Duceppe | Charest |
This event has caused individuals, businesses, and the government to act upon this matter and what might happen in the future. Businesses and owners will leave due to the future of Quebec and its economy being better or worst, which put pressure on the Quebec people and government to think how their economy is going to fare when their long-awaited separation does happen. Some businesses tried to link the people from the rest of Canada and people in Quebec in certain plans that will strengthen the bond between the Frencophones and Anglophones. For example, Distributel has a Ontario-Quebec Long Distance Call plan that save people more than 10 cents per minute. This built a cheaper and better communication between the two provinces, and as the Quebecers talk with their friends and relatives, they may change their mind on how much Quebec has benefited from Canada and whether or not they should separate. More and more Quebecers are realizing the threat of separation, and what it is costing them. In order to save all the troubles and problems Quebec separation might cause in the future, not only did the businesses help, individuals and government all paid in their share to contribute. For example, former P.C leader Jean Charest gave up his title in a national P.C party to be a liberal in Quebec. Many people hope that by his entrance to Quebec politics and the possibility of becoming the Premier of Quebec , the separation crisis will go down, and that maybe, he can make the Quebecers see that they should stay because they’re part of Canada and its constitution. With Charest working the Provincial government, the federal government is debating on how to defend this challenge for Canada to survive. They, together, studied the 6 page “National Unity”, which was brought to the ministers. They were trying to convince Quebecers that French language was supported within the federation and that they, the federal government will manage the income well so that Quebec will promise to stay with Canada. They are trying to bring us all together again, and keep it like that.
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