The Archive

I am the wearer of a thousand masks, albeit without a face

First of all I must duely note my EXTREME dislike of the online organisation known as "Yahoo." I Cannot stand it's purchase or merger with Geocities and If I must I will leave this site for some other hosting. I merely wish to voice my opinion on their style of running things and such matters.

Welcome, I am Daedaleus, caretaker of this humble abode.
It was simply an expansion to an organization known as the ILC.
Which has recently been dismantled.
Although this organization has fallen to the winds of time, This site will by no means fall as well.
This site is far from finishied, it has only begun.
So if you care to contribute, u can reach me using my email, availible below.
If you wish to join our entourage of writters and poets, by all means do.
Any comments or suggestions are welcome.
Thanks for gracing us with your presence, and enjoy.

After many lengthy period of extreme depression and several instances of suicidal tendancies I have returned for a time. I plan on once again adding to this site so please forgive me for my procrastanation and time away. I hope to add more to the Inner sanctom for those of you out there to aruge with me about as you all so heartedly do, I shall share with you some of my older works, so u might see the change in my style and who knows I may even re-work some of them and give them a new appeal. I am currently working on several new stories. As well as a new section for those Mind's-eye Theater Players out there who need charecters or storytellers who wish to implement a new npc for their plots. And as an added bonus I may even add a few of my senior pic's. I promise this much, As long as my good moods last I'll work on this site.
Thanx, Dae

Alright so here goes, I'm in a breif moment of lucidity therefore I am to disclose to all out there what I am to work on the next few days, emotional stabillity willing. Now then I'm still working on the section for npc's and pre-made charecters so hold on to your pants alright. Now I am currently posting within the next few days a new section as it was inevitable. A section for links and endorsements for other good sites or persons I deem worthy of my word of mouth. You wanna submit anything go right ahead my addy is below.

One more thing, I would appreciate it if u helped me tabulate up a survey. The question is simple: If no one belives in a god or worships him, does he exist. I do humbly request your aid in answering this question and please do include if u are religious or what religion if u will.

Ah yes, I have returned once again to add to the site, The results from the survey are in, I'll post them here soon I suppose, other than that please feel free to surf on through the links or wander about i'll be doing what i can to add a few new poems and some stories as well as re-vising some of these old ones. So enjoy...

As always, thanx all,

This page was last updated on Dec. 21st 1999

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NEW! A section of links to pages for curious people. See how curious you are!
Curiosities This shall remain in the event that the ILC might once again arise from the ashes.
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One issue in, more to come eventually.

The Hall of Heretics

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Here's A lil' Side Note: If Your Site pertains to anything related to our cause, we will promote you here for the small fee of your promotion of us.
Simply mail in a request including your url to the caretaker at the address below. Thanx.

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