These pages are copyright, 1997 by Robert J. Petry, C.L. Information on these web pages are for personal use only, and may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever for commercial use of anykind.
This page updated 10-20-97
Ordinary writing at Shorthand Speed for all Languages
This, the only World Brief-Script in existence, breaks down all the present language barriers to free international correspondence between all countries.
"Another outstanding and attractive feature of Dutton Speedwords [Rap Lin Rie] is the fact that it is the first abbreviated writing invention in history which at once transcribes all languages." ---R. J. G. Dutton
Rap Lin Rie is the nickname I have given to Dutton World Speedwords. Dutton World Speedwords was intended to be a shorthand system that could also be used as an international language. And, it turns out that it is the perfect email shorthand system for the 21st Century.
Dutton World Speedwords. Dutton World Speedwords was intended to be a shorthand system that could also be used as an international language. Rap lin rie, the nickname I have given it, means, in Speedwords, "rapid language shorthand".
"T e perfectly clear a every sensible person k one d l greatest difficulties i l way d international understanding & good will e l fact k every nation speaks u different lin, so k u person who lives i one country e unable a speak, write or communicate i any way with one who lives i another, unless s happens a have learnt l latter's lin. But c requires time, trouble & ability, & even then t e n enough a know only 2 lin; there e hundreds, if n thousands more, & n one person p possibly know more than u very small number d g. One yp well imagine u visitor d another world expressing si surprise a l fact k l people living i c world should us so many ido lin & k, f instance,u person i England should not e able a communicate m one i France, although only ab twenty miles away. Surely t e te k u definite effort should e made a bring into us some medium d international communication which every nation could understand so k political, scientific, economic & ot ideas could e exchanged easily & freely between ido communities f l benefit & advancement d al.
By c means u real bond d fellowship could e brought into e between l various peoples & gi governments, so k m better understanding & fuller cooperation between g war should finally e done away m -- indeed, t should e impossible, especially i l age d l telephone, wireless, aeroplane & perhaps d ot things yet a come [l internet m ti email system]& a bring l nations d l world even closer together. L new medium [email, &e] should e lox, simple, practical & fas a learn, & i c respect Dutton Speedwords "Rap Lin Rie" (Mote) meets every requirement.
As u foundation t has only 493 very lox (short) words d international origin which, by l addition a each d single final letters produce other words d related meaning & by simple rules f putting 2 or more words together give fresh words whose meaning e immediately evident. L result e k l student d Mote needs only learn l 493 lox words & u few simple rules a e able a express any idea which can ko into l human mind; & can e done i u matter d weeks, not years. N only k, but Mote e so lox k they can e written, typed or set up f printing a double l speed d ordinary lin, &, na, l amount d paper & d labour required -- a say nothing d l cost -- e correspondingly reduced by u half.
Thus, Dutton Mote "Rap Lin Rie" e u ideal medium d communication & should e learned & practiced universally o grounds both d economy & world progress, & although l latter reason e really l more important d l 2, t must e remembered k Mote fully answers l condition k u universal medium must above al e simple & fas a learn." Reginald J. G. Dutton, F.R.S.A.
LIST ONE (First 100 Words of 1,000 Most Frequently Used Words)
Many of the words mentioned above are taken from English, Latin, French, German, Roumanian, etc. At a latter date we will add additional comments to show some of the derivation of the Mote for added memory aid.
As mentioned, many d l motz k Dutton developed yko d ot lin. So, ir e u ro d motz d Latin, Spanish, Italian, French, English and Mote, or Rap Lin Rie.They are listed in the following order:
.Latin/Spanish/Italian/French/English/Rap Lin Rie (Mote)
Enjoy: rules and exercises will soon be added, plus l list r e i ot lin as te permits.
So, pl ur a c "page i progress" often.
NOTICE: If you have come this far, then you must have more than a basic interest in Rap Lin Rie. If that is true, then here is a special treat for you. A sample of one of the very first lessons on Dutton Speedwords is presented for your viewing and learning pleasure. Just click on the link. Right now, just remember, the page you will see is under very heavy construction. Have fun!
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