Revelations Warned about the 2nd Beast Slaying those who didn't worship the 1ST
Those Who Where Not Christian, Were Slain

(This is only the slaying of The Jewish Faith they claim they came from, the Faith that brought them the Old Prophets and the morals, ethics, standards, and wisdom they claim came from Jesus.) This Page does not include other faiths who were victimslike Pagans or mislabeled and non existing Witches, Muslims, Nomads, Tribal, Indigenous Cultures etc.or Some of the Sadistic Torture Devices Used or even Other Vatican Holocausts
-Compiled info supplied by -JewishCo- gathered from various sources-with my additions)

388 C.E. -- First synagogue burned by the Bishop of Kallinikon.
4th Century -- Synagogues burned by Christians. Thousands of Jews slain.
5th Century -- Bishop Innocentius of Dertona (Italy) destroys Synagogues.
694 C.E. --Through the Council of Toledo- Jews enslaved. Jews lose rights and property. Jewish children forced to be baptized.
1010 C.E. -- Through The Bishop of Limoges- Jews who didn't convert to Christianity were killed.
1096 C.E. -- First Crusade. 12,000 Jews slaughtered through- out Europe.
1147 C.E. -- Second Crusade. Hundreds of French Jews innocently killed.
1189 C.E. -- Third Crusade. Jewish communities sacked, Jews banished altogether from Great Britain.
1234 C.E. -- Thirty Four German Jewish individuals slain in Fulda, Germany.
1257-67 -- English Jewish Community was exterminated.
1290 C.E. -- 12,000 Jews allegedly slaughtered in Poland and Bohemia.
1337 C.E. -- German Jew-killing craze reached 51 German towns.
1348 C.E. -- 2,000 French and Swiss Jews burned.
1349 C.E. -- In more than 350 European towns, Jews murdered. Most were burned alive.
1389 C.E. -- Three-hundred Jews killed in Prague.
1341 C.E. -- Archbishop leads 4,000 Jews to be killed and 25,000 to be sold as slaves.
1392 C.E. -- While Columbus journeyed to the new world, three-hundred thousand Jews were expelled from Spain.
1648 C.E. -- Chmielnitzki massacres in Poland. About 200,000 Jews were sadistically tortured to death by Pious Christians.

Rising anti semitism and religious seperatist pride ran rapid throughout Europe in the early 19th century-of course leading to the Holocaust. With over Six Million Jews and few more million Non Christians were tortured & murdered.
(*Note 6 million in the Third Reich were Catholic alone who participated in this system of pure evil, which means if the Vatican would have tried & stoped their own from participation, then there is no way the army could have functioned.
Conclusion; all excuses of the Vatican, on not being able to do a thing, are just more denial of responsibility.
Where were they before, during, and after in teaching about these things?
They perhaps fueled it, then displaced the blame, then claimed innocence.)
More Pictures Tell the Tale: The Vatican and Nazism in Germany and Croatia

They had made identification easy by the brightly colored "badges of shame" that all Jews above the age of ten had been forced to wear.
To see the Nature of the Beast at work then visit here to see
The Sadistic Torture Methods Used against those who refused the beast.

More Torture from another Vatican Holocaust
History of Anti Semitism

Larger Dated List of Major Incidents of Anti Semitism

Changing the Future By Confronting the Past
  • INSP was one Christian broadcast channel acknowledging this particular call to confession repudiating antisemitism to confront the past in proper form of Teshuva The Repentance Initiative

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