--the Missoula_duo
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The "Scene" -- Views of Missoula, the Valley, & the State

Looking north across the valley towards the Mission Mountains

Looking across the valley towards the Rattlesnake wilderness area -- the old Greenough mansion in the foreground.

The Historic Wilma Theater

A neighborhood in the University district

A Bitterroot (Lewisia rediviva Pursh) in bloom

The original Higgins Avenue Bridge

The river front walkway (two blocks from our apartment)

The Clark Fork as it flows through Missoula

The western entrance to Hell Gate Canyon

The Old Milwaukee Depot

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The Wolf Den: Home of the MT Lone Wolf
The Funny Pages
The Clark Fork Manner: Home of the Missoula_Duo
The Missoula_Duo's Halloween Page
Montana History Discussion List
Neander97 / Historical Trivia

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