Why Jesus isn't God:
First of all- Moshiach is and must be human [Hilchos Melachim 11:3-4]
Moshiach would not be divine Deutronomy 18:18 a prophet like Moses- Was Moses divine? No he was a man who was a liberator.
"And a right Prophet will the Lord your God give you, a Prophet from among you, of your brethren."
Who's your brethren thus he's but man amongst men. "...out of thee(MAN) shall come forth unto me a Judge to be Ruler in Israel,and this is the King Messiah."
Not only would Moshiach be but a man but also other verses
in scripture and tradition show another (being Michael) as the judge.
Someone was falaciously trying to make the icon divine:
Ephesians 3:9 In the KJV, the passage reads thus: "And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ" The word "mystery" is not in original texts. All the uncials, all the early fathers, and 99% of the miniscules read "administration" rather than "mystery." The only manuscripts to read "mystery" are the miniscule 31, and a handful of other very late manuscripts. Further, the last three words, "by Jesus Christ," are absent from all the earliest codices and papyri (P46, Aleph, A, B, C, D, F, G, P, 33, 1319, 1611,2127, etc.), most versions, and the earliest patristic quotations.

Jesus himself taught when he said 'the Father is greater than I am' (John 14:28).
He can't be G-d according to this verse John 8:42+:
... "came from G-d, neither came I of myself, but he that sent me."
(Coming from G-d yet not himself is specifically saying he isn't G-d.)
Scriptures state that Jesus has One who is his God, so how can he be God? Revelation 3:12
I JOHN 4:12 No one has seen God at any time. (that means they didn't see Jesus "AS" God either which means something is fiendishly wrong here)
"The Scripture calleth the name of the Messiah, because He is the Mediator through whom we shall get the righteousness of the Lord." (Proof Messiah is just a liaison between the Lord and his people and not the Lord himself, so he can't be God.)
"No one is good-except God alone." {Mark 10:18}
God can’t be tempted by Satan, so if Jesus is supposed to be God then why the story of Satan trying to tempt him and offer him things?
If the Hell is the farthest from God then God can’t descend there, so why did Jesus descend to Hell after death, as expressed in the Apostles Creed also Acts 2:27.
They say JESUS' last words on the cross (even though scripture says he was hung on a tree in acts 5:30 , and the church didn't use the symbol of death "the cross" until 300 AD.) "My God my God why hast thou forsaken me?" If he was God then was he talking to himself? Or better yet I thought he died for our sins but that doesn’t sound like, some sacrifice, willingly. Answer to why he would speak in such a manner can be found in Ezekiel.
Why Jesus Died:
He died because of our sins, not for them and because it was warned to all people who would stake claim to being the creator in this passage:
Ezekiel 28:9-10
Will you say before him that slays you, "I am G-d"? but you are a man, and no god, in the hand of him who slays you. You shall die the deaths of the uncircumcised, by the hand of Gentiles: for I have spoken it! Ironically, the crucifixion, stake, or hanging that followed was indeed, the "death of the uncircumcised", a punishment issued by Romans and typically reserved only for their enemies.
How can Jesus be "Suffering Servant of G0D", yet still be God? What about the GOSPEL OF THOMAS the Church tried to destroy. IT EMPHASIZES JESUS' SAYINGS, CASTING HIM AS A WISE MAN, BUT NOT THE SON OF GOD.
"...My Chosen One...will bring justice to the nations...will not falter or be discouraged until He establishes justice on earth..." (Isaiah 42:1-4). Where has he done this and how can one be chosen by God yet still be God?
If Jesus was part of God, why did he pray to G-d? Why would he talk about God in a second person tense, like when in the woods praying saying "God, if you can lidt this cup", or talking about the "Son of Man" in Luke 6:5?
Luke 22:69 "But from now on the Son of man shall be seated at the right hand of the power of God." (proof they are separate people or else you're saying God is beside himself?)
2Cor 4:4.. he's supposed to be in the “likeness of G-d”, but not G0D.
Rev 1:13 ... one (Jesus) like unto the son of man
Like: a person or thing that closely resembles another they say about true Christians are those who are in his outlook or activities resembles Jesus, thus Jesus is not the G-d nor son of man. Jesus' outlook or activities resemble him (son of man) by their own standards.
If "The Son" and "The Father" are the same, then why when faced with tough questions did Jesus say only his father knew those things like in Mark 13:32.
When Jesus said: "through me is the way to my father", then why is it wrong for me to go to God directly if they are supposedly one in the same?
Hebrews 3:1 "Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of a heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, [even] Jesus"; 3:2 who was faithful to him that appointed him....(If someone appointed him, then he isn’t God)
Hebrews 5:6, 5:10, & 6:20 say Jesus is after the Order of Melchizedek (another name for Archangel Michael),which means he can't be God or even in ranks with the angelic legion. People deny the meaning of this verse, deceptively making their twisted interpretations, but when you put it together with this other verse then you have undeniable proof, because God is not lesser then angels. (Heb 2:7,9) You made him a little lower than angels; with glory and honor you crowned him, and appointed him over the works of your hands. 9 but we behold Jesus, who has been made a little lower than angels,
Which leads us to this verse which seperate the God & Messiah as 2 different entities: Micah [3] “He will stand up and lead with the strength of HASHEM, with the majesty of the Name of HASHEM his G-d. They will settle [in peace], for at that time he will be great to the ends of the earth.” (The only one carrying the name of his God Hashem is another name for archangel Michael who is “at the throne of God.”) Another verse says The messiah will have God's Name in him, which means they are not the same and also fact is, Jesus did not fit, but Michael does have God's Name in him as his name means one who is as(or like)God. Furthermore, is the verse stating the names will be from the Bible, so Jesus who isn't in the Old Testament or Torah, can't be the Messiah.
If he was God, wouldn't he be smart enough to, take into consideration, peoples lack of communication and comprehension skills along with words being as good as the interpretation. Wouldn't God know that wrong interp. could destroy man, so since that was not in Jesus' Knowledge, that should show you he was just a man. otherwise this would have come with strict manuals on how to spread his Gospel.
If it was known since his birth that he was God then why does no-one, especially his followers, know what date he was born? Three wisemen not wise enough to keep records? The excuse from some is they couldn't, but they have moon cycles of that era in predated text that shows they did keep track of dates. Why is there no recording of the exact date he died and where? Why is his remains not found, wouldn’t you treat his remains as special and know where they lye? If man has built great pyramids and tombs why would they not bury him something special? Wouldn’t you have a diary on someone so special? If you have none of these, then how can you trust any record of anything pertaining to his existence, since those recording were done so far from the date of the events? Who’s kidding who?
"Claiming to be wise, they became fools..... because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever!" Rom. 1:22, 25
Unsderstand the obvious, think with the mind, not your tradition, pride, or emotions.

Now here's the Final Straw to send you reeling;
Why do people call him the Son?
King David was his First Begotten Son if one excludes Hosea 11:1 & Exodus 4:22-23 about Israel:
Psalms 2:7 The L-rd said to him: "You are My son; today I have begotten you."
Then more special sons:
I Chronicles 22;
9 Behold, a son shall be born to thee, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from all his enemies round about: for his name shall be Solomon, and I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in his days. 10 He shall build an house(MIKdaSH) for my name; and he shall be my son, and I [will be] his father and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel for ever. 11 Now, my son, the LORD be with thee; and prosper thou, and build the house of the LORD thy God, as he hath said of thee.

If one rejects these proofs then they reject their own bible and it's no longer a matter of opinion, it's a matter of fact, denial, and excuses.
Conclusion: If people made this myth or image of a man into being G-d then they thieved from both Moshiach and G-d with one persona thus creating the imposter Moshiach who would come first and be claimed as G-d.

Proof They Don't Even Worship God.
In a Christian Chat room a fellow named “Tinman” had said I hated God, but why, when I teach about YHWH. So I responded:
~Sunday School~: [MaleSpiritual]
Tinman figures you'd go there, but haven't you guessed I love God, but your God is not YHWH otherwise you'd accept my love of YHWH and not assume I hated God just by revealing unpopular truths.
From on Sun Jan 10 06:04:06 1999 Check to ignore them:

His response:
Sunday > OOOHHH now the shoes on the other foot! My God Is the great i am! the God that sent his Only son to die on the cross for my sins, the God Of ages, that allowed me to be filled with the holy spirit.
From on Sun Jan 10 06:07:48 1999 Check to ignore them:

*(Notice he said HIS God, admiting it’s another God.
Similar can be found in:
Mark 12:26 And as for the dead being raised, have you not read in the book of Moses, in the passage about the bush, how God said to him, 'I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'?
(There Jesus was talking in verse 24-26 he talks about how G-d said to him not saying ‘I said to him’ clearly a distinction that G-d is another person refering to him as another)
Now more proof & show of Christian intolerance and strange love)
Ok Sinday > If your not a christian why are you hear????
if your here to harrass, im sure YOUR god wouldnt like that would he????
From on Sun Jan 10 06:10:22 1999 Check to ignore them:

*(Notice he said My God, once again admiting YHWH is not His God. Somehow using bible scripture to straighten the mistakes or the BENT, is considered harrassing)

BUT There’s more by others, here’s a sample;
but i still feel strange worshipping God....it doesn't matter if i'm worshipping the "creature"
From on Mon Jun 22 11:16:00 1998 Check to ignore them:

Or this comment when someone came in named God and this response was cute but disturbing.
~GOD~, sorry, we only worship the LORD JESUS CHRIST
From on Fri Apr 17 15:32:59 1998 Check to ignore them:

Enough said?
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