bed; they shall put logs

under it, (until) the sinner is burned (to death).'


[Manu Smrti Buhler VIII 371-372]


That this custom was prevalent in the 9the century is confirmed by Arab

reports. Merchant Sulaiman, an Arab traveller of the 9th century states that


"If any man in the indies runs away with a wife and abuses her body they kill

both him and the woman, unless it be proved that she was forced, then the man

only is punished with death; but if the woman consented to the evil deed, they

are punished with death, both one and the other."'

-- [ Arab p.56 ]


Ram, the ideal husband, showed little regard to female life. Ram killed Tataka,

a female and later called her "Rakshi" [ Alld Chmbrs 1048 ].


Infidelity to husband was considered a grave sin and it was believed that such

women went to Aksaya hell [Br.P. 87.61 in Sheth 98]. The husband had the power

to curse the wife who was disloyal to him. Thus the sage Gautama cursed his

wife Ahalya for sleeping with God Indra though through no fault of her own.

[Sheth 99]


[ In the Kautilyan period ] if a woman was found guilty of a carnal crime her

generative organs were cut off and she was ultimately sentenced to death [

Arth.IV.13 in Jain p.164 ], although it is not clear whether this was only for

intercourse with slaves.


Not only that, but adultery is defined as the simple touching of clothes and

even conversing with men:


VIII. 356. " He who addresses the wife of another man at a Tirtha, outside the

village, in a forest, or at the confluence of rivers, suffer (the punishment

for) adulterous acts (samgrahana).

357. Offering presents (to a woman), romping (with her), touching her

ornaments and dress, sitting with her on a bed, all (these acts) are considered

adulterous acts (samgrahana).

358. If one touches a woman in a place (which ought) not (to be touched)

or allows (oneself to be touched in such a spot), all (such acts done) with

mutual consent are declared (to be) adulterous (samgrahana)."


-- [ Manu VIII.356-358 ]



But for a hindu male ,he is allowed to send his wife to other men to get him a

male boy.( Ref: ArthShastra)


A male should send his women to wash Shiv Lingam with Cow's milk to prove she

is humble to God Shiva's Organ even after he has been said to have had sex

forcibly with 60,000 married women resulting in his Lingam being cut off by

jealous God Brahma.

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