Quebec Separation
Our Canada | Country of Canada | Country of Quebec |
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Quebec is part of our constitution. It joined confederation
in 1867 along with some other provinces,
and if these provinces are not complaining, then Quebec shouldn't either. The question is whether you're in
favour of Quebec or Canada. Are we willing to see our Canada turned into something like the country of Canada, and the country of Quebec? No, of course not. Quebec is very important to Canada both economically and culturally; its separation would make a big impact on Canada and Quebec; and problems would result. It is necessary that the government takes action soon, otherwise, maybe, like Duceppe stated, Quebec will separate in 2000, and by then, there is nothing we can do to stop it. The solution the French people suggest is letting Quebec separate in order for them to preserve their language and culture. However, as most people in Canada view, there is nothing in our constitution that allows the severeignty of Quebec, and many people think it's against international law.To most of us, the only real way to fix this mess would be to not separate and stay with Canada. So that there will be no chaos caused and no disruption to Canada and its people. But, understanding that the Quebec government doesn’t want to stay, it will take a lot of hard work to make them change their minds into not leaving, if possible. If this nightmare does become true, Quebec shall only take the land they had when joined confederation, which is about 1/3 of the land they own right now. The Northern Lands inhabited by the Cree and other native groups shall be given back to Canada. Also, the Canadian military installations should be dismantled and the forces and arms should be moved to other parts of Canada, since all this belongs to Canada and its heritage.
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