Company " G "

41st. Georgia Infantry Regiment


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Hembree, Washington - Captain March 4, 1862. Died at Columbus, Miss. June 20, 1862.

Wood, Robert A.- Enlisted as a private in Co. I 5th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 11, 1861. Transferred to Co. H       same regiment, April 1862. Appointed 1st Sergeant in 1862. Elected Captain of Co. G 41st Regiment Ga. Inf.     June 20, 1862. Wounded in right hand, resulting in amputation, at Perryville, Ky. October 8, 1862. Resigned, disability, February 29, 1864. Appointed Captain in Invalid Corps, P.A.C.S., prior to March 31, 1865.

Stovall, Jefferson C.- 1st Lieutenant March 4, 1862. Died at Columbus, Miss. May 1 or 5, 1862.

Blair, James O.- 2nd Lieutenant March 4, 1862. Died at Lauderdale, Miss. May 6 or June 1, 1862.

Watkins, Phillip V.- Jr. 2nd Lieutenant March 4, 1862. Killed at Perryville, Ky. October 8, 1862.

Williams, Leroy J.- 1st Sergeant March 4, 1862. Died at Columbus, Miss. May 8, 1862.

Grace, Lewis Dudley - 2nd Sergeant March 4, 1862. Died at Columbus, Miss. May 1, 1862.

Tyson, Alexander - 3rd Sergeant March 4, 1862 . Appointed 1st Sergeant May 8, 1862. Captured at         Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 11, 1863. Wounded at Resaca, Ga. May 14, 1864. Surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865. (Born in Ga. in 1844)

Tyson, Clement - 4th Sergeant March 4, 1862. Captured in Carroll County, Ga. July 15, 1864. Died of pneumonia  in Military Prison at Camp Chase, O. February 20, 1865. Grave #1354, Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery.

Jackson, David H.- 1st Corporal March 4, 1862. Appointed 1st Sergeant. Captured at Baker's Creek, Miss.     May 16, 1863. Paroled at Camp Morton, Ind. and forwarded to Point Lookout, Md. for exchange February 19,  1865. On sick furlough March 5, 1865, to close of war. (Born in South Carolina in 1826)

Long, James W.- 2nd Corporal March 4, 1862. Died in 1864.

Long, Thomas J.- 3rd Corporal March 4, 1862. Wounded and captured at Perryville, Ky. October 8, 1862. Sent      to Camp Butler March 11, 1863. (Also shown as captured March 3, 1863, sent to Louisville, Ky. March 6, 1863, and to Camp Butler March 20, 1863.) No later record.

Edge, Joseph F.- 4th Corporal March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 1863. Wounded in left arm, necessitating amputation above elbow, at Big Shanty, Ga. June 14, 1864. Discharged, disability.

Aderhold, Luna Jackson - private March 4, 1862. Wounded at Perryville, Ky. October 8, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 1863. Appointed 3rd Sergeant October 1863. Transferred    to Co. B 7th Regiment Confederate Cavalry in 1864; to Co. B 10th Regiment Ga. Cavalry July 11, 1864. Detailed in Bemiss Hospital at Opelika, Ala. September 28, 1864, and was on duty there December 7, 1864. No later   record. (Died in Atlanta, Ga. November 18, 1893)

Alexander, W. S. H.- private August 12, 1862. Captured at Orangeburg, S. C. February 13, 1865. Released at   Point Lookout, Md. June 5, 1865. (Born in Campbell County, Ga. February 1, 1835. Died in Confederate Soldiers' Home, Atlanta, Ga. March 16, 1913)

Ayers, Thomas N. (or Ayres) - private March 4, 1862. Died at Lauderdale, Miss. May 5, 1862.

Ball, D. G.- private March 4, 1862. Wounded at Perryville, Ky. October 8, 1862.

Ballard, Abraham - private March 4, 1862. Died at Chattanooga, Tenn. November 15, 1862.

Bass, John C.- private September 20, 1863 . Roll dated December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him "Absent on furlough from hospital." No later record.

Batty, David H. (or Baty) - private March 4, 1862. Appointed 3rd Corporal in 1862. Died of disease in Jackson, Miss. hospital April 20, 1863.

Belcher, William - private March 4, 1862. Killed at Perryville, Ky. October 8, 1862.

Bell, John Davis - private March 4, 1862. Wounded in left knee at Harrodsburg, Ky. October 10, 1862. Captured  at Richmond, Ky. in 1863. Paroled April 1, 1863. Appointed 2nd Sergeant October 1863. Wounded in right arm at Atlanta, Ga. July 22, 1864. Discharged in 1864 . (Born in Ga. April 5, 1827)

Bellah, W. P.- Enlisted as a private in Co. B Cobbs' Legion Ga. Inf. August 27, 1861. No record of discharge or transfer. Enlisted as a private in Co. G 41st Regiment Ga. Inf. March 4, 1862. Elected 1st Lieutenant May 20, 1862. Wounded and disabled at Perryville, Ky. October 8, 1862, and captured there October 9, 1862. Resigned January 28, 1864.

Benefield, James H. B.- private March 4, 1862. Received $50 bounty March 29, 1862. No later record.

Blair, Henry B.- See 4th Corporal Co. D

Blair, William S.- private March 4, 1862. Appointed 3rd Corporal in 1862. Captured near Atlanta, Ga. July 22,  1864. Released June 16, 1865.

Boyd, Marion - private March 4, 1862. Died in service.

Bricker, William D.- private March 4, 1862. Deserted. Received at Louisville, Ky., a Confederate deserter, July 28, 1864, where he took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. and was released July 31, 1864.

Brown, Samuel S. (or Samuel L.) - private March 4, 1862. Died at Shellmound, Tenn. August 10, 1862.

Campbell, John L. R.- private March 4, 1862. Appointed Sergeant. Wounded and captured at Perryville, Ky. October 8, 1862. Exchanged. Captured at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863. Died of disease at Fort Delaware, Del. June 18 or 22, 1863.

Crosson, Seaborn - private March 4, 1862. Appointed 2nd Corporal in 1862. Wounded, date and place not given. Roll dated December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him "Absent, wounded."

Daniel, Andrew J.- private March 4, 1862. Wounded in left hand and captured at Atlanta, Ga. July 22, 1864. Transferred from Camp Chase, O. to City Point, Va. for exchange March 2, 1865. Received at Boulware & Cox's Wharves, James River, Va., March 10-12, 1865. Appears on rolls of Co. I this regiment but no record of transfer.

Dewberry, Henry - private March 4, 1862. Killed at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863.

Dover, Samuel G.- private March 4, 1862. Died of measles at Chattanooga, Tenn. November 13, 1862.

Drew, Thomas - private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him present. Pension records show he surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865. (Born in Anson County, N. C. January 20, 1832)

Eskew, Samuel - private March 10, 1862. Died of measles in Tullahoma, Tenn. hospital November 8, 1862.

Garst, James Marion - private March 4, 1862. Discharged, disability, May or June 1862. Enlisted as a private in Co. I 10th Regiment Ga. State Guards Cavalry July 28, 1862. Roll for January 28, 1864 , last on file shows him "Absent with leave, dismounted." No record of transfer. Pension records show he enlisted as a private in Co. A Beall's Battn. Ga. State Troops September 1864, and was discharged at Newnan, Ga. in 1865. (Born in Carroll County, Ga. August 17, 1833. Died at Confederate Soldiers' Home at Atlanta, Ga. March 5, 1916. Buried there in Hollywood Cemetery)

George, Anthony - private March 4, 1862. Captured in Carroll County, Ga. July 15, 1864. Paroled at Camp Chase, O. and transferred to City Point, Va. for exchange March 4, 1865. Received at Boulware A Cox's Wharves,   James River, Va., March 10-12, 1865.

Grace, John Wesley - private March 4, 1862. Killed at Franklin, Tenn. November 30, 1864.

Hall, Andrew J.- private  Deserted. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Chattanooga, Tenn. November 18, 1864. Admitted to #2, U. S. General Hospital at Chattanooga, Tenn., from Military Prison with chronic diarrhoea December 1, 1864 . "Returned to duty January 4, 1865 ." (Born in Carroll County, Ga. in 1843)

Hardin, John - private March 4, 1862. Died at Tullahoma, Tenn. November 8 or 10, 1862.

Harper, Brooks - private March 4, 1862. Appears last on bounty pay roll for March 29, 1862, with remark: "Absent, sick."

Hembree, George Washington - private March 4, 1862. Received $50 bounty March 29, 1862. No later record.

Hembree, John - private March 4, 1862. Pension record show he was discharged, disability, in 1863. (Born in   South Carolina in 1830)

Hembree, Richard - private August 12, 1862. Captured July 16, 1864. Died of pneumonia in Prison Hospital at Camp Douglas, Ill. February 4, 1865.

Henester, J. P.- private September 20, 1863. Wounded and permanently disabled in 1863. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent, wounded.

Hill, Joseph G.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 16,   1863. No later record.

Hinsley, John J. (or John G.) - private March 4, 1862. Received $50 bounty March 29, 1862. No later record.

Holland, Tyre W.- private March 4, 1862. Died at Tupelo, Miss. August 1, 1862 .

Hood, Zachariah A.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 1863. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

Howell, Francis M.- private March 4, 1862. Received $50 bounty March 29, 1862. No later record.

Hunter, William - private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 6,  1863. Pension records show he contracted typhoid pneumonia, resulting in abscess which caused total disability in left shoulder, in 1863. Sent from Dalton, Ga. to Atlanta, Ga. hospital in 1865. (Born in Jackson County, Ga.)

Ivey, J. W. (or Ivie, T. W.) - private March 4, 1862. Died at Lauderdale, Miss. May 5, 1862.

Jones, William P.- private March 4, 1862. Surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.

Lambert, Seth H.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, paroled there July 6, 1863 and left in hospital. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

Lambert, William P.- private March 4, 1862. Died April 30, 1862.

Lambert, William Skurlock - private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

Layton, John H.- private March 4, 1862. Appears last on bounty pay roll dated March 29, 1862.

Leggett, James T.- private March 4, 1862. Died at Lauderdale Springs or Corinth, Miss. May 1 or 5, 1862.

Leggett, John A.- private May 4, 1862. Wounded and permanently disabled at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16,   1863. Roll dated December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him "Absent, wounded, sent to hospital by Surgeon's order." No later record.

Lewis, William J.- private March 4, 1862. Died of chronic diarrhoea in Vicksburg, Miss. hospital July 5, 1863.

Lipham, Jackson - private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent, sick, sent to hospital by Surgeon's order. No later record.

Long, John B.- private March 4, 1862. Killed at Perryville, Ky. October 8, 1862.

Miller, Augustus - private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 6, 1863. Appointed 5th Sergeant October 1863. Pension records show he surrendered at Danville, Va. April 1865. (Born in Ga. January 27, 1842)

Moore, Hill - See private Co. D.

Mullins, Micajah - private March 4, 1862. Received at Louisville, Ky., a Confederate deserter, July 28, 1864, where he took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., and was released to remain north of Ohio River during war,        July 31, 1864. (Born in Hall County, Ga. in 1818)

Neal, Marion - private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, paroled there July 16, 1863,   and died there from exposure July 20, 1863.

Newell, John Robert - private March 4, 1862. Wounded at Perryville, Ky. October 8, 1862. Captured at   Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 1863. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

O'Neil, James H.- private March 4, 1862. Died in Atlanta, Ga. November 13, 1862. Buried there in Oakland Cemetery.

Pace, Henry T.- private March 4, 1862. Appears last on bounty pay roll for March 29, 1862.

Phillips, Henry J.- private March 4, 1862. Appears last on bounty pay roll for March 29, 1862.

Phillips, Lewis Wash - private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him present. No   later record.

Phillips, William - private April 9, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 1863. Absent  without leave September 17-December 31, 1863. No later record.

Pope, John R.- private March 4, 1862. Appointed 4th Corporal in 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4,   1863, and paroled there July 1863. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

Pope, Thomas - private March 4, 1862. Killed at Perryville, Ky. October 8, 1862.

Reynolds, Willis S.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, and paroled there           July 16, 1863. Pension records show he was wounded in right ankle at Dallas, Ga. in 1864. In private home in Alabama, account of wounded ankle, close of war. (Born in Meriwether County, Ga. March 20, 1843)

Richards, George W.- private March 4, 1862. Received $50 bounty March 29, 1862. No later record.

Ruffin, Charles M.- private March 4, 1862. Received $50 bounty March 29, 1862. No later record.

Shackelford, Richard Nunn - private March 4, 1862. Died of disease in Vicksburg, Miss. hospital July 5, 1863.

Sloan, James P.- private March 4, 1862. Killed at Perryville, Ky. October 8, 1862. Buried at home.

Smallwood, Thomas - private March 4, 1862. Appears last on bounty pay roll for March 29, 1862.

Smith, Henry - private November 15, 1863. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

Smith, John - private March 4, 1862. Captured at Nashville, Tenn. December 16, 1864. Paroled at Camp Douglas, Ill. and forwarded to City Point, Va. for exchange March 14, 1865. Received at Boulware's Wharf, James River, Va., March 18-21, l86. (Born in Meriwether County, Ga. in 1838)

Smith, William H.- private March 4, 1862. Captured near Nashville, Tenn. December 16, 1864. Released at Camp Douglas, Ill. June 20, 1865.

Spence, Hiram William - private March 4, 1862. Elected Jr. 2nd Lieutenant October 8, 1862. Captured at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863. Paroled at Johnson's Island, O. and sent to City Point, Va. for exchange February 24, 1865.

Strickland, Levi - private March 4, 1862. Appears last on bounty pay roll dated March 29, 1862.

Tyson, Madison L.- private March 4, 1862. Elected 2nd Lieutenant May 6, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 6, 1863. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

Williams, Anson - private March 4, 1862. Wounded at Perryville, Ky. October 8, 1862. Died of wounds October   11, 1862.

Williams, Edmond A. J.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 6, 1863. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

Williams, Jacob F.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Nashville, Tenn. December 16, 1864. Released at Camp Douglas, Ill. June 20, 1865.

Williams, John H.- private March 4, 1862. Died at Sparta, Tenn. September 16, 1862.

Williams, Stephen D.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Marietta, Ga. July 4, 1864. Paroled at Camp Douglas, Ill. and forwarded to City Point, Va. for exchange March 14, 1865. Received at Boulware's Wharf, James River, Va., March 18-21, 1865.

Winkles, Richard L.- private March 4, 1862. Wounded at Perryville, Ky. October 8, 1862. Captured at Chaplin Hills, Ky. October 1862. Died of wounds in Perryville, Ky. hospital November 24, 1862.

Winkles, Stephen J.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Nashville, Tenn. December 16, 1864. Released at Camp Chase, O. June 12, 1865.

Winkles, William M.- private March 4, 1862. Discharged May 15, 1862. (Born in South Carolina in 1830. Died in Polk County, Ga. in 1912)

Wise, Henry E.- private March 4, 1862. Missing; supposed killed by bushwhackers in Tennessee.

Wise, James S.- private March 4, 1862 . Captured at Atlanta, Ga. July 22, 1864. Paroled at Camp Chase, O. and transferred to City Point, Va. for exchange March 4, 1865. Received at Boulware & Cox's Wharves, James River, Va., March 10-12, 1865.

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