Updated 6-1-00
This Page is Sporkmarked-‘ 2000

Master Sporker's Ring of Sporks Homepage

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Welcome to my Ring of Sporks! To join you must have a webpage that has something to do with sporks and is appropriate for all audiences. Just fill out the form below!

Master Sporker, what's with all the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stuff on this ring?

Sporkitsu's origins are in a TMNT fan community so there are a lot of TMNT/sporks sites. Your page doesn't need TMNT content to be part of this ring, just sporks! Sporks! Sporks! Sporks!

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Spork dojo, spork casino - it's all in the mind!
-- Master Sporker

Sporkitsu and Master Sporker © 1997 by Roseangelo and Venus