--the Missoula_duo
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The Real Lord of the Manner

Six the Cat

Prone and not terribly amused by anything that doesn't have a direct relation with his food bowl is as succinct a discription of Six as one can do.

Though I can't imagine him not being around now, he was at the start an unwanted child, so to speak. Foisted off on me by a friend while I was living in San Diego. Six was a stray kitten that she saved from some kids that were abusing him. I'd had him for a couple of weeks with out giving him a name, still not really sure that I really wanted to keep him. Another friend, who had an anal retentive need for a perfectly ordered universe, asked if I was ever going to name him. I mumbled some thing about not having come up with anything that I though appropriate and he asked if I'd ever had cats befor, and if so, how many. "Well, yes, I've had cats before, four.. five so far in my life.", I answered. "So... call him 'SIX'". And that was how he got his name.

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