Seven Spanish Angels

Music: "Seven Spanish Angels"

We've never had to look far to find our angels. Angels have never really been out of reach. We can always discover angels from the inside-out, because it is the angel inside us who can point the way to all our other angels".Angels are bright lights in the midst of our lives.

Hi! I'm FunnyBuny.

"Angel of Capricorn" by: Jonathon E. Bowser

Sometimes our light goes out,
but it is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being;
each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light
We are not put on this earth to see through one another,
but to see one another through
Let the world know you as you are,
not as you think you should be
Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play,
and to look at the stars

"The Pastoral Symphony" by: Jonathon E. Bowser

Kindness is a language the deaf can hear and the blind can see......

The most bitter feelings can be sweetened by the mention of them in prayer.....

Nature has perfections, in order to show that she is the image of God; and defects to show that she is only his image.

"Goddess of the Tides" by: Jonathon E. Bowser

Close to my heart I fold each lovely thing...
The sweet day yields; and not disconsolate....
With calm impatience of the woods, I wait....
For leaf and blossom, when God gives us spring.
John Greensleaf Whittier

"Dances with Red" by: Jonathon E. Bowser

All those who love Nature she loves in return,
and will richly reward,
not perhaps with the good things as they are commonly called,
but with the best things, of this world---
not with money and titles, horses and carriages,
but with bright and happy thoughts, contentment and peace of mind.
John Lubbock

The innocent moon, that nothing does but shine, Moves all the labouring surges of the world.
Frances Thompson

I must confess to a feeling of profound humility in the presence of a universe which transcends us at almost every point.
I feel like a child who while playing by the seashore has found a few bright colored shells and a few pebbles, while the whole vast ocean of truth stretches out almost untouched and unruffled before my eager fingers.
Isaac Newton

"Women in Navarre" by: Jonathon E. Bowser

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.
The winds will blow their own freshness into you,
and the storms their energy,
while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.
John Muir

If you wish your children to think deep thoughts,
to know the holiest emotions,
take them to the woods and hills,
and give them the freedom of the meadows;
the hills purify those who walk on them.
Richard Jefferies

"The Waiting" by: Jonathon E. Bowser

Thank you Jonathon for your wonderful artwork

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Awsumbuny's Crystal Lights

Funnybuny, Awsumbuny, and Dangelbuny all have site links listed there. Please visit them soon.

Jonathan Art
The Goddess Art of Jonathon Earl Bowser - Mythic Naturalist Painter

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More of my pages
Funnybuny's Home Page Be Good To Yourself Awsumbuny's Crystal Lights
Seven Spanish Angels He Walks Beside Us Harbour Lights
Closer Walk With Thee The Pearls Mirror...Mirror...
Winged Spirits Happy Birthday Baby A Tribute to Life
Think Pink Funnybuny's Laugh In Awsumbuny's Heart
Wings of a Butterfly Runningbear Essence of Love
Fever Blessings Between the Dash
Go Beyond Baby Jesus It Takes a Child
Felt From The Heart Sunnyside Enchanted Moments
Special Love Time Awesome Angels
D'angelbuny's Page Diva Mecca Positively
Angels Dreaming Funnybuny's Angel Page Awsumbunys Home
Good Old Days Today I Will... Christmas Rose
God's Gifts Unopened Gifts Lost No More
The Warmth of Winter Water Into Wine The Warmth of Home
Romantic Day Difference in my Life Imagine

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