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Been looking for the reality behind the scenes? Want to know what's REALLY going on? Fed up with spiritual shysters, opinionated occultists, magickal money mongers, religious retards? Then you have come to the right place. Babalon and the Beast now have Our own corner of the worldwide Web -- a portable sanctuary in e-space, a mobile Mishkanava online.  When the labyrinth gets too winding and the mirrors pile in layers, smash them and drop in on Us.  We'll help reorient your compass and cash in your reality checks -- no I.D. needed!  

If you are so sorely in need of some SLACK that you are willing to pay for it, please send Us your check in the amount of $666 U.S. and We will be sure you get cut your fair share.  You don't even have to believe in Us if you don't want to! Everyone is entitled to his/her own gnosis about such things, and We don't insist you accept Us as the actual, live, literal Incarnations that We are in order to warm yourselves by this fire and partake of Our companionship.  

On the other hand, if you don't get it, or think all this prattle far too pompous to take seriously, then relax, sit back, and have a laugh.  Enjoy Our slice of the Cosmic Joke. The punchline's on Us!  *-) 

Our internet presence will continue to grow and evolve as time permits.   If you have yet to treat yourself to an account of the End of the War, please do not hesitate to check it out.  This account is housed in Our "Mishkanava" suite, which never made it past construction stage!  So many projects, so little time, and much of Our time is taken up with LIVE pursuit of the Great Work.  We do appreciate your continued interest in Our Work here and within the hidden layers of human history.  

By all means, feel free to e-mail Us with intelligent feedback or questions. As always, feel free to browse as far as present progress will permit ... 

You may recall visiting here during the summer and being greeted with the shocking message that Babalon the Whore had been annihilated, and had withdrawn into silence?  Well, every initiate has his or her ordeals to contend with. 
"Deem not too eagerly to catch the promises; fear not to undergo the curses.  Ye, even ye, know not this meaning all."  -- Liber AL, 3:16.