Hinduism preaches Terrorism ?

[In Rig Veda III:34:9 Indra killed the Dasyus (dark skinned natives) and

"gave protection to the Aryan color." Not only did the Aryans shamelessly

pray for booty in war but they based their militarily won supremacy on

the lightness of their skin color compared to the dark colors of the native

Dasyus. They arrogantly proclaim, "Let those who have no weapons suffer sorrow." (Rig

Veda IV:5:14.)]


"Renowned is he when conquering and when slaying:

'tis he who wins cattle in the combat.

When Indra hardens his indignation

all that is fixed and all that moves fear him.

Indra has won all kine, all gold, all horses, -

Maghavan, he who breaks forts in pieces;" --Rig Veda IV:17:10-11.



Indra is praised for killing thousands of the abject tribes of Dasas

with his arrow and taking great vengeance with "murdering weapons." (Rig

Veda IV:28:3-4) One hymn mentions sending thirty thousand Dasas "to

slumber" and another hymn sixty thousand slain. A hymn dedicated to the

weapons of war (Rig Veda VI:75) refers to a warrior "armed with mail,"

using a bow to win cattle and subdue all regions, "upstanding in the car

the skillful charioteer guides his strong horses on whithersoe'er he

will." The arrows had iron mouths and shafts "with venom smeared" that

"not one be left alive." Hymn VII:83 begins, "Looking to you and your

alliance, O ye men, armed with broad axes they went forward, fain for

spoil. Ye smote and slew his Dasa and his Aryan enemies."

Only occasionally did the authors of these hymns look to their own sins.



"Free us from sins committed by our fathers,

from those wherein we have ourselves offended.

O king, loose, like a thief who feeds the cattle,

as from the cord a calf, set free Vasishtha.

Not our own will betrayed us, but seduction,

thoughtlessness, Varuna! wine, dice or anger.

The old is near to lead astray the younger:

even sleep removes not all evil-doing." --Rig Veda VII:86:5-6.



A hymn to the frogs compares the repetitions of the priests around the

soma bowl to the croaking of the frogs around a pond after the rains

come. (Rig Veda VII:103)

The basic belief of the prayers and sacrifices is that they will help

them to gain their desires and overcome their enemies, as in Rig Veda

VIII:31:15: "The man who, sacrificing, strives to win the heart of

deities will conquer those who worship not." [VERY TOLERANT VEDIC-HINDUS??]



Furthermore, the prayers for riches continue, and Indra is thanked for

winning wealth in horses, cattle, and gold by his chariot. Agni helps to

slay the many in war by the hands of the few, "preserving our wealthy

patrons with thy succors, and ourselves." (Rig Veda I:31:6, 42) Indra

helped win the Aryan victory:



"He, much invoked, hath slain Dasyus and Simyus,

after his wont, and laid them low with arrows.

The mighty thunderer with his fair-complexioned friends

won the land, the sunlight, and the waters." --Rig Veda I:100:18.



Control of the waters was essential for agricultural wealth. Indra is

praised for crushing the godless races and breaking down their forts.

(Rig Veda I:174) [Again, the "tolerant" & "holy" scriptures speak.]



In the tenth and last book of the Rig Veda some new themes are explored,

but the Dasyus are still condemned for being "riteless, void of sense,

inhuman, keeping alien laws," and Indra still urges the heroes to slay

the enemies; his "hand is prompt to rend and burn, O hero thunder-armed:

as thou with thy companions did destroy the whole of Sushna's brood."

(Rig Veda X:22)



Obviously, the "myth" that the current "evils" of the Hindu system such as the

caste system, etc. are all corruptions of later Hindus & all the clean values

of the ancient Hindus illustrated in the Vedas were much purer, peaceful & more




Moreover, as one can see, Hitler's view of the Aryans & choice of the swas-tika

symbol was not entirely inappropriate for his genocidic tendencies.


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