These quotes come from the Hate site and the document called "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is widely available on the Internet in various forms, but the version at this hate site appears to be definitive and therefore the quote numbers will be referenced to it. The same quotes on other sites may have different reference numbers.
Many "quotes" under discussion are either outright forgeries or out of context or reconstructed to give a meaning that the original author never intended. The remaining quotes come from anti-Semitic sources such as Henry Ford I. There is little point in trying to refute quotes from genuine anti-Semitic sources, but in as much as the other alleged quotes libel the good name of those people who were meant to have made them, and, of course, the target group, these will be exposed for what they are.
In due course, all of the quotes will be dealt with, but it is a very time consuming process.
David S. Maddison (
"Whenever an American or a Filipino fell at Bataan or Corregidor or at any other of the now historic spots where MacArthur's men put up their remarkable fight, their survivors could have said with truth: 'The real reason that boy went to his death, was because Hitler's anti-semitic movement succeeded in Germany.'"
The American Hebrew, July 24, 1942
The above quote is #8 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
It is difficult to see what is wrong with this quote, if genuine. It is a warning about hate movements in general and their global consequences.
David S. Maddison (
"That German Jewry could raise the Star of David -- Emblazoned Zionist Flag..." (Nuremburg Laws of 1935)
This is quote #21 form the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and About Jews" available at and other sources.
It does not actually appear in the Nuremburg laws but appears to be a comment upon them. What is actually stated in these infamous laws, "Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor", September 15, 1935, is:
1. Jews are forbidden to hoist the Reich and national flag and to present the colors of the Reich.
2. On the other hand they are permitted to present the Jewish colors. The exercise of this authority is protected by the State.
(For a copy of the laws see )
It is hardly an honour that Jews were allowd to raise "the Jewish colors" (whatever is meant by that) since Jews were not allowed to raise the German flag. These laws removed German citizenship from Jews. Until then Jews had considered themselves solid, patriotic, German citizens. Shortly after this, Jews lost their right to live.
David S. Maddison (
"One of the finest things ever done by the mob was the Crucifixion of Christ. Intellectually it was a splendid gesture. But trust the mob to bungle the job. If I'd had charge of executing Christ, I'd have handled it differently. You see, what I'd have done was had him shipped to Rome and fed him to the lions. They could never have made a savior out of mincement!" (Rabbi Ben Hecht)
The above quote is #126 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
The following response comes from "They Never Said It", Paul F. Boller Jr. and John George, New York, Oxford University Press, 1989, ISBN 0-19-605541-1 and ISBN 0-19-506469-0 . The quote being addressed is very slightly different to the one above and is thus included. (The anti-Semites who compile these lists are not known for their accuracy, or honesty.)
David S. Maddison (
Hecht, Ben (1893-1964)
EXECUTING-CHRIST QUOTE "One of the finest things ever done by the mob was the crucifixion of Christ. Intellectually it was a splendid gesture. But trust the mob to bungle. If I had charge of executing Christ, I would have handled it differently. You see what I would have done was had him shipped to Rome and fed to the lions. They never could have made a savior out of mince meat."
In March 1964, Elizabeth Shepherd issued a leaflet called, "Who Are the Haters?," which contained writer Ben Hecht's executing-Christians quote. The quote was picked up by anti-Semitic groups around the country and even used by some ultra-conservative groups which were not anti-Semitic. But there is irony in the use-or, rather, misuse-of this particular quote. The passage appears in Hecht's novel, A Jew in Love (1931), but it is uttered by an anti-Communist named Boshere. And Boshere, after making his remark about feeding Christians to the lions, adds; "I would do the same thing to radicals today."
Contributed by David S. Maddison (
"We are not denying and we are not afraid to confess, this war is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry... Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war
production is based. We are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them in their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan Horses in the enemy's fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in
the destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory."
Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Jewish Congress, in a Speech on December 3, 1942, in New York City
The above quote is #132 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
It is difficult to see what is wrong with this quote, if true. It is merely saying that Jews, like all other civilised people wanted to fight the Nazis.
David S. Maddison (
This is a quote from Léon de Poncins' 'The Secret Powers Behind Revolution: Freemasonry and Judaism", London, Boswell Printing and Publishing Co., 1929, 260 pp.
It is the standard anti-Semitic work on the supposed "Jewish-Masonic plot to control the world".
David S. Maddison (
This is a quote from Léon de Poncins' 'The Secret Powers Behind Revolution: Freemasonry and Judaism", London, Boswell Printing and Publishing Co., 1929, 260 pp.
It is the standard anti-Semitic work on the supposed "Jewish-Masonic plot to control the world".
David S. Maddison (
This is a quote from Edward Cahill, "Freemasonry and the Anti-Christian Movement", Dublin, M.H. Gill and Son, 1929, 186 pp.
Written from a Catholic perspective, this anti-masonic, anti-Jewish source utilizes the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in prsenting its "facts'. The revised and enlarged second edition (1930) should be consulted for "The Jewish Element in Freemasonry" (pp. 74-95); 1929 ed. Not seen by compiler.
Review from: "Anti-Semitic Propaganda – An Annotated Bibliography and Research Guide", Robert Singerman, Garland Publishing, New York, 1982, ISBN 0-8240-9270-8
Contributed by
David S. Maddison (
This is a quote from "Inquire Within" [pseud.]. The Trail of the Serpent, London, Boswell Publishing Co., 1936, 325 pp.
A much quoted source of "facts" touching upon the Illuminati, occult sciences, secret societies, gnosticism, Judaeo-Masonry, black ,agic, cabalism, theospophy and Rosicrucianism. See pp. 114-36 for a discussion of the "Jewish Question." Regarding the author's identity, see [following paragraph]:
Authorship attributed to Miss C.M. Stoddart. Cf James webb, The Occult Establishment (La Salle, Ill., Open Court, 1976), pp.219-20
Review from: "Anti-Semitic Propaganda – An Annotated Bibliography and Research Guide", Robert Singerman, Garland Publishing, New York, 1982, ISBN 0-8240-9270-8
Contributed by
David S. Maddison (
This is a quote from "Inquire Within" [pseud.]. The Trail of the Serpent, London, Boswell Publishing Co., 1936, 325 pp.
A much quoted source of "facts" touching upon the Illuminati, occult sciences, secret societies, gnosticism, Judaeo-Masonry, black ,agic, cabalism, theospophy and Rosicrucianism. See pp. 114-36 for a discussion of the "Jewish Question." Regarding the author's identity, see [following paragraph]:
Authorship attributed to Miss C.M. Stoddart. Cf James webb, The Occult Establishment (La Salle, Ill., Open Court, 1976), pp.219-20
Review from: "Anti-Semitic Propaganda – An Annotated Bibliography and Research Guide", Robert Singerman, Garland Publishing, New York, 1982, ISBN 0-8240-9270-8
Contributed by
David S. Maddison (
"The Christians are always singing about the blood. Let us give them enough of it! Let us cut their throats and drag them over the altar! And let them drown in their own blood! I dream of the day when the last priest is strangled on the guts of the last preacher."
Jewish Chairman of the American Communist Party, Gus Hall
The above quote is #165 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
Like many such "quotes", this one is not properly referenced so it is difficult to trace its source. However, in this case it is only necessary to point out that the author of this Jewish-attributed "quote" is not actually Jewish. Gus Hall was of Finnish descent. His birth name was Arvo Mike Halberg. (I have another report that his middle name was "Justa".)
He says that he "was baptized in the most conservative religious denomination, the Evangelical Lutheran Church". (Source: "After 50 years: Truth triumphs over the lies of anti-communism" November 29, 1997, "People's Weekly World".
An extremely ironical fact in relation to this claim is as follows:
"The CPUSA Secretary for Relations with Foreign Communist Parties was a FBI agent, reporting regularly to the US government all the secret things Hall & Co were doing. He was named Morris Childs (ne Chilovsky) and _was_ Jewish." Source: Quoted from Usenet message Message-ID: <>, Author: Joseph Major (, Date: 27 Sep 1999 08:23:06 –0500
Apparently a lot of Finns became involved in American socialism as the following quote attests:
"Finnish immigrants were the first in the nation to found a foreign-language group of the American Socialist Party. Finntown in Virginia had a three-story brick building known as the Socialist Opera. By one estimate, a third of the Finns on the Iron Range in 1913 were socialists. In the 1930s, 40 percent of the total membership of the American communist party nationwide came from one small immigrant group - the Finns. Gus Hall, the longtime head of the American Communist party, came from a Finnish farmstead on the Iron Range." Source: "Finland Was a Poor Country: Part 2 By Mary Losure and Dan Olson June 10, 1997 (Minnesota Public radio)
Apart from the fact that Gus Hall does not appear to be Jewish, the quote itself seems spurious. Why would an American Communist, in a country with many strongly- religious Christians make such a statement if he were trying to get support for his cause?
Gus Hall has also stated "Right-wing forces also spread the lie that Communists are anti-religion. In all my years I have never heard anyone in our party make an anti-religion remark or speech." (Source: November 29, 1997, People's Weekly World). It is difficult to reconcile this remark with the one that is attributed to him.
In addition, the last line bears an uncanny resemblance to a paraphased quote, the original of which is attributed to Jean Meslier c. 1664-1733 and appears in French in Testament (ed. R. Charles, 1864) vol. 1, ch. 2. Meslier's quote starts out (English translation): I remember, on this matter, the wish made once by an ignorant, uneducated man…He said…. The man's wish, expressed next, is often presented in paraphased form as "Je voudrais…que le dernier des rois fût étranglé avec les boyaux du dernier prêtre", "I should like…the last of the kings to be strangled with the guts of the last priest". [source "Oxford Dictionary of Quotations", 4th revised edition, 1996, ISBN 0-19-860058-5
David S. Maddison (
RESPONSE 2 (A variant of the above quotation.)
STRANGLED-TO-DEATH QUOTE "I dream of the hour when the last Congressman is strangled to death on the guts of the last preacher-and since Christians like to sing about the blood, why not give them a little of it? Slit the throats of their children and drag them over the mourners' bench and the pulpit, and allow them to drown in their own blood, and then see whether they enjoy singing these hymns."
When Gus Hall, General Secretary of the American Communist Party, was invited to speak at the University of Oregon in 1962, there was an outburst of protest in Eugene, where the university is located, and an outpouring of anti-Hall posters and leaflets featuring the strangled-to-death statement which Hall was charged with having made at a Communist convention in 1937 and again at the funeral of Communist leader Eugene Dennis in 1961. But the New York Times, which covered the Dennis funeral, mentioned no such bloodcurdling statement in Hall's eulogy, and Hall himself, when queried about it by reporters in Eugene, said the statement was so vile he wouldn't bother denying it. The attribution of the inflammatory words to Hall first appeared in reactionary Kenneth Goff's Pilgrim Torch in April 1961, but actually they can be traced back to Jean Meslier (a Catholic who turned anti-Christian), whose will, published by Voltaire in 1733, stated: "I should like to see . . . the last king strangled with the guts of the last priest." In 1980, evangelist Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority used the phony Gus Hall quotation in a multi-media presentation entitled, "America, You're Too Young to Die." Cited: Roy Paul Nelson, "On Cranberries and Communism," Christian Century, LXXXIX (March 21, 1962): 356-59
[Reference: "They Never Said It", Paul F. Boller Jr. and John George, New York, Oxford University Press, 1989, ISBN 0-19-605541-1 and ISBN 0-19-506469-0]
Contributed by David S. Maddison (
"The strongest supporters of Judaism cannot deny that Judaism is anti-Christian." (Jewish World, March 15, 1924)
This is quote #178 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
See response for quote #185.
On March 15th, 1923, the Jewish World asserted: "Fundamentally Judaism is Anti-Christian." (Waters Flowing Eastward, p. 108)
The above quote is #185 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
"There were two publications with this name. The first one, a daily in Cleveland, Ohio, was established in 1908 and suspended in 1952. The second Jewish World was published daily in Philadelphia from 1913 until 1941, when it became a weekly. It finally suspended in 1945.
. . .
Common Sense of January 15,1962, quotes the Jewish World of March 15, 1923, as saying:
Fundamentally, Judaism is Anti-Christian.
Lyrl Van Hyning uses the same quotation in her collection of anti-Semitic lies and forgeries, Key to the Mystery, page 13. Victor Marsden, translator of that masterpiece of forgery, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, uses the same quotation on page 7 of the March, 1958 edition of World Conquest Through World Government, under which name the notorious Protocols were published in London by the Britons Publishing Society.
In checking out this obviously phoney quotation, we carried on considerable correspondence until we finally determined that a file of the Philadelphia Jewish World was in the archives of the New York Public Library and that a file of the Cleveland Jewish World was in the archives of the Midwest Inter-Library Center in Chicago. In reply to our inquiry regarding "Fundamentally, Judaism is Anti-Christian" we received a negative report from the New York Public Library, one of the world's finest research libraries (see page 127).
On June 21, 1962, we visited the Midwest Inter-Library Center in Chicago, a most unique research institution, whose facilities are available only to faculty members of the thirteen supporting universities and to research scholars. To our surprise we found that they had files of both the Cleveland and the Philadelphia Jewish World. A most painstaking search failed to reveal any trace of the quotations allegedly appearing in the January 16, 1919 issue and in the March 15, 1923 issue.
One week later we again checked the Philadelphia Jewish World in the archives of the New York Public Library, and personally verified the report we had received from Mr. Berger. In the four days that we spent in the New York Public Library, we explored every possibility of finding any evidence of authenticity of these quotations. But both phoney quotations are still receiving widespread circulation-internationally-while occasionally there are weak and insipid refutations on a very limited and inadequate scale."
The New York Public Library
Dear Mr Kominsky:
March 21, 1962
-I have examined the "Jewish World" of Philadelphia from March 15, 1923, but could find no reference to the statement you quote .
Sincerely yours,
Abraham Borger
Chief Jewish Division
SOURCE QUOTED: "The Hoaxers – Plain Liars, Fancy Liars and Damned Liars" by Morris Kominsky, Branden Press, Boston, 1970.
Contributed by David. S. Maddison (
"No gassing took place in any camp on Germany soil." (Nazi-Hunter Simon Wisenthal, in his Books and Bookmen, p. 5)
This is quote #214 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
Note that this not the actual quote which is reproduced below. Note also that it says that no extermination camps on German soil, not that there were no concentration camps. Extermination camps were in Poland and were specifically designed to murder large numbers of people whilst in concentration camps people were employed as slave labour and died of incidental means such as being worked to death, starvation and disease, as well as random murders. It also doesn't mean that there were no murders in Germany. It simply means that there were no dedicated, specialised murder centers.
Below is the original letter to the editor from Simon Wiesenthal to "Books and Bookmen," April 1975, Vol. 20, No.7, p.5 from which the above quote is meant to have come.
"In reply to Colin Wilson's letter (b&b Feb on The Myth of the Six Million), it is no myth, it is rather sad that thirty years after the fall of the Third Reich there are still doubts as to the enormity of Nazi-Crimes.
Hundreds of trials have taken place against persons who helped to clean Europe and the world of human vermin. No SS-man accused of these deeds in court has yet denied the existence of Gas-Chambers and their usage. His usual defence was--he had to obey orders.
The Commandant of Treblinka, Franz Stangl, admitted at his trial in 1968 in Dusseldorf, that they had gassed eighteen thousand people a day. The accusation was that he was responsible for the death of four hundred thousand people. But during the proceedings a German Scientist proved that the real figure was nearer nine hundred thousand. I'm quoting this case in particular because all the facts are today completely documented. Anybody who has doubts is welcome to look into it. The other two extermination camps were Sobibor and Belzec. In these camps they killed two million Jews.
The Commandant of Auschwitz, Hoess, declared in court, that between three to four million people were exterminated in his camp. We know today that in all eleven million people, not all Jews, of the civilian population were murdered by the Nazis in occupied countries, mainly in Eastern Europe. Scientific researchers and historians in various countries reached the firm conclusion, based on German documents, that the figure of exterminated Jews was between five million eight hundred thousand and six million two hundred thousand. They agree to a round figure of six million.
Eichmann in his trial spoke of five million and yet he was only responsible for part of the extermination of the Jews. The dead of the 'Einsatzgruppen' in the East and the dead of Gas-Lorries were not part of Eichmann's programme.
Because there were no extermination camps on German soil the Neo-Nazis are using this as proof that these crimes did not happen and furthermore exhibit witnesses from German Labour-Camps who have never seen mass-extermination.
For political reasons the Neo-Nazis try to diminish the blame of Germans towards Jews. This has been taken very lightly by Historians and by Jews alike, which is wrong. The circulation of the Neo-Nazi-istic writings with their malicious and ridiculous arguments connot be prevented. They find sometimes an echo in some countries. Goebbels always recommended--repeat a lie often enough and people will come to believe it.
They also declared that the Diary of Anna Frank was an invention until one day I succeeded in finding the policeman in Holland who had Anna Frank arrested. Today the Neo-Nazis have no more to say about the subject of Anna Frank.
We would be glad if the Myth of the six million was a myth. Unfortunately it is not, it is a tragic reality.
Simon Wiesenthal
The following is the reply from the Wiesenthal Center:
12. Didn't Simon Wiesenthal himself state that there were no extermination camps in Germany?
The Nazis classified their many hundreds of concentration camps on their basis of their primary function. In a very real sense, all were death camps because the death of the inmates, whether through overwork, starvation/disease, or outright murder, was ultimately expected.
Those sites, however, which functioned as extermination centers (Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Majdanek, Sobibor, Belzec, and Chelmno), were specially equipped for the gassing of hundreds of thousands of victims each (millions altogether). All of these camps were located in Poland, and for good reason. Poland had far more Jews than Germany and the rest of Western Europe combined. The Nazis also felt that the relative remoteness of Poland's rural areas would also minimize reports of mass murder taking place there.
Also, see the article on the Nizkor site about this "quote"
David S. Maddison (
"Thou knowest how numerous this tribe is, how united and how powerful in the assemblies. I will plead in a low voice so that only the judges may hear, for instigators are not lacking to stir up the crowd against me, and against all the best citizens. To scorn, in the interest of the Republic, this multitude of Jews so often turbulent in the assemblies shows a singular strength of mind. The money is in the Treasury; they do not accuse us of theft; they seek to stir up hatreds..." (Pro Flacco, Cicero).
The above quote is #258 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
David S. Maddison (
Professor Levene's response is as follows:
The exact reference is Cicero, "Pro Flacco" 66-69. But this passage does not appear there in this form: the quoter has without acknowledgement strung together a set of sentences each taken from a different part of Cicero's argument. This significantly distorts what Cicero is saying. Thus the person who "scorns" the Jews is not Cicero (as the quote implies), but the defendant Flaccus. And in the final sentence, the person who is seeking to "stir up hatreds" is not the Jews, but the Roman prosecuting counsel (it isn't "they" in the original Latin).
The passage (or at least the first two sentences of it) is of course still anti-Semitic; but I should perhaps explain a little about the background in order that one can see how Cicero came to say this. Flaccus was the Roman governor of Asia Minor, and was accused by the local Greek inhabitants of extortion (he was almost certainly guilty). The case came to trial in 59 B.C.E: Cicero was not only the leading barrister of the day, but also Flaccus' political ally, and so defended him.
Much of the speech is spent by Cicero in a virulent xenophobic attack on Asian Greeks in order to impugn their reliability as witnesses. He then very briefly refers to a subsidiary accusation against Flaccus by Jews, which the prosecutor had alluded to in passing to support his case; and accordingly Cicero there switches his attack to Jews: but that is a minor side-issue in the case, and he drops the subject after barely a page.
The point is that it was normal in trials in Roman lawcourts for provincial corruption for the defence to appeal to the Roman jury's xenophobia by indulging in racial attacks on the provincials. Thus as well as attacking Greeks and (briefly) Jews in this speech, Cicero spent a good deal of his earlier speech "Pro Fonteio" attacking Gauls (who were there the chief accusers), and in his later speech "Pro Scauro" he spent his time attacking Sardinians.
In short, while certainly anti-Semitic in part, this passage tells us nothing about Cicero's real views about Jews (or Greeks, Gauls or Sardinians). It simply tells us the methods that, as an experienced barrister, he thought would be effective in achieving an acquittal for his client.
D S Levene (
"...don't kill the farmer, he's too valuable to us." (Jewish Motto).
The above quote is #371 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
I have spoken to a number of people and they have never heard of this quote. It also does not appear in any book of Jewish quotations I have looked at, for example, "A treasury of Jewish Quotations", J.L. Baron, Aronson, 1985 and "Words of the Wise", Alcalay. Finally, a request was made to the Internet Usenet group soc.culture.jewish and there were no responses to indicate that anyone had heard of this "motto". Conclusion: It is a fabrication.
David S. Maddison (
"Zionism was willing to sacrifice the whole of European Jewry for a Zionist State. Everything was done to create a state of Israel and that was only possible through a world war. Wall Street and Jewish large bankers aided the war effort on both sides. Zionists are also to blame for provoking the growing hatred for Jews in 1988." (Joseph Burg, The Toronto Star, March 31, 1988).
The above quote is #395 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
David S. Maddison (
From Usenet message:
From: RockyMtnCougar (
Message-ID: (
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 15:36:15 -0700
It is true that it was published in that newspaper, on that date. Yet, it was not a statement of truth. It was witness testimony in defense of Ernst Zundel, given by self-declared "anti-Zionist" Joseph Burg.
What you posted, [..] was not a historians opinion, not a reporter's opinion, not an editor's opinion, not a quote from a public official, educator or minister.
You published a quote of a quote from the trial.
Now, how do I know this? Very simple.
The Toronto Star doesn't have it's 1988 issues online. But they do have an e-mail address for the paper's Ombudsman. I wrote to him requesting information on the quote, including the context it appears in. I am posting his statement regarding your quote below.
' I have worked at The Star since 1984. No person named Joseph Burg has ever worked for the paper. On March 31, 1988, The Star reported on Joseph Burg's testimony at the trial of Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel. He was testifying in Zundel's defence, and made the comment you attributed to him. Burg was 80 at the time. In his testimony, he described himself as an "anti-Zionist." '
"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is
racial tension. By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them into the program of the Communist Party. In America, we aim for several victories. While inflaming the Negro minorities against the whites, we will instill in the whites a guilt complex for their supposed exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Blacks to rise to prominence in every walk of life and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige,, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and will begin the process which will deliver America to our cause."
Jewish Playwright Israel Cohen, A Radical Program For The Twentieth Century Also entered into the Congressional Record on June 7, 1957, by Rep. Thomas Abernathy
The above quote is #399 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
David S. Maddison (
(From Usenet message.)
This is a famous forgery. It was read into the Congessional Record by Mississippi Congessman T.G. Abernathy in June 1957 allegedly taken from a book called "A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century" (you
can't even get the title right) which was supposedly published by Englishman Israel Cohen in 1912. In August 1958 New York Congressman A.J. Multer questioned the quotation's authenticity. He pointed out that there was NO communist party in Britain in 1912 and that the
expression "Communist Party" did not come into use until AFTER WWI and that no such book was ever written or could be found in the British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books or the Library of Congress. Also, there was no record of a person called Israel Cohen who was a communist that lived in Britain.
Multer read into the Congressional Record an articled called "Story of a Phony Quotation - A Futile Effort to Pin it Down..." and an article about it appeared in the Washington Star, Feb 18, 1958. The Star traced the phony quote to, guess who?...Eustace Mullins, Jr! who claimed to have copied it from a Zionist publication in the Library of Congress in 1952. However, Multer noted that "He was discharged years ago from his probationary job as a photographic aid in the Library of Congress because of his authorship and circulation of violently anti-Semitic articles.
Source "They Never Said It", P.F. Boller and J. George, Oxford University Press, 1989, isbn 0-19-505541-1
Also see "The Hoaxers, Plain Liars, Fancy Liars and Damned Liars", Morris Kominsky, Branden Press, 1970, SBN 8283-1288-5
Kominsky gives VERY extensive treatment to this forgery and I highly recommend his book.
"They Never Said It" is excellent too.
David S. Maddison (
From Usenet message:
Message-ID: (37f55e4d.14573267@
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 12:25:09 GMT
(From Usenet message.)
>This is a famous forgery. It was read into the >Congessional Record by Mississippi Congessman T.G. >Abernathy in June 1957 allegedly taken from a book >called "A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century"
[History of the forgery skipped]
Thanks; it did sound a lot more like something written by a racist in the 1957 than something written by a Jewish author in 1912.
"The systematic attempts that are now being made to identify the Jews of Russia with the Bolshevists, to represent Bolshevism as a Jewish movement, and thus to hold up the entire Jewish people to obloquy and attack, are based solely upon the fact that a certain number of prominent Bolshevist Commissaries are of Jewish birth. Upon this fact, which has never been denied, have been built up all sorts of fanatastic accusations, such as that the Jews wish to wreak revenge upon Russia for the persecutions under Tsardom, and that they aim at sweeping away Christian civilization so as to enthrone Judaism as the dominant faith throughout the world. How utterly absurd these calumnies are, and how grotesquely exaggerated are most of the stories of Jewish participation in Bolshevism can be proved by an unimpassioned examination of the ascertainable facts and figures."
I was going to ask "who wrote that," but I guess that given the thread, this would be pretty obvious, so I'll just say it: Israel Cohen did, in the _Jewish Chronicle_ of London, on December 12, 1919, in an article titled THE "JEW-BOLSHEVIST" LIE. Chris "Flip" Carpenter can sure pick them. By the way, the rest of the article is an extremely lucid and convincing debunking of, well, Chris Carpenter, or at least people who sound a lot like him. Antisemitism has obviously not changed very much in 80 years; you really couldn't tell that the article was written that long ago, and most of the "facts and figures" are still perfectly valid.
Jacob Minsky (
From Usenet message:
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 20:58:21 GMT
"Some call it Marxism -- I call it Judaism." (The American Bulletin, Rabbi S. Wise, May 5, 1935).
The above quote is #405 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
Anti-Semites have been fond of quoting this statement, which they say, Stephen Wise prominent New York rabbi and Zionist leader, once made. Actually, Rabbi Wise was a life-long foe of Communism; and an official at Manhattan's Hebrew Union College, where Wise's papers are kept, reported that no such statement appears anywhere in Wise's writings. Even George Lincoln Rockwell, American Nazi leader, was forced to admit it was a fake (1). (
1) See "George Lincoln Rockwell: Playboy Interview", Playboy, April 1966, p.79
Reference: "They Never Said It", Paul F. Boller Jr. and John George, New York, Oxford University Press, 1989, ISBN 0-19-605541-1 and ISBN 0-19-506469-0
David S. Maddison (
"[Jews were] fomenting a general plague on the whole world." (Claudis, Roman Emperor, Epistolas).
The above quote is #406 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
David S. Maddison (
Professor Levene's response is as follows:
The quote has been utterly mangled, and in context doesn't mean anything like what the quoters here are suggesting. They don't help one find it, of course, by the miscitation: the Emperor's name was Claudius, and it is misleading to cite it as "Epistolas", as if it came from some published collection of Claudius' letters (no such collection exists). It comes from an official communication of Claudius to the people of Alexandria that was discovered on papyrus in the 1920s. It should either be cited by its first publication (P. Lond. 1912), or else from one of the standard documentary collections: e.g. Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum II (Harvard, 1960) no. 153, or E.M. Smallwood, "Documents Illustrating the Principates of Gaius, Claudius and Nero" (Cambridge, 1967), no. 370.
The letter (in Greek) dates from November 41 C.E. There had recently been major violence and rioting in Alexandria between the Greek and the Jewish inhabitants, and Claudius wrote this letter aimed at both communities. The letter is very long, and I shan't quote it all, but the essence is that he refuses to lay the blame for the violence on either side, but insists that both are responsible for keeping the peace in future. He orders the Greeks to respect the Jewish religion in future, and to stop their attacks on it: he insists that the Jews have the right to practise their religion peacefully. He then orders the Jews to stop agitating for extra civic rights in Alexandria, and to stop bringing more people into the city from Syria and Egypt, but to be content with what they already have. He then says:
"*If they do not*, I shall in all respects punish them *like* [kathaper] fomenters of some sort of general plague of the whole inhabited world." [Emphasis mine].
In other words, Claudius is not saying that the Alexandrian Jews *were* fomenting such a "plague", but is threatening them that *if* they do not cease from these actions that he regards as provocative, he will punish them *as if* they were fomenting a plague (he has likewise earlier in the letter threatened the Greeks with punishment if they do not give up *their* provocative actions). Quite a different matter, as you see.
D S Levene (
"There is only one Power which really counts: The Power of Political Pressure. We Jews are the most powerful people on Earth, because we have this power, and we know how to apply it."
Jewish Daily Bulletin, 7/27/1935
The above quote is #408 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
David S. Maddison (
(From Usenet message.)
Unfortunately for you, _Jewish Daily Bulletin_ was absorbed by _American Hebrew_ in July 1935, and the last issue was on 7/21. Gee, is anybody else as shocked as I am?
(Jacob Minsky (
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 1999 22:44:55 GMT
"It is necessary to gain the common people to our order. The best means to that end is influence in the schools."
The Jewish Founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt
The above quote is #420 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
This is another example of a quote which is not properly referenced and is thus difficult to check. Nevertheless, the claim is that the author was Jewish. This is not true. Adam Weishaupt is well known to have been a Catholic. Source: "The Hoaxers – Plain Liars, Fancy Liars and Damned Liars" by Morris Kominsky, Branden Press, Boston, 1970.
David S. Maddison (
"A mind that is positive cannot be controlled. For the purpose of occult dominion, minds must therefore be rendered passive and negative in order that control may
be achieved. Minds consciously working to a definite end are a power for good or for evil." (Occult Theocracy, p. 581)
The above quote is #422 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
It is difficult to see what this quote, if genuine, has to do with Jews or Judaism who are not even mentioned in it. Needless to say, Jews are strictly prohibited from indulging in the occult or using it in any way. (E.g. Exodus 22:17, Leviticus 18:3; 20:23, 19:26, 19:31, Deuteronomy 18:10, 18:11)
David S. Maddison (
Jews may adopt the customs and language of the countries where they live; but they will never become part of the native population.
The Jewish Courier, January 17, 1924
The above quote is #428 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
David S. Maddison (
Not an authentic quote. A fabrication by Eustace Mullins.
Yale F.Edeiken (
From Usenet message:
Message-ID: (01bf087c$f64d6f20$a09a10cf@default)
Date: 26 Sep 1999 20:19:57 -0400
"Competition is a sin." (John D. Rockefeller)
The above quote is #434 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
Because this "quote" is not referenced properly it is difficult to check its authenticity, however John D. Rockefeller is not Jewish.
According to his biography at John D. Rockefeller "joined the Erie Street Baptist Church, which later became the Euclid Avenue Baptist Church. Active in its affairs, he became a trustee of the church at the age of 21."
Also, this alleged quote does not appear in "Oxford Dictionary of Quotations", 4th revised edition, 1996, ISBN 0-19-860058-5 or "Collins Dictionary of Business Quotations", Simon James and Robert Parker, HarperCollins, 1991, ISBN 0-00-434379-4
David S. Maddison (
"The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish
dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental an physical forces, become a reality all over the world."
The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920
The above quote is #471 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
David S. Maddison (
(From a Usenet message)
[..] First of all, this is not a quote at all, but at the most an extremely tendentious paraphrase, and the second sentence is a complete invention. Second, this particular issue - actually, it is a color supplement to the magazine - is devoted to the topic of "non-Jewish opinions about Jews." To that end, it consists of articles by various non-Jewish guest commentators; e.g. it has an article by Georges Clemenceau. The opinions in the quote above are contained (but not in such extreme form, or in those words) in an article by one Tsvetan Tonjoroff, of whom I have never heard (and, more tellingly, neither have any biographical references that I've been able to search). So I really can't say why he was invited to submit an article.
There is not the slightest indication that his opinion is shared by the staff of _American Hebrew_, any Jews, or what have you. In fact, this issue - and many of the previous ones - contain articles that debunk the usual antisemitic lie that Bolshevism is Jewish, discuss the serious situation of Jews in early Soviet Russia, quote from respected sources (e.g. General Kolchak, if I recall), and so on. (Jacob Minsky)
Sun, 26 Sep 1999 23:38:18 GMT
"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this new world order the Children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering
opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands." (Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, La Revue de Paris, p. 54, June 1, 1928)
The above is quote #476 and #544 (shorter version) from the anti-Semitic document and "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
"Professional anti-Semites are continually discovering secret Jewish "conspiracies" with which to inflame the passions of their ignorant followers. Simple-minded people avidly accept simple-minded explanation that all of the world's troubles caused by the Jews. There is a regular business of producing forged Jewish documents, and it is very plain to any serious student that hate peddlers have scoured the earth in search of "documents" which are then placed in files, for use at appropriate times. Thus we find that a reactionary magazine, Revue De Paris, in its issue of June 1, 1928, carried a long and Prime article in French, whose translated title is "The Secret Origins of Bolshevism: Henry Heine and Karl Marx." It is a vicious, anti-Semitic article, which tells of a Jewish "conspiracy" to conquer the world and then ties this imaginary conspiracy to Communism. As part of its "proof," it quotes from an alleged letter from one, Baruch Levy, to Karl Marx, the co-founder of the modern Communist movement. Nowhere in the article is there any inkling of who Baruch Levy could possibly be, excepting that he is referred to as a Neo-Messianist (whatever that is supposed to denote). The Baruch Levy "letter" outlines a Jewish plan to take over the world. Nowhere in the writings of Karl Marx is there any mention of Baruch Levy and/or his alleged letter. In fact, one can be reasonably certain Marx would have consigned it to the incinerator, if such a letter had reached him. Revue De Paris does not state where it obtained the alleged letter. The obvious reason -that it is a fraud- can easily be deduced from the internal evidence. Its leitmotif is almost identical with the central theme of the Rabbi Rabinovich fabrication (which we have already discussed) and the fraudulent Protocols of the Elders of Zion (which we will soon examine). In other words, any sane person, who has a knowledge of history, can readily recognize the Baruch Levy letter as a palpable fraud.
Thirty-seven years later, Hal Hunt quoted the Baruch Levy letter on the front page of his hate sheet, National Chronicle of March 11, 1965, along with the Kol Nidre hoax and other fraudulent items. How did the editor of a small-circulation sheet obtain an article from a Parisian magazine and how did he obtain an English translation of this essay? The answers are obvious to anyone who does research into the propaganda techniques of the hate publications: it is a stock item, which travels from -one hate publication to another, because the members of this fraternity read and dote on each other's fulminations. The Baruch Levy hoax has appeared periodically, and will probably continue to be used until there is no longer a market for this kind of merchandise.
We asked Dr. Herbert Aptheker, Director of the American Institute for Marxist Studies, to do some additional research about the alleged letter from Baruch Levy to Karl Marx. In a letter, dated September 5, 1967, Dr. Aptheker stated:
I have examined five of the biographies of Marx . . . including those by Mehring, Ruhle, Postgate, Eastman, Lewis . . . and find no mention of anything in any way resembling the material you quote from Baruch Levy. In all my reading in Marxism ... considerable for about 33 years . . . I have never seen anything remotely like that. Let me add that I have examined the indexes of all 6 volumes . . . Volumes 27 through 32 . . . of the Marx-Engels Werke (Dietz Verlag, Berlin, 1963-1965) and find no mention of a Baruch Levy or any indication of any letter in any way similar to that you mention. These are the volumes which contain the letters . . . Briefe . . . of Marx and Engels, commencing in 1842 and going through 1870 (all so far published). I think one may therefore say great confidence that the letter is a hoax, as one would believe in any case from its contents."
SOURCE QUOTED: "The Hoaxers – Plain Liars, Fancy Liars and Damned Liars" by Morris Kominsky, Branden Press, Boston, 1970.
Contributed by
David S. Maddison (
"The Bolshevist revolution [the 1917 Russian Revolution] was largely the outcome of Jewish idealism." (American Hebrew, Sept. 10, 1920)
The above quote is #534 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
See above quote and analysis.
David S. Maddison (
"Within the studies and on the screen, the Jews could simply create a new country - an empire of their own, so to speak, one where they would not only be admitted, but would govern as well. The would create its values and myths, its traditions and archetypes." (An Empire of Their Own [How the Jews Invented Hollywood], by Neal Gabler (Crown Publishers, inc. N.Y. Copyright 1988, pp. 5-6)
The above quote is #542 from the anti-Semitic document "1000 Quotes by and about Jews". It is available in similar form from many sources, but not necessarily with the same number.
This is another example of a "quote" that is taken out of context and with selective deletions. As far as the posted quote goes, the third word is wrong and should be "studios", in the last sentence "the" should be "they", a sentence is missing from the posted quote, and also the important first and last parts of the paragraph are missing. The full quote is one paragraph as follows, and the deleted material is indicated thus [[]]:
[[But in order to understand what may have been the chief appeal of the movies to these Jews, one must understand their hunger for assimilation and the way in which the movies could uniquely satisfy that hunger. If the Jews were proscribed from entering the real corridors of gentility and status in America, the movies offered an ingenious option.]]
Within the studios and on the screen, the Jews could simply create a new country - an empire of their own, so to speak - one where they would not only be admitted, but would govern as well.
[[They would fabricate their empire in the image of America as they would fabricate themselves in the image of prosperous Americans.]]
They would create its values and myths, its traditions and archetypes.
[[It would be an America where fathers were strong, families stable, people attractive, resilient, resourceful, and decent. This was their America, and its invention may be their most enduring legacy.]]
David. S. Maddison (
All contributions copyright David S. Maddison or respective authors.
Uploaded 20 October 1999