Exorcism & Possession
Psychology / Philosophy / Religion / History / Sociology

Draconis Blackthorne's Shadowmantium


Exorcism and Possession by Draconis Blackthorne
Draconis Blackthorne

"...and the man was possessed by a demon..."
- "Antichrist" from "Nunsexmonkrock" / Nina Hagen


t is a foggy night. The mood in the air is eerie. Screams can be heard coming from a lonely house at the top of the hill. There are strange flashes of lights, & shadows drift by the windows. strange voices proceed from out of the mouth of a dishevelled girl. She shouts obsenities & blasphemy at a priest, who holds a crucifix above her head. He sprinkles holy water upon her, she winces in apparent pain, & suddenly, a greenish sludge projects violently from her mouth, splattering upon the priest in return. He is taken aback for a moment, but resumes his chants & prayers, determined to rid the girl of the demons which possess her...

Screams again. This time, echoing forth from out or a church in the midwest. A figure slumps down in the chair, gripping his shoulders, writhing in apparent torment. A few pews ahead of him, a sharp shriek cuts the cheaply perfumed air, & a woman dives to the floor, & flops around like a fish out of water. She foams at the mouth, & her eyes thrust up into her head. Immediately, the preacher comesforward, & lays his hands all over her. The man a few rows back is now himself covered in sweaty palms, & is besieged by babbling congregants...

The radio airwaves are "possessed" of an "exorcism" taking place over the telephone. A radio talk-show host asks the listener to allow his demons to come forth. Suddenly, gutteral noises emminate from the rather shy, introverted "victim". The talk-show host "commands" the demons to leave the body of this poor afflicted soul, but it refuses. When asked how the demon came into possession of his soul, it screams, "...through the Ouija board!!!" Finally, after a few more minutes of shouting & heightened ratings, the talk-show host commands the demon to leave again. Finally, there's a drawn-out scream, & all is quiet. The shy boy speaks quietly again, & the two reminisce about what just transpired. All that's missing is the cigarette...

What does all this mean? What is the explanation for these bizarre events? According to a xian, they would say that these people were possessed by evil spirits, or, demons, who enter the body through cracks in the soul, caused by "sinful" activities. The radio talk-show host, however, nobody with a modicum of intelligence really takes seriously, except country bumpkins & semi-retarded illiterates. For he is indeed, the equivalent to a Wally George type, or the commercial wrestling of the xian-cult underground.

Throughout Mideival, Reformation, & Reinnaissance periods, painters have created depictions of little impish black demons entering the mouth to infest the soul. It was also once believed, that to open one's mouth for too long was to invite demons into yourself.

It was also believed that Epilepsy, Tourette Syndrome, Hersuitism, Schizophrenia, exceptional intelligence, & several other conditions were a result of demonization. All, as obvious to the xian mindset, were the result of one's sins. And you would have to be a pretty damned-good sinner to invoke such affliction upon yourself! And if you were very young, then, well, it was the "sins of the father", or "ancestral sin" that caused these accursed maladies. And eventually, of no fault of their own, such individuals were scorched on the stake. And all because of xian stuporstition, which is ultimately, fear & ignorance. Their nature dictates to destroy that whih is different, & the Moldy Babble gave frustrated, miserable peasants the divine right to murder those who were not such as they, who were indeed, for the most part, superior to them. And the peasants resented it. Anyone that was different, & exceptional, has always been labelled as devilish, a witch, or "possessed".

Not much has changed in the xian attitude today. But instead of executions, thanks to "secular law", darklings & other people of alternative thought, have been ostracised by xian society. Thus, exposing the hypocrisy of their so-called "humanitarianism".

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines "possession" as: "1). Control or occupancy of property; 2). ownership; 3). something owned; 4). domination by something; 5). Self-Control." What is worth discussing is the latter two.

"Possession", as relating to the xian genre, means that someone becomes dominated by someone or something. In this case, "demons", as opposed to "Daemons". For "Daemons" derived from the Greek, meaning "genius", from whence the term "genie" of Middle-Eastern folklore, is also derived. "Devil" has several roots as well. From the gypsy term "divil", meaning "stranger", & from the Indian "devi", meaning, most appropriately, "god". And from the Greek "Diabolos", literally meaning, "flowing downwards".

All of these inspirational meanings, however, & most typically, are gleaned over by the xians, so as to attempt to confine SATAN, the adversary, in a uniquely "evil", or "wicked" persona, on whom they cast their blames upon for their own stupidities, irresponsibilities, & ineptitude. The scapegoat. If the devil takes all the blame, then He was doing the jesus bit long before the nazarene limped along! But the xians seem to actually NEED such polarization of definitions, without which, they would have to face reality in all its starkness {through their eyes}. That's too much for the weak, simple-minds of the sheep. Most of them would self-destruct sooner or later, &/or seek out other blindlight delusions.

The Satanic perception on "possession" means that of attaining material goods, wealth, lovers, & that of Self-Control. In other words, the Satanist is the possessor, NOT the possessee {unless it is an indulgence}. To be dominated against one's Will is supremely un-Satanic, & xian in twisted nature.

xians give themselves up to their rotting god, who thereby "possesses" them, or "endwells" them, as they would put it. It's the same idea. They become drones of another's volition. Independant thought is traded in, for a pre-programmed set of now irrelevant ideals, that someone else thought up; i.e., their pastors, who themselves are programmed by the {prophets} profiteers of olde. The "possession" phenomina is exclusive to the realms of the blinding whitelight. Strong, secure, self-realized individuals have nothing to worry about, unless they are merely pretending to be!

The scenarios at the beginning of this article are the result of suggestion, opportunism, mass-media, & hypnosis. It goes as follows:

A mentally unstable someone {either from narcotics, stress, or just plain stupidity - often, it is a combination of all three}, with a xian upbringing {or shall we say, digression}, in some way comes into contact with an occultic device, such as a Ouija board, Tarot Cards, or an occult book {like Necronomicon}, & latches onto it as a security crutch {like xians with the Mouldy Babble}, with insecurity stemming from peer-pressure, parental & scholastic pressure, &/or childhood trauma, & they seem to gain a newly found degree of respect & fear, in which they feel "empowered". These are the black sheep, which look differently from the rest of the flock, but are ultimately the same kind. This is evidenced when they experience a supernatural event from their dabbling, such as poltergeist activity {which came fromtheir own hormonal-adrenal ouput-projection}, or nightmares {as the xian fears are played back, like the programing they are}, & they flake-off in terror back to the blindlight, & back to the braying flock.

Or they continue on with their xian-oriented notions of good & evil, & always seek the destructive paths of total negativity. For their perception of Satan is a deity representing complete & irrational hatred, demanding worship & blood sacrifice. An anti-xian stance, unrelated to our traditions, which are based upon logic, reason, psychology, & psychodrama - NOT blind faith. Satan, representing the EGO, therefore, Ourselves, as our own Gods - a Jungian archetype representing the prideful rebel. Our lives are joyfully devoid & purified from any & all xian influence. Satanism bestows freedom of thought & action, with common sense, & to excel to our uttermost potential. Satanism as defined by a true Satanist.

When defining Satan xianically, the poor wretch continues to head on down the path to oblivion - either destroying themself, or others in the process.

Then one day, they meet an opportunist, like that radio talk-show host, who jumps on them like a fly on dung, siezes the opportunity to "exorcise" them, to eventual personal profit, & good PR. The wretch, already entrenched in the mythology, responds to the exorcist accordingly, recognizing himself as an inferior to the "powers of heaven". So they play the possession game, or, what has been erroniously referred to as "spiritual warfare", until the "casting out" is enacted. The whole game is a primitive therapy session, by today's psychological standards, which harms the psyche far more than helps, for the patient must still remain within the confines of the delusion - one delusion for another, & all the programming remains intact.

In the final analysis, those purported cases of "possession", the majority thereof, are psychological in nature, not "spiritual", in the common xian sense of the word. The evilution of psychology, on the other hand, has manifested many a therapeutic technique, far more effective than any "exorcism". Techniques that go straight to the source of the imbalance, correct it, & causes the beneficiary to cope with, & progress onward & upward with their lives, while preserving individuality & independance of thought & action. Ergo, wholeness.

In Nomine Satanas,
Draconis Blackthorne.
Antichrist 666

{c}Copyright Draconis Blackthorne XXXII Anno Satanas. All Rights Reserved.

An Analysis of the true 'Exorcist'
[ The true story ]

On the subject of exorcism, more chances out of not, it is a case of manifested sublimation pure and simple, and even the humanimal nature rising to the surface fighting for its primal survival, before being squashed and further suppressed by blindlight enslavers, which will inevitably eventually result in some sort of compulsion. An almost psycho-sexual interchange takes place between the so-called "victim" and the exorcist, in a basic sub/dom activity, using religious iconography and euphemistic terminology which builds to a climax in the "release".

For those interested, it should also be stated that the true account of the story actually took place with a boy, although it seems producers of the Exorcist film felt that it would grant more cinematic impact if the exorcee was a sweet little girl instead, as well as perhaps to avoid any possible litigation. Of course now we know that most Catholic priests prefer boys to girls.

My feeling is that the boy in question relished the attention granted him, and the attending priests worked out their suppressed libidos in this vicarious manner. As to all the supposed 'supernatural manifestations', these were all obviously exagerrated in the film, and there are practical explanations for each:

Projectile vomit: This is a natural occurrence when the body needs to be rid of certain impurities. Anyone who has ever attended a frat party will attest to this 'phenomina'. In this case, seems the boy merely consumed something disagreeable with his system, and took advantage of that opportunity to utilize it to dramatic ends. What is not mentioned in most accounts also, is that the boy at one point actually spontaneouly arose, stood on the bed, and urinated on the priests while laughing hysterically. He had a damned good time with this.

Levitation: Probably an exagerration regarding stiffening the body and lifting the torso up off the bed, supported soley upon the extremities.

Bed shaking: This can be done with voluntary convulsions upon a bed, whose springs magnify the effect. Speaking of springs, the instance wherein the boy sliced into the priest's arm with a piece, would obviously come from a section previously known to have been worn, and/or hidden beneath the mattress.

Words appearing on the skin: Can be easily accomplished by simply running a fingernail over skin, which will result in reddish welts arising in the form traced.

Speaking in foreign languages: I Am sure his parents did not monitor his every movement every minute of the day prior to this episode, so he easily could have absorbed the information at a local or school library, picking up clues and cues.

Supernatural strength: Adrenal influx into the developing muscle tissue, especially within a boy whose hormones are already saturating the body via pubescent development. As a side note, I Myself have been known to 'possess' an inordinate strength, much of which deals with momentum as well, but an even distribution of physical effort when needed can be applied with relatively small effort, for maximum results.

360º Head turn: I tend to believe that this was a complete fabrication, either by the producers of the film or the 'witnesses' at the original event.

{c}Copyright Draconis Blackthorne XL Anno Satanas. All Rights Reserved.

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