Actually you can send those new jokes to Quester® ©2000

Music is great with a joke added.

Is this one of the better sites for humor on the web or what?

WELCOME TO Quester's Territories: A Look Into The Humor Currently Floating Around Chat-rooms Along The Web.

This is just to offer a soft taste or glimpse into the world of laughing web surfers.

Now is a good time to go up and bookmark this site for you'll never get through all the jokes in one setting... I guarantee it will take you days to wade through this plethora of laughs and snickers!

Wade in and enjoy..... Hopefully you will end up smiling more than you are right now.

Links to other sites on the Web

Click here for Free Clues to your personality using Western astrology and Sun Signs.
Click here for an Oriental key to your animal sign using Asian astrology to see into your personality.
Click here for the gateway to Atlantis myth and the psychology and science used by these supposedly mythological people. There is also an excerpt for my book Gift From The Gods, a story with Atlantis implications.
Click here for a whole bunch of free offers and a yacht ride (well...maybe).
Click here for the information on overseas round-trip airline fares for 1/2 price or less.
Click here for a glimpse of Quester's personal art gallery. What direction are American artists going these days?
Click here for a glimpse of Quester's personal short stories and personal photo diary. What has the Quester been up to in the last 30 years or so?

Yes, dear departed mother, we support research in this area.

And speaking of books....... We were speaking of books weren't we??? So be patient with us and read on.

---Below is shown the cover of a book that has not lead a very charmed life.

It came out in print last year and then the distributor, after doing joint-ventures with 1100 authors putting up several thousand dollars each, went into Chapter 11. After the publisher disappeared into the foothills of Scottsdale, Arizona, the book's fate was sealed. It went from the shelves of Waldenbooks and Barnes & Noble to but several hundred copies on the auction block. Since this makes it a very limited edition, it should be among the more expensive books available. For a limited time it can be purchased from the authors for $9.95 including shipping. (add $1.25 more for Canada) Place your order with: G. & G. Beimers, P.O. Box 2667 Port Aransas, TX 78373.

Below you is evidence of what a scanner can do in the hands of an incompetent operator. Husbands try their best, but the addage "one gets what they pay for" is once again proven. When you click on the bigger picture, you will see a much better scanning job also done by him.

Click on this sad looking replica of our bookcover for a better picture, please! The one that will come up on the screen will show you the magnificent art work I talked about back on page 2. It was done by a young Chinese Hawaiin friend who has her own gallery in Honolulu. She has done murals for lobbies of the more expensive hotels in Hawaii and her talent shows. She also did a dozen page size illustrations within the book and they are in a league of their own. Her name is Noelani Block and she has done an excellent job as our illustrator.

---This young adult fiction was co-authored by Gertrude Hiong Hung Hii and George J. Beimers. Gertrude, a Chinese from E. Malaysia, collected classical Chinese stories told by her mother and used them throughout a central story. It features a young Chinese girl with a unique problem. Mee-ing is her name. Mee-ing finds herself a daughter in a family that values sons, a girl in a culture that values boys, and young in a village that respects the old. Sentenced to the role of servant and caretaker, her imagination takes wings when she listens to her mother's stories.

---By day her widowed mother struggles against their poverty and the little family of three manage to survive in their jungle village. The mother, the real dragon in the story, fills the children's minds with stories of ghosts, lost children, unhappy brides, and brave maidens. Then Mee-ing finds that she is to be sold as a "child-bride" to the village's butcher who has raised a rascal of a son and needs to provide him with a future wife. How will Mee-ing solve her problem? There is a way...

These are the authors. Yes, they are quite a combination.

We are Associated Members of Amazon Books meaning you can order from this site any book in print that you may want. Just put the title into the search below.Highlight Out Of The Mouth Of A Chinese Dragon, copy and paste it in the box and see what does with it.

Click on this Dharma The Cat cartoon and go to the cartoon site so you can bookmark it then hit your back button and come back here for more jokes. Don't resist and worry over bad karma.... just do it!

Click for cartoon 2.
Click for cartoon 3.
Click for cartoon 4.
Click for cartoon 5.
Click for cartoon 6.
Click for cartoon 7.
Click for cartoon 8.
Click for cartoon 9.
Click for cartoon 10.
Click for cartoon 11.
Click for cartoon 12.
Click for cartoon 13.
Click for cartoon 14.
Click for cartoon 15.
Click for cartoon 16.
Click for cartoon 17.
Click for cartoon 18.
Click for cartoon 19.
Click for cartoon 20.
Click for cartoon 21.
Click for cartoon 22.
Click for cartoon 24.
Click for cartoon 25.
Click for cartoon 26.

Click here to escape cartoons and go back to page 1.

Click here to find another page of jokes called page 17.

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