


The Battle of Sempach. The Swiss defeated Austria in a battle during the Swiss War of Independence. The actual fighting in the Hundred Years War between England and France stops for another period. No Truce was signed at this time.

Blessed Hedwig of Poland at the age of twelve marries the grand Duke, Jagiello of Lithuania. This marriage marked the conversion of Lithuania to Catholicism.

Jagiello was Baptized and took the name King Wladyslaw.

Birth of John of Capestrano.

Birth of Fra Angelico. He was the most spiritual of the Renaissance artists.

Pope Urban VI extends the Feast of the Visitation to the whole Church.

Death of Pope Urban VI.



Boniface IX is elected Pope. He was Cardinal-Deacon of St. Giorgio under Pope Urban VI. His name was Cardinal Pietro Tomacelli, a compromise choice.



THE GREAT WESTERN SCHISM WAS NOT A SCHISM in the ordinary sense that people revolted from the pope. The Great Western Schism was a split in the Church because it was doubtful to many just who was the legitimate pope. This split caused frightful desolation in the Church. Each claimant excommunicated the other and his supporters. Two papal courts had to be maintained. The Popes felt powerless to insist on reform or to fight against the encroachments of the state. In short, the Great Western Schism was stark disaster.

When Urban VI died, a discredited old man, it was hoped that the schism would end. But since Clement VII at Avignon showed no inclination to abdicate, Urban's fourteen Cardinal's elected young Pietro Tomacelli, who took the name Boniface IX.

Boniface IX was a Neopolitan of poor but noble birth. As a young man he had been made Cardinal by Urban and now at thirty-three he assumed the headship of the Church at a critical time. His reputation was that of a clever and aimiable diplomat rather than that of a scholar. Aimiable he proved to be. By his winning charm he did much to repair the damage Urban's bitter harshness had caused. But he did not succeed in ending the schism.

Clement excommunicated Boniface and Boniface returned the compliment. He did try to negotiate with Clement, but with no result. Hope flared high when in 1394 Clement VII died. The University of Paris, even the French King himself, urged the Avignon cardinals to hesitate before perpetu ating the dreadful schism. But not they! The Avignon cardinals hurriedly rushed through ar election and chose the Spaniard Pedro de Luna who took the name Benedict XIII.

Boniface felt the weakness of his position. H~ was compelled to tolerate state interference witlhis rights. He could not cope with abuses. Indeed in his pontificate abuses multiplied. Papal taxa· tion, already unpopular, was increased. To gair the money he so desperately needed for the expenses of the papal curia Boniface resorted te ciuestionable means. It was during this pontificate that money and indulgences began that close association which was a scandal to many. Yet Boniface did not want the money for himself.

In the political sphere Boniface won a victory over Clement VII when Ladislaus, his candidate for the throne of Naples, ousted Louis of Anjou, the favorite of the Avignon claimant. In general, however, there was a dreary and inconclusive seesaw. Benedict's position was even worse than that of Boniface, for the French, enraged at his stubbornness, withdrew their obedience from him for some years.

Boniface did what he could to help the Eastern Empire, now tottering under the blows of that powerful Ottoman, Bajazet. He also canonized the outspoken mystic, Brigit of Sweden.

In 1404 Benedict sent an embassy to Boniface, but nothing came of it; and shortly after, tormented by stones, Boniface IX died.

His excellency, Peter d’Arcis, Bishop of Troyes, France, an ailing and deeply troubled man, declared the Holy Shroud a hoax.

In a solemn procession, the priest holding the flasks containg the coagulated blood of St. Januarius, noticed that the contents began to liquify and bubble. Since this time the blood has repeated this phenomenon 18 times each year: on the Saturday before the first Sunday in May and eight days following; on the feast of St. Januarius, September 19, and during the octave, and on December 16. There have been times the blood has failed to liquify, each time coinciding with the outbreak of disease, famine, war, or political suppression. It is for this reason that Neapolitans rejoice at each liquefaction.

Anti-Pope Clement VII sent Geoffrey De Charny a letter permitting the continuance of the exposition of the Holy Shroud, with one catch, Geoffrey was to state the cloth was a Figure of Representation.

St. Bridgett of Sweden is Canonized a Saint.

Anti-Pope Clement VII excommunicated the rightful successor of Urban VI, Pope Boniface IX. The Pontiff promptly excommunicated the anti-Pope.

John Hus receives his Bachelor of Arts Degree at the University of Prague.

Death of anti-Pope Clement VII, he is succeeded by anti-Pope Benedict XIII.

Death of Blessed Dorthy of Montau, widow.

St. Vincent Ferrer was cited before the Holy Office of the Inquisition for preaching "Judas had done penance."

Sigismund, the son of Emperor Charles IV led an army of Crusaders against the Turks in many parts of Europe.

The Union of Kalmar. Sweden. Norway, and Denmark were United.

France withdrew from the obedience to Avignon in September of this year.

St. Vincent Ferrer receives an appartition of Christ with St. Dominic and St. Francis of Assisi and was miraculously cured of his life threatening illness. He was then sent to preach penance for sin and preparation for judgement.

Death of Blessed Hedwig, Queen of Poland. She was only 25 years old.

Henry IV of the House of Lancaster, is crowned King of England.

King Martin brings the Holy Grail to Saragossa. The Sacred Cup remained here until 1424.

In November anti-Pope Benedict XIII granted permission for St. Vincent Ferrer to begin his Apostolate furnished with the full powers of a legate, a latare Christi.


St. Vincent Ferrer

John Huss is ordained a priest.

Archbishop of Ravenna, Cosimo De' Migliorati is elevated to the Sacred College of Cardinals. He is the Future Pope, Innocent VII.

Bishop Angelo Corrario is elevated the Sacred College of Cardinals. He is the future Pope, Gregory XII.

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