Midi Control

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Short Story Fiction by
Lindy Jo Jones

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Oh, how I love a good book.
It takes me out of self and into the realm of amazement and amusement.
I take on the persona of the main character and go to far away places
and feel dazzling emotions never before experienced!

As a little girl I took my flashlight to bed with me.
Pulling the bed covers over me to prevent light from escaping under my
bedroom door, I settled down to read until the wee morning hours.
Mom thought something was physically wrong with me,
as I was a difficult child to awaken each morning. *secret smile*
I loved going to school and excelled in English lit classes.
I had been told that I had a very creative imagination and a way with words.
I have attended writing classes and  belong to a writer's club

My love of reading, provided a strong desire to create “stories” of my own. Reading had been, until recently, the only interest in my life which required
stillness of body ,  until I purchased this computer for the purpose of enhancing my writing skills. The world wide web has opened up a whole new world of fascination, knowledge and a bit of humor too! Josephine (my computer) has pried me away from curling up in front of the fireplace at night to read the night away.
Josephine has stolen the smell of leather books and the feel of pages turning between my fingertips. However, she has provided me with unlimited sources of reference and has become an added tool in my quest to succeed as a writer.


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I invite you to read two of my short stories

dkbull1.jpg (457 bytes)BILLY BOB'S RAIDdkbull1.jpg (457 bytes)

dkbull1.jpg (457 bytes)THE RECOVERY ROOMdkbull1.jpg (457 bytes)

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My favorite literary links.

A comprehensive resource for refereces and exhibits.
Words and Language in a Humorous Vein Since 1995




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