Bringing Beauty Right to your Heart. To Give Your Day a Joyous Start!

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The Young Ones (Cliff Richard)

The young ones, darlin' we're the young ones

And the young ones shouldn't be afraid

To live love while the flame is strong

'Cause we may not be the young ones very long

Tomorrow why wait until tomorrow

'Cause tomorrow sometimes never comes

So love me, there's a song to be sung

And the next time is to sing it while we're young

Once in every lifetime comes a love like this

Oh, I need you, you need me

Oh, my darling, can't you see?

Young dreams should be dreamed together

And the young hearts shouldn't be afraid

And some day when the years have flown

Darlin' then we'll teach the young ones of our own.

Once in every lifetime comes a love like this

Oh, I need you, you need me

Oh, my darling, can't you see?

Young dreams should be dreamed together

And the young hearts shouldn't be afraid

And some day when the years have flown

Darlin' then we'll teach the young ones of our own.

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