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It's a beautiful warm spring day and a man and his wife are at the zoo. She's wearing a cute, loose-fitting, pink spring dress, sleeveless with straps. As they walk through the ape exhibit and pass in front of a very large gorilla, the gorilla goes ape. He jumps up on the bars, holding on with one hand and two feet, grunting and pounding his chest with the free hand.

He is obviously excited at the pretty lady in the colorful sheer dress. The husband, noticing the excitement, suggests that his wife tease the poor fellow. The husband suggests she pucker her lips, wiggle her bottom, and play along.

She does and that gorilla gets even more excited, making noises that would wake the dead. Then the husband suggests that she let one of her straps fall. She does and the poor worked-up gorilla is just about to tear the bars down.

Now try lifting your dress up your thighs. She obliges the request but is astonished when the gorilla grabs at his sexual parts and waves them at the couple.

"I wonder what would happen if you took your panties off as well," asked the fellow, becoming rather aroused at what was taking place.

By now the gorilla is making all kinds of signs with his hands and fingers. Then he beat on his chest and pointed to the man. A passing older lady sniggered and said to the man: "I can read sign language. The hairy one just said, `Get rid of that show-off bitch and come around to the door. Have something for you."


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