Wild Thing!
"Wild Thing!!", Puts you back in the early '70's, Why Not!, thinking of "Easy
Rider" and all the "Hells Angles" and their bikes, hair flowing in the wind
and shattering noise.... of course we have the same out here, we have instead thunderous
noise, bone rattling, dust before and after you, and all the joys of wild life. That's if
you ever go by bike or bus to any of the places of relaxation outside Bangalore. During a
visit to Balmari Falls two weeks back (mid Feb '98) , I decided to branch off from the
gang that I came with and go along the dusty path , carefully avoiding the hidden
"unavoidables" , looking for flora, I got a surprise, there was quite a
collection to be seen. We miss it when we are travelling in a vehicle, but the moment you
are on ground and looking around the hedges, there is a variety that you cannot find in
the City. Have fun, the leaves show you the dusty roads, and it was around 2.30 in the
afternoon, so the sun was quite up and around, I was in a hurry to get out of it's way
too!!, Cheers Ronnie
Bye for the Moment, See You Again. If you liked your trip, please let me
know, and any advice from a
"greenthumb" would be welcome, Cheers RONNIE
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Thought for the Day:
Holy Bible: Mark 13:24-25