Company " A "

52nd Georgia Infantry Regiment



Van Diviere, Solomon H.-Captain March 4, 1862. Elected Lieutenant Colonel November 15, 1862. Resigned October 1863.

Harris, William L.-1st Lieutenant March 4, 1862. Resigned August 9, 1862.

Bohannan, Berry S.-2nd Lieutenant March 4, 1862. Resigned disabled by measles, September 10, 1862.(Born in Anderson, S. C. August 31, 1838. Died in Jackson County, Ga. December 16, 1925)

Jarrard, Cosby L.-Jr.2nd Lieutenant March 4, 1862. Elected 2nd Lieutenant September 15, 1862. Captured at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863 . Exchanged in 1865.

Fry, George-1st Sergeant March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Paroled there July 7, 1863. Exchanged September 1863. Wounded at Atlanta, Ga. July 22, 1864. Pension records show he was at home on furlough close of war.(Born in Ga. December 27, 1840)

Sosebee, John C.- 2nd Sergeant March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4,1863. Exchanged September 1863. Pension records show he surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.(Born in Habersham County, Ga. January 14, 1837. Died there November 9, 1893)

Jones, Thomas F. S.- 3rd Sergeant March 4, 1862. Wounded and captured at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863. Exchanged Aug 1,1863. Captured at Resaca, Ga. May 16, 1864. Paroled at Camp Morton, Ind. and forwarded to City Point, Va. for exchange February 26, 1865. Died in Habersham County, Ga. May 15,1894.

Ivester, Jesse A.-4th Sergeant May 12, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged September   6, 1863. Wounded at Resaca, Ga. May 14, 1864. Died of disease contracted in service, in Habersham County, Ga., in 1877.

Spencer, John R.- 1st Corporal March 4,1862. Captured, date and place not given. Released at Point Lookout,  Md. in 1865.(Born in Spartanburg, S. C. March 17, 1838. Died in Habersham County, Ga. in 1907)

Porter, Thomas J.-2nd Corporal March 4, 1862. Captured at Atlanta, Ga. July 22, 1864. Died in prison Feb. 2,   1865, Camp Douglas, Ill. buried Oak Woods Cem. Chicago, Ill. Confederate Mound.

Spencer, Thomas G.-3rd Corporal March 4, 1862. Wounded in thigh, leg and foot, and permanently disabled, at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863. Exchanged September 1863. Pension records show he was at home on wounded furlough close of war.(Born November 15, 1842)

English, John W. (or Inglish)-4th Corporal March 4, 1862. Appointed 5th Sergeant in 1862. Captured at Vicksburg Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged September 6, 1863. Captured at New Hope Church, Ga. June 5,1864. Released at Rock Island, Ill. in 1865.

Anderson, Thomas A. (or Thomas H.)- private March 4, 1862. Died at Knoxville, Tenn. in 1862.

Ansley, James A.- private June 25,1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged and returned to company September 6,1863.

Black, Calvin J.- private March 4, 1862. Appears last on roll for January -February 1863, with remark: "Absent without leave since April 1862."

Black, Jeptha N.- private March 4, 1862. Wounded in right side, resulting in paralysis, at Cumberland Gap, Tenn. June 18, 1862. Discharged, disability, October 1864.(Born in Ga. August 26,1825. Died in Hall County, Ga. in  1899)

Bradberry, James (or Bradbury)- private March 4, 1862. Died at Camp McDonald, Ga. in 1862.

Bramlet, William H.- private March 4, 1862. Roll for November-December 1863, last on file, shows him "Absent without leave November 15, 1863, at Manchester, Tenn.

Bright, Samuel W.- private March 4,1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged September 6, 1863. 

Brown, William M.- private March 4,1862. Died at Knoxville, Tenn. in 1862.

Byrd, James S.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 6,   1863. Elected 1st Lieutenant October 11,1863. Wounded through lung, spine, and left side, at Bentonville, N. C., March 19, 1865. Paroled at Garrett House General Hospital #12, Greensboro, N. C., April 29, 1865.(Born in Ga. October 1831)

Cash, Alfred J.- private March 4, 1862. Appears on pay roll showing payment of bounty April 13, 1862.

Church, Alexander P.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4,1863. Exchanged September 6,1863. Pension records show he was at home on sick furlough close of war. Surrendered at Augusta, Ga. May 18, 1865.(Born in Ga. October 18, 1831)

Church, Andrew J.- private March 4, 1862. Appointed Corporal. Wounded and captured at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16,1863. Paroled near Vicksburg, Miss. May 16, or 27, 1863. Pension records show he was at home on sick furlough close of war.(Born in Ga. October 18, 1831. Died at home of dropsy contracted in services December 24, 1891)

Crane, James B.- private March 4, 1862. Died of disease in 1862.

Davidson, Walter G.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16,1863. Paroled at Fort Delaware Del. July 3, 1863. Received at City Point, Va. July 6, 1863. Captured at Greenville, S. C. May 23, 1865.

Deal, Ephraim G. (or Ephraim D.)- private March 4, 1862. Roll dated March 10, 1862, bears remark:"Heard he had recruited."

Dodd, Joseph H.- private March 4,1862. Captured at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863. Exchanged and  returned to company in 1863.

Dodd, Walton- private May 12, 1862. Roll for November -December 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave May 20, 1863. Captured at Greenville, S. C. May 23,1865.

Dyer, Lawson B. (or Dyre)- private March 4, 1862. Enlisted as a private in Captain Mathews' Company South Carolina Heavy Artillery, "without permission," January 20, 1863. Roll for June 1863, shows him "Claimed by Captain Gailey.- sent to Provost Marshal, Charleston." By Special Order dated July 13, 1863, the unexpired portion of his sentence was remitted and he was returned to his own regiment. Surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26,1865. Died in Habersham County, Ga. June 190.

Echols, J. B. (or J. D.)- private July 18,1862. Died at Vicksburg, Miss. in 1863.

Echols, Larkin M.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Missionary Ridge, Tenn. November 25, 1863. Died at  Rock Island, Ill. February 16,1864.

Edwards, Lemuel B.- private March 4,1862. Died of diarrhoea at Clinton, Tenn. June 9, 1862.

Elrod, Leander W.- private March 4, 1862. Died of disease June 1862.

English, ---See Inglish.

Evans, David- private March 4, 1862. Roll dated March 10, 1862, bears remark. "Not been seen since volunteering."

Forrester, Zachariah- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Nashville, Tenn. December 16, 1864. Released from Camp Chase, O. May 15, 1865.(Born in Habersham County, Ga. April 6, 1823)

Frankum, Joseph B. B. (or Franklin, Joseph B. B.)- private March 4,1862. Roll dated March 10,1862, bears remark:" Said to be recruited."

Free, Malachi- private May 12, 1862. Captured. Died at Camp Chase, O. February 4, 1865. Grave #1049, Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery.

Frier, John- private December 1, 1862. Died in service.

Fry, Henry- private July 18, 1862. Died at Knoxville, Tenn. in 1862.

Gailey, John Owen (Jay)- private March 4, 1862. Elected 1st Lieutenant August 2, 1862; Captain November 16, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Paroled there July 7, 1863. Granted leave by Special Order  dated March 2, 1864. No later record.(Born in Clarkesville, Ga. March 11, 1844. Died at Athens, Ga. December 27,1879)

Goswell, George- private.

Hardy, Elijah P.- private March 4, 1862. Elected Jr.2nd Lieutenant December 14, 1862. Captured at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863. Exchanged March 1865.

Hardy, Joseph F.- private July 23, 1862. Appointed 4th Corporal. Roll dated December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent, sick. In hospital, result measles and rheumatism, May-September 1864. Furloughed home in 1864, and unable to return.(Born in Henry County, Ga. June 29, 1838)

Hicks, James A.- private May 12, 1862. Roll for December 1863, last on file, shows him"Absent without leave December 15, 1862, Manchester."

Hicks, William A.- private March 4,1862. Roll for December 1863, last on file, shows him"Absent without leave November 15, 1862, Manchester." Pension records show he joined Mathews' South Carolina Heavy Artillery "without permission" in 1863.

Hill, A. J.- private July 1, 1862. Captured at Atlanta, Ga. July 22,1864. Released at Camp Douglas, Ill. June 21, 1865. (Born in Habersham County, Ga. February 23,1837)

Hill, James H.- private July 1, 1862. Captured at Atlanta, Ga. July 22, 1864. Released at Camp Douglas, Ill. June 21, 1865.(Born in Habersham County, Ga. in 1841)

Hill, William D.- private March 4, 1862. Captured near Cartersville, Ga. May 21,1864. Released at Rock Island, Ill. June 21,1865.(Born in Ga. January 15, 1843)

Hindman, John A.- private March 4,1862. Appointed 3rd Corporal. Captured at Dalton, Ga. in 1864.

Hindman, Samuel B.- private September 15, 1862. Captured in Kentucky December 1862. Exchanged in 1863. Wounded in 1863. Roll dated December 21,1863, last on file, shows him"Absent without leave November 20, 1862, Lenoir Station, Tenn. Pension records show he enlisted in Co. K 49th Regiment North Carolina Inf. Captured at Five Forks, Va. April 1, 1865. Released at Point Lookout, Md. June 27, 1865.(Born at Charleston, S. C.    December 6, 1824. Died in Cherokee County, Ga. in 1914)

Hogan, George W.- private March 4, 1862. Appointed Corporal. Captured at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863. Died of fever in prison. buried Finn's Point(Salem, N. J.) died July 7, 1863.

Howard, A. Kim.- private May 12, 1862. Died of measles and typhoid fever in Atlanta, Ga. hospital June 12, 1862. Buried there in Oakland Cemetery.

Hulsey, E. Alman- private March 4, 1862. Original roll bears remark: "In Captain Brown's Company."

Inglis, Alex C.- private May 12, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged there September 9, 1863. Wounded at Jonesboro, Ga. August 31, 1864. Pension records show he was at home on furlough close of war. Died at Clarkesville, Ga. June 1, 1922.

Inglis, David- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4,1863. Exchanged September 9,1863. Pension records show he surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.(Born February 27, 1839)

lvester, Jesse, Jr.- private March 4, 1862. Died of measles in 1862.

Jenkins, John C.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4,1863. Paroled there July 6, 1863. Pension records show he was on detail at Newberry, S. C., close of war.(Born in Ga. in 1843)

Jenkins, William E.- private April 1, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged September    1863. Pension records show he surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.(Born in Habersham County, Ga. March 16, 1845)

Jones, Andrew D. C.- private March 4, 1862. Died of disease December 21, 1862.

Kimbrell, Thomas- private March 4, 1862. Wounded at Cumberland Gap, Tenn. August 8, 1862. Killed at    Lookout Mountain, Tenn. November 24,1863.

Kinsey, Barron D.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Paroled July 8, 1863. Exchanged September 1863. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him"Absent without leave since December 17, 1863, Dalton, Ga." Pension records show he was wounded at Peachtree Creek, Ga., necessitating amputation of third finger, July 20, 1864.(Born in Ga. May 9, 1840. Died from bronchitis contracted in service, in Habersham County, Ga., in 1903)

Land, Calvin A.- private March 4, 1862. Appointed Commissary Sergeant. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged September 1863.

Latham, Thomas R.- private March 4, 1862. Died of fever and measles, at Atlanta, Ga., June 27, 1862. Buried there in Oakland Cemetery.

Lyle, Willis P.- private March 4, 1862. Wounded in side at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged September 1863. Pension records show he was in Covington, Ga. hospital close of war.(Born in Jackson County, Ga. December 16, 1827. Died in Habersham County, Ga. in 1903.)

Mashburn, Lewis J.- private May 14, 1862. Roll for December 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since November 7,1863.

McCrossley, Robert D. (or McCrosky)- private March 4, 1862. Died of disease in 1863.

Mclntire, Charles W.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4,1863. Exchanged September 1863. Pension records show he surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.(Born in Habersham County, Ga. October 30, 1836. Died there June 25,1902)

Mclntire, E. Joseph (or Joseph E.)- private March 4, 1862. Died of fever in 1862.

Mclntire, James E.- private March 4, 1862. Died of fever in 1862.

Mclntire, Joseph B.- private March 4, 1862. Died in service.

Mclntire, Thomas- private June 1864. Died in service.

Meeks, James M.- private March 4, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him "Absent without leave since December 19, 1863, Dalton, Ga. No later record.

Meeks, Thomas F.- private March 4, 1862. Died of measles in 1862.

Mize, Columbus O.- private March 4,1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4,1863. Exchanged September   1863, and returned to company.(Born in Ga. in 1825 or 1828)

Mise, Washington C.- private March 4,1862. Discharged, disability, result of measles and lung trouble, February 20, 1863.(Born in Habersham County, Ga. April 1, 1833. Died there in 1903 or 1904)

Monroe, David- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4,1863. Exchanged and returned to company September 1863.

Mote, Drewry (or Drury)- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4,1863. Exchanged in 1863. Wounded near Atlanta, Ga. July 22, 1864. Pension records show he was at home, wounded, close of war.(Born in Habersham County, Ga. June 14, 1824)

Mote, Franklin- private October 19, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged September   1863. Pension records show he was at home on furlough close of war.(Born in Habersham County, Ga. June 14, 1839. Died in Jackson County, Ga. November 19, 1915)

Mullenix, John Martin (or Mullenax)- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged September 1863. Pension records show he surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26,1865.(Born in South Carolina September 12,1828)

Nations, Thomas R.- private March 4, 1862. Killed at Tazewell, Tenn. August 7, 1862.

Odom, James M. (or Odum)- private March 4, 1862. Roll dated December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave from November 17, 1862, at Manchester, Tenn.

Ostin, William H.-"Original roll bears remarks:"In Captain Brown's Company."

Parrott, A. J. (or J. J.)- private May 12, 1862. Died December 6, 1862.

Parrott, John- private November 1862. Died in Tennessee in 1862.

Patten, Andrew (or Patton)- private March 4, 1862. Died at Atlanta, Ga. June 17, 1862. Buried there in Oakland Cemetery.

Phillips, Charles D.- private March 4, 1862. Elected Lieutenant Colonel March 16, 1862; Colonel November 16, 1862. Wounded in left arm, right leg, knee and cheek, and captured at Baker's Creek, Miss. May 16, 1863.  Paroled at Johnson's Island, O. and forwarded to City Point, Va. February 24, 1865. At Clarkesville, Ga. on recruiting service April 1865.(Born in Ga. October 12, 1835)

Pilgrim, W. M.- private in 1863.

Porter, Thomas C.(G.)- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Atlanta, Ga. July 22,1864. Died at Camp Douglas, Ill., Coprl. died Feb. 8, 1865.

Ramsey, John T. See Rumsey.

Ramsey, Remus B.- private March 4, 1862. Died of brain fever in 1862.

Ramsey, William A.- private March 4, 1862. Appointed 1st Sergeant. Discharged disability.

Roach, Elias R.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged September 1863. Transferred to Anderson's Battery Ga. Light Artillery in 1864. Killed at Nashville, Tenn. December 16, 1864.

Roach, James C. (or James E.)- private March 4, 1862.

Roach, J. Emory- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged September 1863.

Robertson, W. K.- private March 4,1862. Roll dated March 10, 1864 , bears remark: "Not been seen since 4th March"

Robertson, Reuben K.- private March 4,1862. Received bounty pay April 13, 1862. No later record.

Rudeseal, Ezra (or Eli)- private March 4, 1862. Died of disease March 1862 .

Rudeseal, John B.- private March 4,1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4,1863. Paroled there July 6,1863. Captured near Franklin, Tenn. December 17,1864. Released at Camp Douglas, Ill. June 20,1865.(Born in Habersham County, Ga. November 13, 1839. Died there February 13, 1904)

Rumsey, John T.- private March 4, 1862. Appointed 1st Sergeant. Discharged, arm disabled at Vicksburg, Miss., April 7, 1863.(Born in Elbert County, Ga. July 10, 1845. Died in Habersham County, Ga. January 26,1892)

Rumsey, William A.- private May 12, 1862. Died of fever and exhaustion, at Strawberry Plains, Tenn., August 12, 1862.

Ruth, James- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged and returned to company September 1863.

Ruth, John- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged and returned to company September 1863.

Ruth, William J.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Roll dated December 31,  1863, last on file, shows him absent without leave since November 7, 1863. No later record.

Savage, Taylor- private March 4, 1862. Original roll bears remarks:"In Captain Brown's Company."

Scott, George W.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4,1863. Exchanged September 1863. Accidentally killed by gun shot.

Scott, James A.- private March 4, 1862. Died at Atlanta, Ga. July 22, 1862. Buried there in Oakland Cemetery.

Scott, Jackson C.- private March 4, 1862. Pension records show he was at home on sick furlough close of war. (Born in Gilmer County, Ga. in 1834)

Scott, Thomas R.- private March 4, 1862. Died of measles March 1862.

Scott, William- private March 4, 1862. Died of measles in 1862.

Scott, William R.- private March 4, 1862. Roll dated December 31, 1863, last on file, shows him "Absent without leave since June 25, 1863, Vicksburg." No later record.

Searight, James J.- private March 4, 1862. Appointed 2nd Sergeant in 1862. Died of disease in 1862.

Shirley, Edward W.- private March 4, 1862. Enlisted as a private in Captain Mathewes' Company, South Carolina Heavy Artillery, without permission, February 23, 1863. Roll for June 1863, shows him "Present, claimed by Captain Gailey." By Special Order dated July 13, 1863, the unexpired portion of his sentence was remitted and he was returned to his own regiment. Wounded in shoulder and breast. Roll for December 1864, last on file, shows him present. Pension records show he surrendered at High Point, N. C. April 1865.(Born in Habersham County, Ga. May 16, 1841)

Shirley, Jeptha- private March 4, 1862. Enlisted as a private in Captain Mathewes' Company, South Carolina Heavy Artillery, without transfer, February 23, 1863. Died of fever in 1863.

Shirley, John M.- private May 12,1862. Enlisted as a private in Captain Mathewes' Company, South Carolina Heavy Artillery, without transfer, February 23, 1863. Roll for June 1863, shows him "Present, claimed by Captain Gailey." By Special Order dated July 13, 1863, John M. Shirley was sent to his own regiment. Roll of Captain Mathewes' Company for December 1864, last on file, shows him present.

Shirley, Jonathan J.- private March 4, 1862. Died of fever in 1862.

Shirley, William J. private March 4, 1862. Died of measles in 1862.

Skelton, Ezekiel- private September 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged September   1863.

Smith, James A.- private March 4. 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4,1863. Exchanged September 1863. Surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.(Born in Rockingham County, N. C. March 1, 1843)

Sosebee, Robert A. (or Robert S.)- private March 4, 1862. Appointed 4th Corporal February 1863. Killed at Baker's Creek Miss. May 16,1863.

Stamey, Henry J.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged September   1863. Wounded, left hip permanently disabled, at Jonesboro, Ga. August 31, 1864.(Died in Habersham County, Ga. December 10, 1927)

Stamey, John J.- private July 22, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4,1863. Exchanged September 1863.

Stroud, James- private in 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged September 1863. Pension records show he surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.(Born in North Carolina in 1829. Died in Habersham County, Ga. in 1906)

Stroud, Samuel Jasper- private March 4, 1862. Wounded in breast, collar bone broken. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged September 1863. Captured at Chattahoochee, Ga. July 3, 1864. Released at Camp Douglas, Ill. June 16, 1865.(Born in McDowell County, N. C. in 1828. Died in Jackson County, Ga. April 1909)

Taylor, George W.- private May 12,1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Paroled there July 6, 1863. No later record.

Taylor, John R.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. in 1863. Died of consumption July 1863.

Taylor, Washington- private May 12, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged September  1863. Killed at Clarkesville, Ga. in 1865.

Taylor, William W.- private May 12, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Died of chronic diarrhoea and dropsy at Vicksburg, Miss. July 29,1863.

Wade, Raney J.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged September 1863. Pension records show he surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. April 26, 1865.(Born in Habersham County, Ga. November 20, 1826)

Ward, Enoch- private March 4,1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Exchanged at Fort Delaware, Del. September 1863. Pension records show he was at home, sick, close of war.(Born in Ga. in 1845)

Ward, William- private March 4, 1862. Wounded in right knee and captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863.     Exchanged September 1863. Received at Chattanooga, Tenn. August 10, 1864, and released on oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Louisville, Ky. August 29, 1864; Remark:"Sent from Dept. of Cumberland to be released north of the Ohio River."(Born in Ga.)

Watkins, John- private March 4, 1862. Wounded at Knoxville, Tenn. September 10, 1863. Discharged on account of rheumatism contracted in service in 1863.(Born in Ga. August 25, 1822)

Watson, George W.- private March 4, 1862. Died of measles March 1862.

Watson, Jackson- private. Died of measles in 1862.

Watson, Jefferson- private March 4,1862. Appointed 4th Sergeant. Died in service.

Watson, LaFayette J.- private March 4,1862. Died in service.

Webb, Simpson R.- private March 4, 1862.

Whitecotton, William J.- private March 4, 1862. Discharged, disabled by dropsy contracted in service, at Vicksburg, Miss. February 20, 1863. Enlisted as a private in Co. H 11th Regiment Ga. Cavalry July 1864. Wounded by fall from horse.( Born in Ga. May 24, 1827)

Whitten, Franklin (or Whiten or Whiting)- private March 4, 1862. Wounded, right foot permanently disabled at Cumberland Gap, Tenn., September 9,1863.(Born in Ga. about 1833)

Whitworth, Martin G.- private March 4, 1862. Appointed 2nd Corporal in 1862. Died of pneumonia in 1862.

Wilbanks, John E.- private March 4,1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4,1863. Exchanged September    1863.

Wilbanks, W. P.- private July 10, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4,1863. Paroled there July 6,1863. Wounded, left hip dislocated and collar bone broken in railroad wreck in Alabama July 1863. Furloughed home, disability, February 1865.(Born in Habersham County, Ga. November 1840. Died in Stephens County, Ga. in   1924)

Williams, James G.- private March 4, 1862. Pension records show he was at home on sick furlough close of war. (Born in Habersham County, Ga. March 21, 1837)

Wilson, James G.- private March 4, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4,1863. Released on oath of allegiance U. S. Govt. at Chattanooga, Tenn. March 26, 1864.

Wilson, William J. (or J. William)- private March 4, 1862. Died at Atlanta, Ga. July 9, 1862. Buried there in Oakland Cemetery.

Yearwood, Jacob- private March 4, 1862. Died at Marietta, Ga. March 1862.