Friends' Links

Ad Infinitum Ad Nauseum Poetry Short Stories
Why is it I find myself becoming incoherent in the face of something magical..
Bunny's Hutch
FunBunny's page
Cobbo's Fantastic Page
LordMerc's page*S*
March 26,2002-finally found the right URL again
Darkblade's Reality
My friend Donni's page.*VBS*
Added 25.August.2000
The Elements of Heaven:A Perspective of Love, Light and Life
The truly inspired writing of R.J.Widry, aka "Mageman":-)
Added 20.September.2001
Froggy's Site
Hauntings: True Tales of the Unexplained
Mystic Cat's site.
Added 2.September.2000
Wolfpuppy's site.
Added 16.August.2000
Judy Sall Originals
Juminar's HomePage
Kabakhu23's HomePage
lotsa good stuff, here..
Kochu's Home Page
Welcome to Kokopelli's World!!
Harmony-Leyshya is a sisterfriend who is very dear to me (and many others:-))- Her site contains (among other wonderful things) many beautiful pictures of Mandalas. Also see her talented work with Drums (and the drum links):-)
Melchizedek School of Light
Braveheart's Site
Non-Odinist Rune Seekers Everywhere
RuneLady's site.*S*
On My Journey Home, I Walk the Earth...Laura's Realm
paradox's site.
Note from Harmony- update- I had mistakenly put news here of someone else's death (with the same name). While I wish that lovely person peace, I am very delighted to report that paradox is alive and well:-) !!!
Phil's HomePage
Shaman Wandering
Han's site
The Spirit of Aloha & Huna & Reiki
Lani's wonderful site
Spirit Questing with Lucero
LadyLucero's Website *VBS*
Spiritree's site
TimeLass Writes
Traci's Cascades
An award-winning site!!
Venture-Starships Tri-Phase Enterprises, Inc.
My Piscean "twin" Daniel's Site
XDivina's World
My friend Tigerlily/Linda's site*VBS*
Welcome to Wolfeye's Forest
Well, I don't want to embarrass him, but Wolfeye is one lovable Wolf :-)
Have fun checking out his site and his music!
Harmony's HomePage (non-frames)
Harmony's HomePage (frames)
Sign my Guestbook Harmony's Guestbook
Or email me, while the spirit moves you.