This page aims to provide you with a complete Ido Grammar Reference which is quick and easy to use. It includes lists of verb endings and of the affixes which are so important in Ido.
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The verb endings in Ido are:
-ar present infinitive, -ir past infinitive, -or future infinitive
-as present tense, -is past tense, -os future tense
-us conditional present tense
-ez imperative
-ab- suffix used in conjunction with past, future and conditional endings to form perfect tenses (eg. had gone, will have gone, would have gone). In 1947 it was decided that -ab- may also be used with the present to form a perfect tense: me vidabas - I have seen.
-ant- present active participle: eg. seeing
-int- past active participle: eg. having seen
-ont- future active participle: eg. going to see
-at- present passive participle: eg. being seen
-it- past passive participle: eg. having been seen
-ot- future active participle: eg. going to be seen
The participles are most commonly found with the adjective ending -a, but also sometimes with -e (adverb) or -o/-i (noun).
The endings indicating parts of speech are:
-o singular noun
-i plural noun
-a adjective
-e adverb
in addition to the verb endings above.
These are the four methods of direct derivation in Ido:
Verb to noun: By replacing the -ar of an infinitive with -o, we form the noun meaning the simple action or state implied by the verb: brosar - to brush, broso - a brushing. The continuous or frequent action is indicated by -ad-: brosado - brushing.
Adjective to noun: By replacing the -a of an adjective with -o, we form the person or thing having that property: bona - good, bono - good one, good man.
Noun to adjective: By replacing the -o of a noun with -a, we describe something as made of the substance indicated by the noun: oro - gold, ora - made of gold.
Adjective to adverb: By replacing the -a of an adjective with an -e, we describe something as happening in the manner indicated by the adjective: bela - beautiful, bele - beautifully.
The following table gives the personal pronouns in Ido and their corresponding possessive adjectives.
me | I, me | mea | my, mine | vu (tu) | you (singular) | vua (tua) | your, yours (sing.) | il(u) | he, him | ilua | his | el(u) | she, her | elua | her, hers | ol(u) | it | olua | its | lu | he or she/him or her | lua | his or her(s) | ni | we, us | nia | our, ours | vi | you (plural) | via | your, yours (pl.) | (i/e/o)li | they, them | (i/e/o)lia | their, theirs | su | him/her/it/one(self), them(selves) | sua | his/her/its/their (own) | on(u) | one, "you", people | onua | one's, "your(s)", etc. |
Note: ili, eli, oli etc. may be used to indicate male, female and neuter respectively, when the sense requires it.
These are placed before a word (often with a hyphen) in order to change its meaning.
arki- pre-eminence: arki-episkopo archbishop
bo- related by marriage: bo-patro father-in-law
centi- hundredth part, centi-: centi-litro centilitre
des- contrary: des-facila difficult
dis- separation: dis-sendar to distribute
equi- equality, equi-: equi-distanta equidistant
ex- former: ex-oficiro ex-officer
ge- both sexes together: ge-frati brother(s) and sister(s)
(note: in 1929 genitori replaced ge-patri for "parents".)
hiper- over-, excessively, hyper-: hiper-agiva hyperactive
hipo- under, insufficiently, hypo-: hipo-pela hypodermic
ho- "in which one is living": ho-die today
mi- half: mi-horo a half-hour
mis- wrongly: mis-komprenar to misunderstand
ne- negation: ne-utila useless
par- completely: par-lektar to read through
para- warding off: para-suno parasol
poli- many (more than one), poly-: poli-silaba having more
than one syllable, polysyllabic
pre- before: pre-dicar to predict
prim- primitive: prim-avi forefathers
retro- back: retro-venar to return, come back
ri- again: ri-dicar to say again
sen- without: sen-viva lifeless
These are placed at the end of a word, but before the grammatical ending, in order to change its meaning. Hyphens are not used.
-ach- pejorative, giving an unfavourable meaning: populacho populace
-ad- frequency, repetition: dansado dancing
-aj- material substance: manjajo food; act, process etc.:
amikalajo act of friendship; that which: rezultajo something
which results, a result
-al- relating to: nacionala national
-an- member of: senatano senator
-ar- collection: homaro mankind
-ari- receiver: legacario legatee
-atr- like: sponjatra spongy
-e- coloured: rozea rose-coloured
-ebl- possibility: videbla visible
-ed- quantity held by: manuedo handful
-eg- largeness: pluvego downpour
-em- inclined to: laborema industrious
-end- something to be done: solvenda which must be solved
-er- amateur: fotografero (amateur) photographer
-eri- establishment: distilierio distillery
-es- to be: amesar to be loved
-esk- to begin to: dormeskar to fall asleep
-estr- head, chief: urbestro mayor
-et- smallness: rivereto stream
-ey- place for: kavaleyo stable
-i- domain: komtio parish
-id- offspring: Izraelido Israelite
-ier- holder: sigariero cigar-holder
-if- to produce: florifar to bloom
-ig- to cause to be or do: beligar to beautify
-ik- sick: alkoholiko an alcoholic
-il- tool: brosilo a brush
-in- feminine: fratino sister
-ind- worthy of: aminda lovable
-ism- system, doctrine: socialismo socialism
-ist- professional, adherent: artisto artist
-iv- that can: instruktiva instructive
-ivor- indicates what something eats: karnivora meat-eating,
-iz- to supply or cover with: armizar to arm
-oid- having the form of, -oid: cirkloida in the form of a
-oz- full of: poroza porous
-ul- masculine: katulo tom-cat
-um- all-purpose suffix with indeterminate meaning: foliumar
to flick through, leaf through (a book etc.)
-ur- result of action: pikturo picture
-yun- young of: bovyuno calf
-uy- container: inkuyo inkpot
These are only used with numbers.
-esm- ordinals: unesma first
-im- fraction: duimo a half
-op- distributive: quarope four at a time
-opl- mutiplying: triopla triple
The following table gives the "correlatives" that exist in Ido. It should be read first along the top, then down the left, eg. what place=where=ube.
PERSON | qua/i | (i)ta/i | ulu/i | irgu/i | nulu/i | omnu/i |
THING | quo/i | (i)to/i | ulo/i | irgo/i | nulo/i | omno/i |
PLACE | ube | ibe | ulaloke | irgaloke | nulaloke | omnaloke |
TIME | kande | lore | ulatempe | irgatempe | nulatempe | sempre |
WAY | quale | tale | ule | irge | nule | omne |
QUANTITY | quanto | tanto | ulaquanto | irgaquanto | nulaquanto | omnaquanto |
Please note:
Adjectives and adverbs are compared in Ido by means of the words plu = more, maxim = most, min = less, minim = least.
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James Chandler 1997.