No blood for oil!

Nick Sbarounis Hellenic Transport Pages
Always under Construction!, till death us part...
And death did inevitably arrive, alas not for the web-masters, but for GEO-CITIES themselves, announced for October 26.
Regardless of condemning the management's despicable action to shut down free web-hosting facilities as sheer terrorism against free expression of the less wealthy, we have completed migration of almost all hosted data to our new domain , albeit still somewhat untidy.>
In view of GEO-CITIES closure, we are modifying these pages accordingly, in order to suit the situation better. Some "whistles and bells" are removed in order to facilitate navigation to the maximum and aid fellow web users with their own stuff as well.


After experimentation with various potential free webhosts, we found out that a comfortable and "elegant" optimum effort/performance solution (especially for large volumes of info stuff) is provided through the following combination:
1) Use this service , and
2) Transfer your geocities files through the aforementioned provider's file upload utility using ONLY the KONQUEROR WEB BROWSER. Copying each file's URL from the geocities file manager and paste it into the File Upload field of upload facility. This doesn't work with the other major browsers (IExplorer, Mozilla or Ice-weasel), so do yourself the favor of installing KONQUEROR. You will be spared the bandwidth and double effort of saving files locally and uploading each one of them for a second time.
CAUTION: If you have used up most of GEO-CITIES' allocated capacity, you will need to span this procedure over several days to cope with their ridiculous data transfer limits, which has been A PAIN IN THE ΑSS all these years.

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1. To view this page properly, use GreekHellenicencoding from your browser's settings!
2. Instead of e-mailing me personally, for discussion and updating about general interest railway topics use options of the Hellenic RR Fora

This page is maintained by Dipl.-Ing. Nick Sbarounis, a railway systems specialist working for a major Hellenic rapid transit business and his associates
This site is devoted to :
Hellenic and international Railroad info.

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Ελληνικάς καί διεθνεις
σιδηροδρομικάς πληροφορίας

This page is constantly updated. Please come back often and visit .


Τροχαιον υλικόν

Rolling Stock

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What's new?Hot news!
Θρίαμβος γιά τό τράμ!
Athener Strassenbahn wurde endlich gebaut!

Cold news-Athens Transport under snow - Athens new tramway under snow for the first timeCold news!

Dimitri Kutelides dies at 39
The shape of things to come
Rail Transit evolution in Attica!
Durchbruch fuer den SchienenPNV in Attika
Ραγδαία ανάπτυξις των Μέσων Σταθερας Τροχιας στήν Αττική.

Thessalian metre gauge closure and rebirth!
Pyrgos - Katakolon railway closed down on 28/10/98
Pyrgos - Katakolon Bahn am 28/10/98 stillgelegt

Jugoslav Railways during the war/JZ waehrend des Krieges/Οι Νοτιοσλαβικοί Σιδηρόδρομοι κατά τόν πόλεμον

Verband der Eisenbahnfreunde/Σύλλογος Φίλων Σιδηροδρόμου/Railway Enthusiast AssociationΣ.Φ.Σ.

Rolling stock available for preservation and Greek preservation activities>

Visit some Greek Railways and their facilities!

Επιλεγμένα links/Selected RR links/Eisenbahnlinks-Auswahl

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