Homepage of the 3rd Regiment, New Jersey Volunteer Infantry

The second recording from the Fifes and Drums of the 3rd New Jersey is set to be available soon! Click here for more information!

Rally 'Round the Colors

The Third N.J. constituted one of the Four Regiments composing what was generally know as the "First Brigade, New Jersey Volunteers". The Regiment trained at Fort Olden, Trenton, N.J. until it left the state in June of 1861.
Throughout the course of the Civil War, the Third New Jersey participated in up to fifty-four engagements from Bull Rull to Appomattox Court House. During most of that time, The Regiment was attached to the First Division of the Sixth Corps. Today, the 3rd N.J. is recreated by over eighty re-enactors from all over the state. Accurate impressions and portrayals of soldiers, civilians and musicians greatly contribute to the authenticity. The unit takes part in dozens of re-enactments each year from local events in New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania, to Carnifex Ferry, West Virginia and South.

On Display for All
Coming Soon
  • News on the 3rd's effort to preserve Camp Vredenberg, the only Civil War training camp in the State of New Jersey to survive modern development

Questions? Comments? Send a dispatch to the 3rd Regiment, New Jersey Volunteer Infantry
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1998, by Private Jason Wickersty, Third New Jersey Volunteers, and was last updated on SATURDAY the 4th of DECEMBER, 1999


  • Awards
  • Web Rings
  • sign