What is the latest in Quester's art career? His art seems to be moving toward another dimension of reality.


We enjoy bringing you this great selection of canvas pictures as part of the Quester Territory in today's world .. This is the eighth page of his numerous pictures.

What could be more delightful than to do a picture of the most loveable character in my world and find her in a bathing suit as well. I do love to do those lighthouses as well but not nearly as much as the one person in the whole world who makes my living on earth a heavenly experience. WOW!

I've been thinking more and more about horses lately. I remember one time I actually went to the southern part of France (1972) just to see the wild horses of a well-known marshlands there where galloping wild horses running through shallow water was a picture I wanted to take with my camera. It was along the Rhone River north of Marseille. Well, they weren't running for me at the time so now I have to paint what I wanted to see.

There was another time in 1969 I spent the summer in Russia doing about 10,000 miles of roaming around taking in Siberia, the Turkistan and Georgia area as well as Armenia and Ukraine. I didn't like what their government was up to with their nuclear missle program, but the country and the people were great to see. I was very impressed with some of their buildings and especially this colorful cathedral behind me in this picture.

I did it and finally finished the galloping horses of the French swamps near the southern port of Marseille west of the Rhone River. Never saw them the day I went there with a friend and all we could do was picnic and hope they would stumble upon us. They didn't.

Nothing like the handshake of John Wayne. Saw him once making a movie at Old Tucson back in the late 1950s and wondered what it would be like shaking hands with that powerful looking cowboy. Could anyone resist such an invitation if it were extended? I doubt it....

Between 1986 and 1996 my wife and I lived on our 39' sailboat named Jericho. You'll see the real one at the top of this page. However, I had always dreamed of sailing it over to the Mediterranean and this was the vision I used to have in my dream. The name of our craft was the Jericho, and we did sail it down from Canada to San Francisco and sailed the bay for 3 years, then on down to San Diego Bay for 3 more years. We finally ended up in the village of Port Aransas on Mustang Island of Texas. Wow! What a life-style, even though I was disappointed in not making it to the Atlantic and across to Europe. Europe does hold many great memories from my earlier visits.

There will be more art in the future. Don't be afraid to come back periodically and check out the newest in Quester's attempt to portray his world of reality and at times other realities.... I'm working on another galloping horse-scene presently.

I am so honored by your visit. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your attention to my humble art work. Hopefully I was a better high school teacher than I am now an artist, but I do love to remember some of the things I've seen and admired as worthy of doing as an art scene.

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