Please read also: Vishelp I , Vishelp II
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From: thomas d.
Subject: [FranzBardonMagi] Visualisation ?
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 22:40:16 -0000
Hi All,
just had a quick browse through all the messages. Like nearly everyone else
I've just started practising (9 months or so) and I am having serious difficulties
with step 2 - visualisation. No matter how long or how often I stare at an
object, I only see the inverse colours. I can see some white/u.v. cols as
they are some of the time, but in general thats it. The other senses require
imagination facility, but visualisation is different I think it requires seeing
with the mind's eye - not just imagining a picture in ones head. I've tried
the methods on the "Franz Bardon Research" page and lots of other stuff, but
to no real success. I don't know if there is anyone out there who has properly
completed step 2, everybody seems to be discussing emptiness of mind and food,
but if there is, and they experienced such similar difficlties along the way,
some help would be greatly appreciated
All the best, Thomas.
From: emc
Subject: [FranzBardonMagi] Re: Visualisation ?
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 23:07:31
>I am having serious difficulties with step 2 - visualisation.
>No matter how long or how often I stare at an object, I only see the inverse.
Hi Thomas,
Most suggestions I've seen to enhance this capability are fairly,
uhm, stark.
The following site has a synopsis of a technique called "image streaming",
an excellent way to increase the vividness of mental imagery (in all modalities):
Image Streaming:
(Addition by Paul Allen: If the link does not work then you can find here a backup of this file: Image Streaming. I have also a backup of the other 2 files which link to the document. Just drop me a notice, if you want them.)
One thing that will make a dramatic difference is to try to note/modify as many visual "submodalities" as you can when you are image streaming. E.g. play with color/black and white, zoom in and out, see in 2d and 3d, figure/ground, perspective, bright/dim, etc. This taps into a stream already occuring; you may also want to use sound frequencies to assist in producing theta which is a very fertile plane of consciousness for improving mind's eye visualization. After you've done this a bit, imaging static objects will be a piece of cake. If you are a tactile or auditory person, you might start with your strongest modality and layer on visual submodalities too, e.g. as you feel the object in your hand, or hear the bell ringing, notice its shape, etc.
Anyway, just a different tact than what I have seen suggested, give it a whirl and see what you think :)
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