updated: January 22, 1999

--the Missoula_duo
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The Neighborhood
Come take a virtual stroll along the banks of the Clark Fork River
in Missoula, Montana.

Our home is located on Missoula’s south side, just a few blocks from the Clark Fork River. Our apartment building is situated on a quiet little street that runs between the Higgins Avenue and Orange Street bridges. The neighborhood of tree lined streets, is a mixture of single residence structures, apartment buildings, and small businesses. The architecture runs the gamut of mid-western prairie style, Victorian gingerbread edifice, mountain redoubt, and neo-Bauhaus In terms of people, the neighborhood is just as varied. Populated by a nice balance of family households, retirees, and university students and is, in that sense, an interesting friendly place in which to live.

Within a five minute walk of the apartment, we have all the amenities that one could need. Bernice’s Bakery is the place to go for croissants and other goodies. There is the Crystal Theater for movies; Tipu’s Tiger for curry and east Indian food; the Kettlehouse for micro-brews; and Ron’s Roost for good deals on used books. The neighborhood is also home to a couple coffee shops, several restaurants where you can dine on French, Greek, Italian, or Mexican cuisine, and special mention to the Orange Street Food Farm, home of the cheapest beer and wine prices in town. Yep . . . all the comforts of home.

A 10 minute stroll east, will land you at the University of Montana with access to all that one might expect to find a major liberal arts institution: libraries, fine arts galleries, theater and performing art venues and a truly beautiful and scenic campus.

A short walk north across the bridge and you are in the heart of downtown Missoula. There you can find not only the usual businesses, but Caras Park, a small park on the north bank of the river which serves as an outdoor venue for concerts and various civic functions. The carousel, also along the river, is a great place for youngsters of all ages. The Wilma Theater which not only shows Hollywood’s "finest" but also provides a venue for live theater and musical performances.

One of the best parts of living in the neighborhood is the system of paths and public gardens that run along the banks of the Clark Fork. Within a short distance of our front door we can stroll along the shaded walkways fronting the river, viewing natural and cultivated foliage and spend some time away from the hustle and bustle of our daily routines. We refer to this part of town as "our" back yard. The best part being, aside from it’s proximity, some one else mows and tends to the landscaping!

The Southside was one of the first residential areas developed on this side of the river. Residential construction began here in the 1890s, largely influenced by the actions of Judge Hiram J. Knowles. Judge Knowles, an attorney and member of the Territorial Supreme Court, owned and developed much of the land that now comprises the Southside neighborhood. The Knowles building, 200-210 South Third West, is the current home Bernice’s Bakery and several other small businesses. Architecturally, the Knowles building is classified as "commercial Italianate" in style. The structure is listed on the national Register of Historic Places.

The Southside is one of Missoula best preserved historic districts. The structures in the neighborhood represent several styles from box-hip and temple-front "workers cottages" to large Queen Anne style residences. The English Gothic style is represented by several churches. Several of the areas schools and many of its residential structures are Neoclassical in style. Many of the neighborhood’s streets are lined with brick, multi-bayed row houses.

On of the Southside’s crowning glories is the old Milwaukee Depot. Currently home to the Boone and Crocket Club. The depot was constructed in 1910, several years after the Milwaukee line reached Missoula. The railroad’s old right away was acquired by the city and now forms the foundation of the pathways along the southern banks of the river.

Links to Our Neighbors

Feet First: a guide to walking, biking, and hiking paths in Missoula.

Kettlehouse Brewing Company -- 602 Myrtle St. Missoula MT 59801.

A microbrewery in Missoula, Montana offering a wide variety of carryout containers. We have lots of Kettlehouse brews, but by far our most popular is the Olde Bongwater Hemp Porter. If you're ever in our neck of the woods, feel free to stop by for some free samples.

The Riverfront Trail System: a map of the trail system in our neighborhood.

Excite maintains an Interactive Street Map of Missoula -- drop in and get to know your way around town

How long has it been since you rode on an old fashioned carousel? There's one along the northern bank of the Clark Fork in downtown Missoula -- stop by and check out A Carousel for Missoula -- you won't regret it.


Just down the street a few blocks form our place you'll find the the University of Montana. Founded in 1893, the UM is now the flagship unit of the state’s university system. One sign of the academic caliber of the students and faculty at the UM is the school’s excellent record in producing Rhodes Scholars. The UM ranks fourth in the nation among public universities in producing Rhodes Scholars, and 15th among all higher education institutions.

Jeannette Rankin Peace Resource Center (JRPRC)
Global Village World Crafts Shop
519 South Higgins, Missoula, MT 59801
(406) 543-3955,
e-mail: jrprc@ism.net
What Does the JRPRC Do?
1. Teaches about peace and social justice through educational programs, workshops and materials. 2. Creates direct action opportunities for Missoulians to help change the world around them. 3. Acts as an incubator for new organizations, working on related issues. The Peace Center provides a meeting place, information referral, and/or financial services for a range of groups including. 4. Educates the public about fair trade and the crafts of people from around the world. 5. Actively engaged in the instruction and practice of nonviolent conflict management. Global Village is a gift store featuring crafts from cooperatives in Second and Third World countries. Members receive a 10% discount on most items. Global Village World Craft Shop has been accepted as a member of the Fair Trade Federation. For our part, we will buy imported crafts only from distributors who meet, or are striving to meet these important parameters: - pay a fair wage in the local context, - offer employees opportunities for advancement.

It's well worth your time to tour the The University of Montana Museum of Fine Arts

The Montana Repertory Theatre. The Rep is a professional, community oriented theatre company that brings live, artistically excellent, performances and educational opportunities to rural and urban areas throughout Montana and the nation.

Patrick Clark Photography -- Box 8461, Missoula, Montana 59807, (406)721-2130

Cyber Shock Cafe -- 821 S. Higgins Missoula MT. 59801 Phone: 406.721.6251

The Montana Transport Company (Mo-Trans) is a 12-member modern dance repertory company founded in 1993 by Amy Ragsdale and Karen Kaufmann, dance faculty at The University of Montana.

Up for a movie? The Crystal Theatre -- just a couple blocks away is always a real treat. The Crystal Theatre opened on May Day, 1972 as a retro movie house showing the old classics of Hollywood. By the early 1980's, it became apparent that a more diverse approach was needed and thus the age of the "Art House" was born in Missoula, Montana. The best first-run foreign films and American independents became the staple as the old classics were by now on cable channels almost nightly.

While you're here, you gotta check out Rockin' Rudy's is Montana's largest independent record store, with the widest selection of music titles available in the Northwest. In addition, Rockin' Rudy's features a dazzling array of cards, t-shirts, gifts, jewelry, incense, candles, posters, lava lamps, and general miscellany.

For all the news that frint to pit, or whatever, your best source is the Missoula Independent . The Independent, just a block south of us is guaranteed to provide you with an alternative source of print news.

Well, okay... for those you of who aren't interested in alternative news, the Missoulian, a few blocks to the east, also does some news.

Not (Yet) Online, but in the Neighborhood

Orange Street Food Farm (OSFF)
701 S. Orange St. -- phone # (406)543-3188
OSFF has a great produce and meat selection. But much of the reason that the OSFF is near and dear to those who live in the neighborhood is the undisputed fact that it has the LOWEST BEER PRICES IN TOWN.

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