She is The Mother. All things came from Her, return to Her and are Her. She gives birth to all, nourishes all and ends all. She is birth, She is life and She is death. She is the Nameless One who owns all Names.
She is She.
Patron Goddess for this Page
Mother of Gods, Mother of Worlds, Infinite Light, Protectress and Leader of Mortals.
Animal Spirit Guide for this Page
The Teacher, The Pathfinder, The Herald of New Ideas, The Sharer of Great Truths.
I give thanks and am deeply grateful to be given another day of life.
You stand before a massive green marble and glass brick structure. The marble is highly polished and the glass is clean and reflective. The huge double doors before you are made of carved ash and bronze.
News and information about the Temple can be found in the Caretaker's Room behind the small maple and brass door to the right of the Temple entrance. Please visit the Caretaker before entering the Temple for the first time.
When you are ready to enter the Temple, please swing open the massive, but easily rolling doors, cross the threshold and come inside to The Hall of Welcome.
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