Hidden Place

Each of us has a hidden place
Somewhere deep within ourselves;
A place where we go to get away,
To think things through, to be alone, to be ourselves.
This unique place,
where we confront our deepest feelings,
Becomes a storehouse of all our hopes,
All our needs, all our dreams,
And even our unspoken fears.
It encompasses the essence of who we are
and what we want to be.
But now and then, whether by chance or design,
Someone discovers a way into that place
we thought was ours alone.
And we allow that person to see, to feel and to share
All the reason, all the uncertainty
And all the emotion we've stored up there.
That person adds new perspective to our hidden realm,
Then quietly settles down in
his own corner of our special place,
Where a bit of himself will stay forever.

And we call that person a friend.

Author Unknown


Meet a few of my real life friends!

Click on the small pictures to see larger size pics

Linda..Lindy..Jean  1998

Celebrating Linda's Birthday 2000!
Jean..Linda & me
True life friends for many years now!

2001  Page and Lindy!
Meet Page!
We met through the internet and are now real life friends!

Friend for 20 years now!
Me and Barbara B!

Barbara is a dynamite lady!  1993!
Barbara, Lindy and Janice!

Ted, JoAnn, John, Cheryl, Paul, Lindy, Laurie, & Dan!
Murder Mystery Party!


More pics...



Coming Soon!



Click here to see enlarged picture.
A long time friend, Janice
battled Lupus disease,
and in her fight taught me 
important lessons about the
"quality of living". 
I miss you.

Click here to see enlarged picture.
Jan's gold and emerald watch
wraps 'round my wrist,
ever reminding me of the precious
moments in time which we shared.
I miss you.

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Others come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts
And we are never, ever the same.



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Many more friends listed at these sites below!
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(Gifts from Lisa)            (Painting by Midge)

There are no strangers
only friends which we have yet to meet.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Enter Lindy's World
Page updated  March 200l
Counter added  March 2001