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It is our pleasure to be Associated Members
of the Internet Amazon Book Store. In the last few years it has become one of the largest book stores in the world. The choices we give you in the area of contemporary art, visual arts, and modern art are certainly better than what is found in the largest of your local bookstores and our prices are also the most competitive around. By clicking on the title or titles that you'ld like to purchase, you will be connected directly to the ordering desk of Internet Amazon Books. They will take care of your order and we will be very happy that the time and energy we have put into this site has resulted in your coming together with a book or books that will give you even more pleasure. This is what a site should provide, education, information, and pleasure. Thank you for being our guests.

These are possible selections of contemporary books in the area of the changing art world as the year 2000 approaches:

'After Andy: Soho in the Eighties'~ Ships in 2-3 days
Paul Taylor, et al/Paperback/Published 1996
Our Price: $31.96~ You Save:$7.99 (20%)

After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of History
(A.W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts, 1995)~ Ships in 2-3 days
Arthur C. Danto/Hardcover/Published 1997
Our Price: $17.47~ You Save: $7.48 (30%)
Read more about this title...

An American in Paris: UN Americain a Paris ~ Ships in 2-3 days
Leroy Neiman/Hardcover/Published 1994
Our Price: $34.65~ You Save: $14.85 (30%)
Read more about this title...

The American Spirit: The Paintings of Mort Kunstler ~
Ships in 2-3 days
Mort Kunstler, et al / Hardcover/Published 1994
Our Price: $27.97~ You Save: $11.98 (30%)

Antony Gormley (Contemporary Artists)~Ships in 2-3 days
John Hutchinson, et al/Paperback/Published 1995
Our Price: $23.96~ You Save:$5.99 (20%)

Art After Modernism : Rethinking Representation (Documentary
Sources in Contemporary Art)~
Ships in 2-3 days
Brian Wallis, Marcia Tucker (Editor)/Paperback/Published 1994
Our Price: $22.99

Art Market Guide 1997: Contemporary American Art (Serial) ~
Ships in 2-3 days
Richard Polsky/Paperback/Published 1997
Our Price: $15.96~ You Save: $3.99 (20%)

Art of the Postmodern Era:From the Late 1960s to the Early 1990s
Irving Sandler/Hardcover/Published 1996
Our Price: $45.50~ You Save: $19.50 (30%)
Read more about this title...

Art on the Edge and Over : Searching for Art's Meaning in
Contemporary Society 1970s-1990s

Linda Weintraub, et al/Paperback/Published 1997
Our Price: $18.00 ~ You Save: $4.50 (20%)
Read more about this title...

Art Since 1960 (World of Art)~ Ships in 2-3 days
Michael Archer/Paperback/Published 1997
Our Price: $11.96~ You Save: $2.99 (20%)
Read more about this title...

Art Today ~ Ships in 2-3 days
Edward Lucie-Smith/Hardcover/Published 1995
Our Price: $48.96~ You Save: $20.99 (30%)

Artists/Hawaii ~ Ships in 2-3 days
Joan Clarke (Editor), et al/Hardcover/Published 1996
Our Price: $24.50~ You Save: $10.50 (30%)
Read more about this title...

Asia/America: Identities in Contemporary Asian American Art ~
Ships in 2-3 days
Margo MacHida, et al/Paperback/Published 1994
Our Price: $17.60~ You Save: $4.40 (20%)

Avant-Garde and After : Rethinking Art Now
Brandon Taylor/Paperback/Published 1996
Our Price: $21.75
Read more about this title...

Becoming a Successful Artist~Ships in 2-3 days
Lewis Lehrman/Paperback/Published 1996
Our Price: $19.99~ You Save: $5.00 (20%)
Read more about this title...

Benevolence and Blasphemy:The Memoirs of a Contemporary Art Collector
~Ships in 2-3 days
J. Robert, Jr. Orton/Paperback/Published 1995
Our Price: $11.16~ You Save: $2.79 (20%)
Read more about this title...

Between Modernism and Conceptual Art: A Critical Response
Robert C. Morgan/Paperback/Published 1996
Our Price: $28.00
Read more about this title...

Between the Utopias : New Russian Art During and After
Perestroika (1985-1993)
~Usually ships in 24 hours
Andrei Kovalev/Hardcover/Published 1996
Our Price: $27.97~You Save: $11.98 (30%)

Beyond Belief: Contemporary Art from East Central Europe ~
Ships in 2-3 days
Laura J. Hoptman/Paperback/Published 1995
Our Price: $19.96 ~ You Save: $4.99 (20%)

Beyond the Fantastic: Contemporary Art Criticism from Latin
~ Ships in 2-3 days
Gerardo Mosquera (Editor)/Paperback/Published 1996
Our Price: $20.00~ You Save: $5.00 (20%)
Read more about this title...

Beyond the Visible Terrain:The Art of Ed Mell~ Ships in 2-3 days
Donald J. Hagerty/Hardcover/Published 1996
Our Price: $31.50~ You Save: $13.50 (30%)
Read more about this title...

Beyond Tradition:Contemporary Indian Art and Its Evolution ~
Ships in 2-3 days
Jerry Jacka, Lois Essary Jacka/Paperback/Published 1991
Our Price: $16.00 ~ You Save: $4.00 (20%)
Read more about this title...

---Below is shown the cover of a book that has not lead a very charmed life. It came out in print last year and then the distributor, after doing joint-ventures with 1100 authors putting up several thousand dollars each, went into Chapter 11. After the publisher disappeared into the foothills of Scottsdale, Arizona, the book's fate was sealed. It went from the shelves of Waldenbooks and Barnes & Noble to but several hundred copies on the auction block. Since this makes it a very limited edition, it should be among the more expensive books available. For a limited time it can be purchased from the authors for $9.95 including shipping. (add $1.25 more for Canada) Place your order with: G. & G. Beimers, P.O. Box 2667 Port Aransas, TX 78373.

Click on this sad looking replica of our bookcover for a better picture, please!

---This young adult fiction was co-authored by Gertrude Hii Beimers, a Chinese from E. Malaysia who collected classical Chinese stories told by her mother and used them throughout a central story about a young Chinese girl with a unique problem. Mee-ing is her name. Mee-ing finds herself a daughter in a family that values sons, a girl in a culture that values boys, and young in a village that respects the old. Sentenced to the role of servant and caretaker, her imagination takes wings when she listens to her mother's stories.

---By day her widowed mother struggles against their poverty and the little family of three manage to survive in their jungle village. The mother the real dragon in the story, fills the children's minds with stories of ghosts, lost children, unhappy brides, and brave maidens. Then Mee-ing finds that she is to be sold as a "child-bride" to the village's butcher who has raised a rascal of a son and needs to provide him with a future wife. How will Mee-ing solve her problem? There is a way...

All families should own a copy of classical Chinese children's stories. If you would like to order this book from Amazon Books just type in the search box below and it will come up for you. They dropped our book from their catalog for lack of response I guess. You can write for a copy at:
G.& G. Beimers, P.O. Box 2667, Port Aransas, TX 78373 along with a $10 donation to foster a dying art form... classical Chinese children's stories.

Now you are ready to go into these selections a little further. Click here:


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