Poems I like By Other Poets Visit The Poetic Insight Forum | About Me Favorite Links | Enjoy My Poetry| Hello, Thanks for taking the time to read my poetry. With time being so precious these days, I am truly appreciative of your visit. Any on these poem pages, can be sent to friends as a poetic e-card. You will find a link for this at the end of every poem. There are quite a few poems here, so please save this page in your favorites NOW, while you are thinking about it. I write on the full spectrum of life...from love to abuse...the good and the bad. Jesus receives the glory for this gift, I only take the responsibility of upholding a standard of righteousness in using it. I make no apologies for being who I am in Christ Jesus. He is the very breath that I take each minute. Therefore, I give Him the full credit. My ink has been in His presence and I pray that you feel Him all the way thru this poetry. Let me quickly add that (some christians will have a problem with me) I am not religious. I prefer relationship over religion because I despise the traditions of man. This reasoning releases me to write freely and "deep". If it pertains to life, I write on it...be it bad or good...pretty or ugly. Yet, you will find life, hope and inspiration and raw truth in each and every poetic work. It is my goal to reveal wisdom and insight thru the gift of poetry writing...to build and not destroy...to reveal the simple things of life that they might blow the mind of logic. Now Experience The Poetry!!!...CLICK HERE TO Read. |