Midi Control

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My deepest wish
is for
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in the hearts and souls of mankind
throughout  the

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World's Love

Let us take the time,
the time to know each
other, and to cherish
the time we have.
Tomorrow may
never be ours again,
so let us take the time.
To share the love,
to offer unto others
how to love.
One thing I have found
is that love comes
from within the shell
of our bodies,
somewhere near the heart,
and never should we
be ashamed to bring
this out.
The time is now,
before it is gone
for good, for all,
man or woman,
young or old,
to learn to love
once again.
Lets love our
families, treat each
other with kindness
and this thing called
love will never ever
or forever leave
this world again.

Robert H. Green
Copyright © 1999

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teardrop.gif (1906 bytes)THE TEARDROP PROJECT

Children are small, weak, vulnerable and helpless.
They need oceans of guidance and love from the adults of the world.
The radiant light of innocence shines in their eyes.
PLEASE...Do not destroy their TRUST.



~Domestic Violence~
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American Bar Association Commission on Domestic Violence.
Men. Women. Children.  No one deserves abuse.




dove2but.gif (2282 bytes)The Disease of  Addiction
Drug and alcohol abuse is a leading factor in violence and abuse in our world today.

Unity. Service. Recovery.



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Depression:  Fight the darkness.



HOSPICEdove2but.gif (2283 bytes)
The elderly people of the world need our time and love and care.
We come into the world helpless and needy.
Sometimes, this is the way we leave this world...
reverting back to the days of childhood needs.


dove2but.gif (2283 bytes)Chronic Pain and Illness
Medical Information Network

The Encouragement Well
Some of  the most beautiful people I know are those who
because of adversity, have physically wasted away on the outside.....
but bloom with an inner strength and compassion
which grows from their daily struggles.

Bless you one and all. 



National Cancer Institutedove2but.gif (2283 bytes)
No one word causes more fear than the BIG C word.



babgs2.gif (4277 bytes)Child Adoption
You didn't grow under my heart...but in it.



dove2but.gif (2283 bytes)I detest tunnel vision in all areas of living.
I believe in tolerance and love towards all
religions, races and creeds.

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People are unreasonable, illogical and self centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building my be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack you if you help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have ANYWAY.

You see, in the final analysis,
it is between you and God;
it was never
  between you and them anyway. 

Mother Teresa




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You may ask what religion I practice?
I was brought up believing in the Christian faith and
continue to pray to a Higher Power who I call God.
But I truly believe that truth is found in all religions.
I try to walk and talk inside the simplicity of the




I love you brother, whoever you are
whether you worship in your church,
kneel in your temple, or pray in your mosque.
You and I are all children of one faith,
for the diverse paths of religion are fingers
of the loving hand of one Supreme Being.
A hand extended to all, offering completeness
of spirit to all, eager to receive all.
(Kahlil Gibran)



Pass it on. doveop.gif (1251 bytes)
Dove of Peace flies from site to site,
through as many countries as possible.
It does not belong to ANY belief system.
Please help it make a line around the globe with
A Prayer for Peace,
by taking it with you to your site or by giving it to someone for their site.



doveop.gif (1251 bytes)An eye for an eye...
leaves the whole world half blind.

Because I will need forgiveness tomorrow...I choose to forgive today.




Index/Guide 4 Lindy's World

Index: Lindy's World of Feelings                                       Memory of a Dear Son

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A special thank you to Robert H. Green
for allowing me to use his copyrighted poem.

Background by D's Fantasia Designs

Enter Lindy's World

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