Rajastany History

Table of Contents

The Brahman Samudra Gupta is said to have burned the magnificent city of Ujjain in 388 AD [EB Scyth].

Golden Age : Hindustani Califate of Delhi

Rajastan prospered immensely under Califal rule; inter-state wars ended, free trade with other parts of the world could develop during the long era of Pax Indo-Islamca. Rajastani mining contributed greatly to unseen wealth and prosperity.

Large-scale zinc production started in Rajastan in the 13th century AD and lasted till the mid 18th century AD [ Desh ]. Small-scale mines are found that date to the 4-5th centuries BC but these are very small.

Maratha Invasions & Occupation of Rajastan

The first Maratha invasion of Rajastan occurred in 1736 AD [ Met 351 ]. Strife and strife and spoilation ocurred till the treaty of 1817 AD.

" Wherever the Maratha encamped, annihilation was ensured; it was a habit; and 24 hours sufficed to gice to the most flourishing spot the aspect of a desert. The march of destruction was alwaus to be traced for days afterwards by burning villages and destroyed cultivation "
-- [ Metcalfe 374 ]
Bappoo Sindhia arrived in 1867 AD with the title of Soobadar, and encapmped in the valley. Bappoo Sindhia
" ... rendered Mewar a desert, carrying her chiefs, her merchants, her farmers into captivity and fetters in the dungeons of Ajmeer, where many died for want of ransom, and others languished till the treaty with teh British in 1817 AD which set them free."
-- [ Metcalfe 375 ]
" In a very few years Mewar lost half her population; her lands lay waste, her mines unworked; and her looms, which formerly supplied all around, forsaken. "
-- [ Metcalfe 355 ]

Appendix I - Origins of the Rajput, or Indo-Scythian, Races

Different races, generically referred to as Indo-Scyths (Sans."Sakas", Chin."Yueh-Chih", Hind."Rajput"), entered India from 4C BC - 4C Ad, establishing great empires after Greek, Iranian and Central Asian models. Their descendants are today known as the Rajputs.


The Rajanya period of Indian History Rajasttani period Rajput { Kushan rule over East India: + abundant use of Puri-Kushana coins in Kalinga not issued bny local minor dynasties but by administrators + The Gargisamhita section of the Yuga Purana preserves the reminiscence of a Saka, ie. Kushan, excpedition to Kalinga + The lower story of the Ranigumpha cave contains a few life-size figures of Dvarapala resembling Kushan soldiers with spears + a few Naga images discovered at BBSR show distinct affinity with the Kushan school of sculpture. + Lama Taranath and Asvaghosa (the Chinese biogragpher) record that Kanishka attacked Pataliputra to get hold of the Buddhist scholar Asvaghosa. + According to Kumaralata's Kalpanamanditika, Kia-nich'a (Kanishka) took possession of Tung-Tien-Chu (East India) and established peace in the country. + Kushana coins found (incl. Au, Ag, Cu) at Azamgarh, Belurdaga (Ranchi), Champaran, Bara (Muzaffarpur), Tamluk (Midnapur), Bogra, Sahet, Mahet, Sridhari, Kumrahar, Buer and also in Orissa : Jaugada (Ganjam), Bhanjakia (Khiching), Kayema Hill (Cuttack), Rakha Hills (Singhbhum), Manikapatna (Puri) These all imply east india under Kushan rule } -- ` Comprehensive History and Culture of Orissa ' ed. P.K.Mishra, Kaveri Books New Delhi 110002 Vol I Pt 1 #7 `Kharavela and His Times'- C.R.Mishra p.108-131; p.124-6 { The Mayura/Moriya/Maurya family ruled at Chitorgarh (Chitrakuta) and another chief, during the disturbances following the Arab invasion 728-38, displaced them, whereupon they fled to other parts of India. - p.279 } -- `The Mandala Kingdoms' - J.Mahapatra p.244-296 CHCO Vol. I Part 1